I do the Ben Stiller site

I met someone at the coffeehouse today who claimed to know me.

HIM: “You do the websites, right buddy?”
ME: “Yes, I do.”
HIM: “Yeah, I heard about you. You do that funny site with the monkeys and clown-devil things.”
ME: “Nnnnnnoooooo. That doesn’t sound like anything I’ve done.”
HIM: “Don’t you that Ben Stiller site?”
ME: “Davezilla.”
HIM: “OK. I gotcha now. Yeah, you had the calendar. Didn’t they pay you, and now I bet you retire, huh?”
ME: “Well it wasn’t that much money.”
HIM: “I tell ya what. I can sell your calendar door to door, see. I’ll keep half, you keep half. That’s fair. Right?”
ME: “That’s very kind of you to offer that, but I’m afraid all the calendars are sold out.”
HIM: “Sold out? Why didn’t you call me sooner?”

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Show 22 Comments


  1. Man, why DOESN’T your site have any devil clowns on it? it’d give it at least… hilarity +10.

  2. Esther

    Dave, I damn near did a spit-take with my water.:lol:

    You’re too polite. You should have told him to sell his crazy somewhere else.

  3. That’s okay…I confused you with Dave Barry.:oops:

    But I am in my right mind now and say give us “Davezilla: Now with more monkeys and clown-devil things.” 🙂

  4. JFLY

    This isn’t the Ben Stiller site? 😳

  5. TinaMarie

    So, Dave. Why didn’t you call him sooner? He sounds like the perfect business partner. 🙄

  6. Spud

    more clown devil things please mr dave.

  7. CJ

    WHy didn’t you call me sooner? uh hello? is that you mother?

  8. Mission

    … buddy… Ben Stiller site. [heh]

    Crazy: You did some good work and let me make money off of that. OK?
    DZ: Ummm… no.

    [hehehehehehhe] 😆

  9. Can’t sleep… clown will eat me.

    Can’t sleep… clown will eat me.

    Can’t sleep… clown will eat me.

  10. Kirk

    Two words: Dodge Ball

  11. Lace Valentine

    Ben Stiller is a monkey when he’s not being a clown devil thing or no talented hack.

    But I thought Dave did that polka-dotted dancing dinosaur site with songs by Unicorn or T-rex.

    “Romany soup, I gotta get some rum
    Romany soup…”

    “Get it on, Bang a gong,
    get it on…”


  12. Woah, you do that Ben Stizzle thang? Dude, that is so folsom, I mean, Ben, he did that HEAT VISION and JACK — what is more cool than that? ‘scuse me, the want me to BACK to my digs. Chao, be cool.

  13. Esther

    Lace and Rust are scaring me.

  14. Spud

    They scare themselves most of the time as well.


  15. Lace Valentine

    Awww don’t be sore afraid Esther.
    You taint no dirty bird.

    Here’s a children’s book about
    a dancing dinosaur:


  16. Esther

    What a purty blue dino, and a dancing one at that! Very sweet, Lace.:kiss:

  17. Mister Bowie, that web site of yours is getting stranger every day…

  18. What Dave didn’t tell you is that I’m “HIM”. thanks Dave; you told me you wouldn’t post it.

  19. Good: you got recogized in public!

    Bad: it was by someone who should be on your Freakwatchers page.

    Ah well. Nothing is perfect.

  20. wantwit

    btw, did you add him to freakwatchers?

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