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Show 53 Comments


  1. Janet Horsley

    Isn’t that one of the signs of the apocalypse?

  2. Duker

    Aahhhh, memories!! I remember once we had figured out all the mysteries of the universe and it had something to do with the fire hydrant we were standing around…..Can’t grasp those answers now, time for another trip I guess!

    Use to have pants just like the prom dress, but they threw me in jail!! 😆

  3. Spud

    Ah, LSD, truly the beginning of something wonderful.


  4. I would like the sign better if only the “ALE” was lit up. I could go for a Guinness about now…

    And that dress isn’t as scary as the woman wearing it…I think it’s a wedding gown for pregnant crackwhores, though. :puke:

  5. starhealer

    i have to say when i got pregnet befor prom i had the decence to stay home insted of cutting up my gown to make it fit :limp: if only i hade stayed away from the lsd then i could have gone :dead:

  6. “The Beginning of Something Wonderful”

    Yes, but I don’t think I remember what it is, and damn it, there are so many REALLY COOL COLORS…what is this shit, man……. :oops:….a little TOO much there, huh!!!

  7. The maxi pad slippers are a great deal worse, even though they’d definitely be less noticeable if one was wearing that dress.

  8. ..and in response to the incident, the Hillsdale sheriff told the press, ‘..and the next time we host us a Grateful Dead concert, we’s gonna make sure than none o’ their smartass fans turns up with no air rifles.’

  9. Anna

    The one in the dress must live in this town.

  10. Marcus

    I have tried everything else but LSD; however, I used deal a little. I, also, babysat some of my customers. One incident comes to mind. I had just taken care of a customer and he told me he was alone. So, I said, refrigerator, music, nintendo, and bathroom 5 bucks. Suddenly, he wanted to go to 7-11. However, as we walked down the street, he shouted, “The parking meters are dancing.” I finally had to tell him that dancing parking meters don’t l like it when you talk about them.

    Perfectly fine sign as far as I am concerned.

    That looks like a dress for an Alien infected human. Looks like she is gonna blow. :puke:

  11. Becky

    Wow the colors man!……….LSD!……I need that to view that prom dress :puke:

  12. Becky

    LSD should be used before viewing that prom dress :puke:

  13. Becky

    I need LSD….. ❓

  14. Becky

    Thanks Dave……it did work…damm bulk mail folders :puke:

  15. Dave

    I used to live very close to this mall, looks like it might have gone down hill a bit since I left…

  16. mitch

    From personal experience I can tell you…a lot of wonderful shit happens when you take LSD. God’s personal crayon box opens up for you and the world becomes your fucking etch-a-sketch. Thanks for the memories, Dave.

  17. mikeB

    Lucy in the Sky with Davezilla

  18. Patrick

    [Comment ID #27088 will be quoted here] Aaah yes, I can remember it like it was just yesterday. January 1974, One straight driver, a car full of acid heads and a delightful little snowstorm. OOOH THE COLORS!

  19. Paul

    I know where I’d put the corsage.
    A new housing concept created by Tim Leary himself.

  20. I can also speak from personal experience and say that getting your Jnco’s pant leg caught in dad’s above-ground sprinkler screaming, “I’M CAUGHT IN A FOX TRAAAAAAAAAAAAP!!!” while he stares blankly at your writhing 15 year old body from the porch is a wonderful experience.


  21. Bjorn Freeh

    The one in the dress must have lost her paper clip that kept the front closed. Here’s hoping she kept her thong on… (ok, here’s hoping she has heavy-duty boxers on) ❓

  22. Ron

    Who ever got the girl wearing that butt ugly dress pregnant must have had done a couple of hits of acid.

  23. I still cringe every time I see that ‘dress’. :dead:

  24. Ron

    Q: If there was a country just for acid droppers, what colors would the flag be? A: Who cares, lets just watch the colors spread out over the sky. Oops, sorry folks, I was just having another flashback :wtf:

  25. Duke

    Someone had to be on LSD just to take a picture of that dress.

  26. Duke

    BTW, how to register or whatever you do to post a pic, is effectively eluding me. (help please?)

  27. Anita Mann-Badley

    I thought Felicity Huffman looked good in that dress at the Oscars (it looks just as nice on beer-guzzling red-necked cross-dressers). It’s the new little black dress!

  28. brainchallenged52

    Ok my brainchallenged mind is slipping…need help with my avatar. Please keep in mind that I’m computerchallenged as well as brainchallenged…so go S-L-O-W!!Is the hiLSDale any good?? Bet it can’t bet the brown acid at Woodstock :wtf:

  29. logan

    hey jfly are you an ozzy or a brit 😕

  30. [Comment ID #27157 will be quoted here]

    Click on the “login” link at the top right of this site. It will ask you to register. After you’re registered (takes abiout 30 seconds total), login and click on the “Your Avatar” tab. It will let you upload a pic or change your current one.

  31. MrDoug

    Please stay away from the Brown acid it is not particulary too good.

  32. Bjorn Freeh

    I think the dress makes her look like Ben Wallace in drag with a pot belly. On the good side, at least no one notices her butt.

  33. I’ve been to Hillsdale and there’s nothing wonderful about it. LSD, on the other hand…. 8)

  34. Steppenwolf

    From microdot to macrodot. Pretty much covers it all…well, at least I wish it did!

  35. brainchallenged52

    Ok…HELP!! My brain has been challenged enough! I can’t get my avatar to come up. Pleasehelp…but remember that I’m not only brainchallenged but also computer illterate. So go S-L-O-W when helping :wtf:

  36. brainchallenged52

    Wiat guess I can do it. So is hilLSDale anything like the brown acid at Woodstock??

  37. [Comment ID #27164 will be quoted here]

    I’m an “Unreal American” with good taste in beer 😛

  38. Duker

    Not into rodeo pop?! Where’s the patriotism? I’m calling Homeland Security!!

  39. [Comment ID #27154 will be quoted here]
    Don’t hate me, but I laugh every time. 😀

  40. [Comment ID #27237 will be quoted here]

    I drew that for her! 😀

  41. Marcus

    Well, I finally got an avatar. This is what I look like in the morning. I always tell my friends never call or come to my place in the morning because I will give you something very scary. 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿

  42. [Comment ID #27155 will be quoted here]

    Another answer for you: their flag would be white…why…the acid does the rest of the work…i mean, all acid is…er…is ingestible liquid crayon, but you don’t get to choose which colors you use and when.

  43. Spud

    [Comment ID #27238 will be quoted here]

    So, um, where’s mine?


    um, cowboy up spuddy?


  44. He drew it for me about 3 or 4 years ago. :kiss:

  45. [Comment ID #27238 will be quoted here]

    Your talent knows no bounds, my brutha. 😆

  46. Jim S

    My best trip ever was 20 drops of liquid from chicago called UFO. It was not only the cleanest lsd, but I tripped for just under 36 hours. It was an amazing weekend. 🙂

    That’s a very good set of memories indeed. 🙂

  47. loosey

    CHROOMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😈 😈 👿

  48. loosey

    LSD,Have you read “GO Ask Alice”?

  49. [Comment ID #27469 will be quoted here]

    Why thank you, Esther! :mrgreen:

  50. Master Solace

    [Comment ID #27477 will be quoted here]

    how much of it DO you really remember?

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