Mae West had a great line in her last movie…After walking down the front hall of her talent agency, lined with young studs on both sides, she turns to her assistant and says “I’m a little tired this afternoon…one of those boys will have to go”
And finally…“There ain’t enough whiskey in Texas” 😯
Dave, where do you get this stuff,thats pretty bent… Keep up the research its gonna be fine! 😯
so many emotions hit me all i could come up with, coherently, was AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ❗ ❗ ❗ ❗ as i bowed down to you Dave. i don’t whaich one it is, a case of “right place right time with the right equipment? or wrong place wrong time RIGHT equipment ❗ you are king, dude!
in an unrelated story: AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ❗ ❗ ❗
and in an even more unrelated story: Nice nails 🙄 who did ’em for you, girl?
And in entertainment news….Jeffree Star turns 80 today.
Oh dear, nanna has got the ‘leathers’ on…. again.
Chris S
***Sits down with morning coffee and opens home page, spies Dave’s RSS update, puts down coffee, poises mouse pointer over link, covers eyes with left hand, debates the pros and cons of clicking said link for several moments, clicks link anyway, slowly uncovers eyes, slowly opens one eye, notices new pho…***
***Immediately hears a familiar jingle in his head but tuned for the moment….***
The worst part of waking up, is barfing up in your cup…
38 responses to “Halloween Costume Suggestion #3”
I’m fine. I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
Amy Winehouse’s grandma
I don’t think I could pull off the wig part
Mae West had a great line in her last movie…After walking down the front hall of her talent agency, lined with young studs on both sides, she turns to her assistant and says “I’m a little tired this afternoon…one of those boys will have to go”
And finally…“There ain’t enough whiskey in Texas” 😯
[quote comment=”470200″]And finally…“There ain’t enough whiskey in Texas” 8O[/quote]
Fuck Texas, there just ain’t enough whiskey!
If you bastards stop drinking all the whiskey there might be enough for me.
Damn I didn’t know old people were on heroin.
OMG its Phillis Diller
I have seen my future and this is it. How did you get inside my head, Dave? 😯
so old instead of whipping a guy she has them whip themselves and change her diaper. Safe word is mashed bananana. 😯
I suddenly smell formaldehyde. 😈
mom? 🙄
Dave, where do you get this stuff,thats pretty bent… Keep up the research its gonna be fine! 😯
so many emotions hit me all i could come up with, coherently, was AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ❗ ❗ ❗ ❗ as i bowed down to you Dave. i don’t whaich one it is, a case of “right place right time with the right equipment? or wrong place wrong time RIGHT equipment ❗ you are king, dude!
in an unrelated story: AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ❗ ❗ ❗
and in an even more unrelated story: Nice nails 🙄 who did ’em for you, girl?
And in entertainment news….Jeffree Star turns 80 today.
Oh dear, nanna has got the ‘leathers’ on…. again.
***Sits down with morning coffee and opens home page, spies Dave’s RSS update, puts down coffee, poises mouse pointer over link, covers eyes with left hand, debates the pros and cons of clicking said link for several moments, clicks link anyway, slowly uncovers eyes, slowly opens one eye, notices new pho…***
***Immediately hears a familiar jingle in his head but tuned for the moment….***
The worst part of waking up, is barfing up in your cup…
…fade to black…
Jenny Craig Addict?
OMG RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN! It’s the old lady from “Tom Cats” !!!
My eyes! MY EYES!!! 😯
You all realise that there is no backside in those chaps! 😕
[quote comment=”470090″]Amy Winehouse’s grandma[/quote]
Grandma? Hell, that is Amy Winehouse.
Keith Richards in Halloween drag ??? ( Green Hurl !!! )
Anorexia tries out for the Pussycat Dolls
The Republican bid for the presidency hits another snag as photos of Sarah Palin’s mom surface.
This just in! That is actually Mccain!
[quote comment=”471717″][quote comment=”470090″]Amy Winehouse’s grandma[/quote]
Grandma? Hell, that is Amy Winehouse.[/quote]
In that case, congrats on making her look better.
It was later discovered that Betty’s doctor knew about the broken ‘off’ switch loooong before her liposuction…
Skeletor’s wet dream revealed! 😯
I’d do her. Actually, I think I have!
tony randall gets ready for jack klugman one more time.
i should not have said this.
[quote comment=”473061″]I’d do her. Actually, I think I have![/quote]
So…There IS enough shiskey…somewhere…
😯 *stabs self in the eye with a rusty nail*
Holly Geriatrics Batman… Catwoman has really let herself go.
You know that saying, “I wouldn’t screw her with your xxxx”.
She looks O-kay to me, and this percocet I’m doped up on is O-kay too………. Everthin’ iz Aye O-Kayyyyyyyyyyyyyy.