Halloween Costume Suggestion #2

Pedo Bear and Little Girl

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  1. Sammy

    Why is the guy dressed as a girl?

  2. julesOdeNile

    Goldie Locks in “the bear who shagged me” 😳 ❗ (i know, rather obvious but it’s early in the morning on this side of the Nile)

  3. Spud

    If that’s a guy Sammy, I think I’m batting for the other team!.

    As for the outfit, I think pink would be most becoming for you Dave, kinda surreal like, plus! bonus points for a larger lolly pop!

  4. Goldilocks looks “bearly” dressed and I think that’s what Smokey there likes! 😀

  5. zinta

    I think Leslie was less creepy than this one.

  6. And then Goldilocks found out that papa bear fit “just right”.

  7. Bigwavdave

    OK – So I’d do her…but only if the bear is watching…

  8. Patrick

    Re: Link of the Day- They’re gypsies and your grandparents got screwed on their driveway and roof repair job to pay for that cow’s wedding!

  9. Da Popster

    Haaaayyyyy Booboo !! You and me gonna have a pic-a-nik and blondie here is gonna be the main course!! Dammit Dave, where’s that HURL ICON !!!! 😯

  10. junkman

    given the color of the inside of the bear’s mouth i’d say he’s already tasted this honeypot ❗

  11. Keefer

    News just in…..
    Papa Bear divorces Mama Bear and shacks up with Goldie!

  12. Drusky

    Just goes to show you that bears just can’t resist a sticky honey hole… ❗

  13. junkman

    are the bottom lips of bears always made out of long turds?

  14. junkman

    is she pointing at her mouth to let us know where papa bear’s hot porridge went? 😐

  15. cbatdux

    Yogi gonna give his hoagie to Goldie.

  16. Drusky

    and you thought that bears only eat fish that swim upstream…

  17. P..rick

    “I don’t Know Pappa Bear, It’s just too hot ,too big, and too hard…” You know the porridge, the chair, and the bed. Oh you sick bastards, perverting such a wholesome story and degrading it to such a nasty level. I cant’t wait until they make it into a movie.

  18. gee, those pink bottoms are just about ready to hit the floor … !!

  19. Patrick

    Hey, getta load of that! An all day sucker– in the hands of an all night sucker! Don’t think she hasn’t played Hide the Salami a couple times.

  20. Bec

    [quote comment=”467864″]”I don’t Know Pappa Bear, It’s just too hot ,too big, and too hard…”

    You know the porridge, the chair, and the bed.

    Oh you sick bastards, perverting such a wholesome story and degrading it to such a nasty level. I cant’t wait until they make it into a movie.[/quote]
    They probably already have, check an X rated video shop! LOL

  21. Goldilocks and the Three Bear Orgy. 😯

  22. Don

    I betYogi felled her pot with honey

  23. cbatdux

    She’s bear-ly legal!!!!

  24. junkman

    [quote comment=”468306″]I betYogi felled her pot with honey[/quote]
    hee hee. i bet paul bunyan could fell her pot too. 😆

  25. Rufnkdnme

    I’d like to “beary” myself in that! 👿

  26. Bigwavdave

    This has become unbearable

    Sorry – That was em-bear-assing

  27. janeeto

    Link of the day: Bride’s mom’s name is Theresa. Mother Theresa. Read the caption. Ha ha ha! Right.
    Look at groom’s face; look at bride’s dad’s face. Hmmm. Looks like some in-breeding is about to happen!

  28. Mark

    Papa Bear to Goldilocks: “Do Blondes really have more fun ?”

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