This suit is taser proof, (for that wild night on the town) and snake-bite resistant….maybe. It’ll hold you together during those tough times and it beats being wraped up in red tape.
05 March, 2010,
wrap the head and eons later seinfeld zealots will be debating whether or not they’ve discovered the shroud of costanza.
05 March, 2010,
Pull my finger…
05 March, 2010,
I think it’s a skud missile.
06 March, 2010,
“I need to pee”
06 March, 2010,
All I have to say is “Does anyone have a can opener” as he looks for an escape route….. 🙄
06 March, 2010,
duct tape, gas stove? hindenburg? oh sorry not charades
It’s the new anti fat suit.
The Silver Bullet!
“Yeah, I’m still a virgin. How did you know?”
A grey Michelin Man
his ass is tied to the gas burner and he is slowly filling up DONT FART
have duct tape, will travel
look mom i made a space suit 😀
Curses! Foiled again! Although. It’s duct tape, not foil, so that joke doesn’t really work. :dead:
Oh great, NOW I have to pee.
And I thought the Duct Tape Wallet offered at THINKGEEK.COM was kewl.
I’ve been wondering where DUCT TAPE MAN was, I haven’t seen him since he got into that sticky situation.
Amusing duck tape?
Most people agreed that the first prototype of the Terminator T-1000 series should never have made it off the drawing board……
The one instance where ripping off a piece of tape quickly isn’t an option. :wtf:
I duct out for a while
If this has any correlation to why you wrap your hamster in electrical tape, I don’t want to know about it.
Body waxing by Red Green :wtf:
Before we snicker, just remember;
This suit is taser proof, (for that wild night on the town) and snake-bite resistant….maybe. It’ll hold you together during those tough times and it beats being wraped up in red tape.
wrap the head and eons later seinfeld zealots will be debating whether or not they’ve discovered the shroud of costanza.
Pull my finger…
I think it’s a skud missile.
“I need to pee”
All I have to say is “Does anyone have a can opener” as he looks for an escape route….. 🙄
duct tape, gas stove? hindenburg? oh sorry not charades
seinfelds out takes?
three things are true about this guy
1. he is single
2. his friends hate him
3. one of those friends is named jerry
‘heeeeelllloooo laaaadddies, no need for a condom when you can’t get it out anyway.’
jason alexander in his new role of spokesman for a new line of trojan condoms, ‘the heavylifter’… for those who cant KEEP it up, let trojan help…
duck tape fixes ‘almost’ everything
and remember george costanza says, ‘be safe, wrap it up’
You know how I know he is a virgin… If you can’t duct it F@ck it!
Anybody seen the gene pool cleaner ?
The Day the Earthenware Stood Still.
Low tech spanx… ’cause Mommys’ didn’t fit.
The Stay Buff Marshmallow man. Now in stay fresh packing!
This is what happens when you spend waaay to much time alone and bored. 😯