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43 responses to “Caption time #16”

  1. kismet Avatar

    Ahhhhh! It’s the sex line lady! :wtf: :dead:

  2. Esther Avatar

    “With her new outfit, and winning attitude, Tamyra was sure the bank teller job would be hers.””

  3. MrStitch Avatar

    “And this is me, BEFORE I entered the ‘Fat Farm for Anime Characters’”

  4. Vicus Scurra Avatar

    Does my nail varnish go with this?

  5. Chad Brandos Avatar

    Didn’t we already discuss the sexiness of trolls this week?

  6. Commando Stacy, Official Davezilla Bad Kitty Avatar

    Stacy’s first thoughts:

    “Oh my GAWD! I didn’t know Mimi from The Drew Carey Show had a sister! :kiss:

    And Dave, have you been hanging out at those silly Noir Leather fetish shows again? If so, tell Ali, Keith, and Jasmin I said hey … if they remember me. 😈

  7. Lou Zha Avatar
    Lou Zha

    “Does this bone throught my head make me look fat?”

  8. Ilsa Avatar

    Pitty the small fairy creatures that were forced to tighten that dear lady’s corset.
    “I said HEAVE! Not ho!”

  9. ReV.JeLLyBaBY Avatar

    ReV’s Top reasons why this girl would NEVER be on his TO DO list:

    It appears that one of her saggy ol’ titties has migrated to her left shoulder.

    Her leg somehow reminds me of an uncooked pork sausage.

    Her outfit makes her look like a cross between Bowie’s Ziggy Stardust and a photo negative of Oprah Winfrey.

    The guy behind her has turned away and he’s GINGER!

    Her hat looks like a futuristic sea turtle is shagging the back of her head.

    I have actually met this woman in a supermarket. She was ahead of me in the queue and I watched with interest as her shopping consisted of the following items:

    5 x single serving micro meals
    1 x 4 pint container of milk
    1 x toilet roll
    1 x jar of coffee

    It was then she noticed me looking and turned and smiled as I made the comment “Your single aren’t you?” out loud.

    “My” she replied “It must be my shopping eh? Anyway would you be interested if I was?”

    “No it’s NOT your shopping.” I said.

    “So how could you tell I was single, silly” she laughed.

    “Cos your bloody minging you ugly bitch” I laughed back heartily.

    Oh how we laughed and laughed.


  10. Lace Valentine Avatar
    Lace Valentine

    Surely a George Lucas reject.

  11. ReV.JeLLyBaBY Avatar

    Princess Leah?

    No thanks, if its all the same I’d rather not…..besides I have a doctors note excluding me from Jabba banging at the moment.


    P.S She is the sort of girl that makes you wanna smash your dick up for good though, isn’t she?

  12. Margaret Avatar

    She is the love child of Rosanne Barr and Rip Torn!!

  13. ReV.JeLLyBaBY Avatar

    In the Queen’s English it means totally nasty and ugly Kismet.


    Queen: :boobs:

    “Oh Philip I wish that they would stop going on about bloody Diana. She was minging anyway.”

    Philip: 😕

    “Yes dearest, she wasn’t actually a Princess and to be honest, us royals are despised by the British public (apart from the old ones) anyway.”

  14. Spud Avatar

    Oh dear… :wtf:

  15. Mandy Avatar

    “I – am Ms. Ivanka. Countess of Fashion. Gaze in awe, mortals.”

  16. Nikki Avatar

    I hope the size of those thighs are part of the costume too. :dead:

  17. Frisko Avatar

    Florie worked so hard on her self esteme that she attended group and had her new self photographed for the local paper of OZ. Her comment to the reporter: “It is not easy being a citizen of OZ with hormone problems”

  18. Frisko Avatar

    Am I understanding correctly that the Rev doesn’t prefer larger girls?

  19. fictionman Avatar

    Two questions, Dave:

    Just what kind of convention was it, and why were you there?

  20. ReV.JeLLyBaBY Avatar


    Large girls are like mopeds.

    Great fun, but don’t let your mates catch you riding one!


  21. ratstink Avatar

    Mommy! Mommy!

  22. Natalie Avatar

    Nice melons – on her shoulders.

  23. rust Avatar

    Aw ferkryinoutloud.

    Doesn´t anyone recognize that GEEK Wil Wheaton standing at the counter registering at a GEEK convention with his wife Anne?

    Only in America.

  24. ReV.JeLLyBaBY Avatar

    Did you know?

    Will Wheaton was Tim Robbin’s body double during the prison scenes in the Shawshank Redemption.

    He also turned down a simular role in Pulp Fiction because they couldn’t find a big enough part.

    He was in that Star Trek thing too. no hang on wasn’t that Tim Robbins?


  25. ReV.JeLLyBaBY Avatar

    No, worse luck……it was Wil Wheaton.

  26. Cheap Date Avatar
    Cheap Date

    The love child of a Munchkin and an Oompa Loompa! :wtf:

  27. mikeB Avatar

    **bleaches out eyes with beer**

  28. kismet Avatar

    Thank you Rev for teaching me a new word today, I will use it.

  29. Nikki Avatar

    *wonders if beer gets out red wine stains too*

  30. Cheap Date Avatar
    Cheap Date

    “Leeloo Dallas just ONE YEAR after quitting Jenny Craig”

  31. Spud Avatar

    Thanks cheap date, you’ve just destroyed my filed mental image of leeloo dallas. 😕

  32. enfanta Avatar

    Finally! Someone the furries can look down on!

  33. kermit Avatar

    This clearly is Dave’s sign of needing help. The organizers of the freak convention have kidnapped him. Somebody alert his family members, Natalie and most importantly the police!

  34. Mandy Avatar

    Yes, don’t let that scary whale thing nearDave! We need him. There’s coffee to spew and :boobs:s and :wang:s to laugh at!

  35. cal Avatar

    i’m never going to be worried about my sense of style again.

  36. mikeB Avatar

    LOL @ enfanta! 😆

  37. Amee Avatar

    What do you mean “what the-?” Seriously, its just a fellow cosplayer, as am I. That is actually a pretty good costume. Not saying it is best for HER to be wearing it, but it does look quite nice. Good for her!

    I’m not quite sure which anime that is from, but I know I saw another girl cosplaying it last weekend at Anime Iowa.

  38. sebimeyer Avatar

    Worst. Convention. Ever.

  39. carmie Avatar

    you know, i think i know what her costume is. it looks like one of the magus sisters from final fantasy x.

    ew, though. that’s just a scary ensemble on a real human being, especially that poor girl.

  40. name Avatar

    I bet she’s wearing a tiny g-string, six sizes too small, with Hello Kitty or a smiley face on it. :limp:

  41. Dave too Avatar
    Dave too

    Excitement is in the air as Self Confidence Seminar participant Linda Keln poses in the lobby on her way to the graduation night social.

  42. Hoser Avatar

    That is all.