Butter Christ

Butter Christ

“We saw it on the way down 75 to cincinnati — glowing a warm margarine yellow in the late afternoon light. My camera was in the trunk so we all swore we would get shots of it the next day on our way back to Detroit. The locals proudly told us the landmarks affectionate name “Big Butter Jesus” —Chris Z.

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  1. Ohio, Too Much Fun for Just One Attorney General
    I hate this state.

  2. julesOdeNile

    am a Christian, so i will leave this one well alone. 🙄

  3. Butter Fingers Christ more like.
    I mean if you’re going to toss your cross in the air, you should at least be ready to catch it when it comes down. Messiah or no Messiah, he’s certainly not NFL material.

  4. He looks like he’s goin’ to the Freaker’s Ball, y’all

  5. [Comment ID #308696 will appear here]

    Oh, that doesn’t mean you can’t have a laugh at something tacky. 😛

  6. He looks like he’s saying,

    “Yo, Pops! I got stuck. Little help please?”

    I don’t think Big daddy and the Spook heard him. :wtf:

  7. Lake Effect

    Jesus found the one rare patch of quicksand in Ohio…

    “Help me, I’m sinking – I’m goin’ down! Oh no…I’m goin’ the wrong way…I’M GOIN’ THE WRONG WAY!!! DAAAAAADDDDYYYYY!

  8. Lake Effect

    “Pull my fingers.”

  9. Picklemon

    I heard about this on the Bob and Tom radio show a while back.

    Spread the word…

  10. This totally trumps Touchdown Jesus in front of Loyola.

  11. Spud

    Actually this creation was 30′ tall, but as he jumped off the building you see behind to catch the cross, well, the results speak for themselves don’t they, he kinda spread out everywhere.

  12. matian101

    Heywood Banks video about the statue 😆

  13. Run Butter Christ! The Lobster Devil’s gonna get ya! :wtf:

  14. DaPopster

    [Comment ID #308875 will appear here] Gitta love it, that’s what makes America, America …… tackiness.


  15. junkman

    They were all bravely marching,
    with banners aflutter,
    down a hole! For their country!
    And Right-Side-Up Butter!

    p.s. what’s next a lard lord? god ghee? crisco christ? or margerine magdalene? makes the stomach churn. 🙁

  16. matian101

    For some reason my other post didn’t take but check out “Big Butter Jesus” by Heywood Banks on YouTube….love it! 😀

  17. patrick

    Heywood Banks immortalized this in “Big Butter Jesus”, a song, some time ago.

  18. chainstay

    Someone made a song about this that got quite a bit of air time. It said somethin about sweet cream Jesus, low-fat Jesus, no-salt-added Jesus, oleo Jesus. I don’t know who did it, but it was rather amusing. I think it was called “Big Butter Jesus.” Also remindes my of the artist that made a life size, naked (and anatomically correct) Christ on a cross out of dark chocolate. Many people were pissed. I am not sure if it was because of the dark chocolate or the glaring fact of his manliness. I am waiting for Spam Lucifer.

  19. chainstay

    We must have been typwriting at the same time.

  20. Lake Effect

    [Comment ID #309066 will appear here]

    “Churn”!!!! Now that’s funny!!

  21. domergirl

    Chainstay – The song is by comedian Heywood Banks, and is on YouTube – here:

  22. [Comment ID #308892 will appear here]

    actually, that is touchdown jesus…or another touchdown jesus

  23. This only looks funny until the athiests carrying the world’s largest piece of toast come into the picture.

  24. Flash Gordon

    Man shall not live by butter alone;
    he needs bread and taters too. 😈 🙄 😕

  25. Spud

    Churn the other cheek!

  26. Drusky

    This couldn’t have been shot near Cincinnati. He’s signaling a touchdown and we all know about the Bengals… 😈

  27. pablo

    Sweet Jesus made of sweet butter, save me from the Devil cholesterol. Pardon my sinful ways of using margarine. Fill my soul with your buttery goodness. For if ye ignore his smooth and creaminess he may shove a biscuit up your backside.

  28. janeeto

    [Comment ID #309721 will appear here] But not after slathering it with his wholesome creaminess!


  29. janeeto

    Banana Butt Peel. As he was wedging that between his cheeks, I really wasn’t sure where he was going…. Man, I didn’t need to see that. No one needs to see that.

    Mini Nacho Libre! That was very cute.

  30. Spud

    Okay, you people over there ————–> I don’t know you lot, you are getting creepy.

  31. junkman

    what’s wrong with you people…..doesn’t anyone care that david caruso was shot on television the other night? if he’s not in jeebus/grease heaven or crab/kid hell he may be in cucumber/foot limbo right now. 😈

  32. [Comment ID #310466 will appear here]

    Now that’s called (pause, put on sunglasses and look off-camera) taking one for the team. (cue theme song)

  33. Jennifer

    I pass that everytime I go to Indiana to see my grandkids.. You should see it when its a tad foggy out. Big Butter Jesus coming out of the mist. Gives me the heebie-jeebies EVERY TIME..

  34. junkman

    butt ‘er, christ i hardly know her! 🙄

  35. Drusky

    [Comment ID #310519 will appear here]

    Beautiful! 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆

  36. [Comment ID #310466 will appear here]

    I’m more broken up about Warrick being shot last week on the GOOD CSI. None of that crappy Miami BS for me, kthnxbai

  37. Timm

    “I’m melting, I’M MELTING!”

  38. Timm

    I like David Caruso, he’s the greatest actor since William Shatner. :mrgreen:

  39. [Comment ID #310466 will appear here]

    No more sunglasses and one-liners? NOOOOOOOOOOO! :dead:

  40. So Jesus said to the Flying Spaghetti Monster, “What do you know? You’re just a god made out of food!” And then the Flying Spaghetti Monster goes, “Oh yeah? Well, check this out…”

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