Best Worst Dream Ever

I had the stupidest dream of my life last night. In the dream, my best friend was Corey Feldman. All of my friends at work kept teasing me for hanging out with him, but I kept defending Corey. “You just don’t know him like I do. He’s a great guy in person. He’s honest and genuinely likes to help people.”

Corey convinced me to rob a Coney Island.

We made off with $90 and two packs of ketchup. No police were called, but we were chased down by the fry cooks. Corey threw the ketchup packs like Ninja throwing stars, hoping to slit their throats.

He missed completely and we had to give back the money.

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Show 16 Comments


  1. julie

    You had me at “my best friend was Corey Feldman”.

  2. oh…my…god…i had this exact same dream last night! except we stole packets of mustard instead of packs of ketchup.

  3. mikeB

    Me too! Except I helped the fry cooks beat Corey to death with fry baskets.

  4. julie

    OK OK. I had that dream too except I ended up in a Zilla-Feldman sandwich and well, nm. 😀

  5. Are you sure Corey Feldman didn’t convinced you to rob Coney Island because he had the munchies?

    On a side note:
    Wow, I never knew there are Coney Island(s) in Michigan. . . Thanks Dave!

  6. Esther

    For a moment there, I thought I read:

    “Corey convinced me to rub a Coney Island.,” and my mind went in a totally different direction. 😈

  7. oh, Esther ~ we all rubbed a Coney Island at least once in our life. But it would be the worst dream ever to rub a fry cook’s island for mere 90 dollars.

  8. No more white cheese before bed, Dave.

  9. frisko

    Vitamins. I need vitamins.

  10. Damn! much better nightmare/dream than I had. I dreamt that Wil Wheaton was my best friend and Klingons wanted to rape us both. Fortunately, I convinced the Klingons that I should join forces with them instead…

    Wil is so sweet. but I hate sloppy thirds.

  11. Mandy

    MAke it Jude Law and I had the same dream, Julie. 😈

  12. Spud

    Time for the Dream Police to make an appearance.

    All of your dreams are classified a threat to national security and therefore you will all be shot at dawn.


  13. try cutting back to 2 dried grams, Dave. 4 is a bit much. :dead:

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