Uh, ma’am? There’s a badger on your head

Uh, ma’am? There’s a badger on your head

To be honest, I’m not sure if she cut her hat open or if it came that way. In any event, her hair was a horrible rat’s nest and I just had to share…


30 responses to “Uh, ma’am? There’s a badger on your head”

  1. Denny Avatar


    You live in such an interesting city o______o;

  2. Chris S. Avatar
    Chris S.

    Badgers? We don’t need no stinkin’ BADGERS!

  3. StevieC Avatar

    Dave, why can’t I find OMGBOOBS!!! on the site?

  4. Meagan Avatar

    [Comment ID #326243 will appear here]

    I’ll give you some boobs. :boobs: :boobs: 😈

  5. pablo Avatar

    See, even if you do shave your dog’s ass and teach him to walk backwards as soon as the hair starts to grow back someone snaps a picture.

  6. Spud Avatar

    \m/ Badgers Rawk \m/

  7. janeeto Avatar

    Dave, did you snap this beaut with the camera imbedded in your cellphone, or do you just bring your good digital camera everytime you visit your Starbucks?

  8. matt Avatar

    boo ebaumsworld links… otherwise I love this site.

  9. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect

    [Comment ID #326474 will appear here]

    By now, with all the pics we’ve seen from in that ‘Bucks, I’m imagining Dave is over there against that far wall, manning ( :wang: ) an old SLR camera with a 12″ ( :wang: ) telephoto lens and a flash, all set up on a nice adjustable tripod ( :wang: ) .

    Kind of a studiozilla within the Starbucks. I think now that everybody knows he’s in there snapping away, people hang there just hoping that someday Dave will make them A Star.

  10. Bigwavdave Avatar

    “Oh, I just LOVE my old hat! It’s folksy and has lots of character!” :puke:

  11. Penguin Pete Avatar


    Yes, I got it stuck in everybody’s head again. You’re welcome.

    RE: link-o-da-day: Why don’t we just make a separate clown-bashing category?

  12. Katie Avatar

    Is there a doctor in the house….I must be seeing things again :dead:

  13. Spud Avatar

    Fortune favours the bold.

    and the restless

    and the stupid


  14. Lung the Younger Avatar

    Rule Nº. 1: You do NOT talk about wicker club.

    Rule Nº. 2: Any assignments that you don’t finish at home, you have to wear all day.

    Rule Nº. 3: You do NOT talk about wicker club.

  15. StevieC Avatar

    [Comment ID #326250 will appear here]

    Mmmmmm ….. Canadian boobs! :boobs: :boobs: :wang:

  16. Nicolette Avatar

    :wtf: Once again, Dave’s local Bux has become fodder for us Zilla-ites.

    You know, I never see people like this when I go to Bux. And I go to the one in Universal Studios with all the crazy tourists! 😀

  17. AnnieB Avatar

    I have half a mind to wear a hat today…

  18. patrick Avatar

    See, I’m telling you, it’s those damned Republicans, again. Price of gas is do high that poor lady can’t even afford to buy a whole hat. So she bought a hole hat. Get it, whole/hole? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, sometimes I crack my own ass up! (just kidding)

  19. StevieC Avatar

    [Comment ID #327217 will appear here]

    Not a mind to wear half a hat?

  20. Spud Avatar

    In a half hearted sort of way…

  21. Davezilla Avatar

    [Comment ID #326575 will appear here]

    I hear ya. Sorry about that. 🙁

  22. junkman Avatar

    it actually looks like it would be helpful in determining a consistant cut line for a chainsaw, samurai sword or “”laser””.

  23. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #327272 will appear here]

    In a half assed sort of way…

  24. StevieC Avatar

    [Comment ID #327517 will appear here]


  25. Lounge Puppy Avatar
    Lounge Puppy

    I’m sure she thinks she’s making a concession to grooming by wearing the hat. Thanks for thinking of us, Mom!

    Old people should just stay home.

  26. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    [Comment ID #327217 will appear here]

    Damn, girl, think what you could do if you had a whole mind! 👿 😛 :kiss: :wtf: :wang:

  27. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect

    If I’m not mistaken, this is how yarmulkas are made. The young yarmulka is carefully removed from the whole hat, and then what is leftover is sold to those dollar stores in the poor catholic sections of the community.

  28. julesOdeNile Avatar

    [Comment ID #327272 will appear here]

    maaan, you beat me to it! 😆

  29. Drusky Avatar

    [Comment ID #327217 will appear here]

    What happened to the other half? 😛

  30. Astryd Avatar

    Makes me think of some of my moms chickens…