Bad sushi ideas

We seem to be on a fish theme this week …

  1. Salmonella Roll
  2. Spicy Puma
  3. BBQ Hagfish Roll
  4. Tarantula Roll
  5. Seppuku Roll
  6. Kim Jong Eel
  7. Chum Roll
  8. Lutefisk Roll
  9. Hand-rolled Halibutt
  10. Codpiece Roll
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Show 24 Comments


  1. malcolm

    how about a big plate of “teppan-yucky”

  2. Esther

    What, no Albanian Donkey Cheese tempura?:razz:

  3. I can just picture Natalie compiling this post, sticking her bottom lip out like Bubba in “Forrest Gump,” mumbling to herself, “Salmonella Roll… BBQ Hagfish Roll… Tarantula Roll… Seppuku Roll… popcorn shrimp … shrimp scampi …” :kiss:

  4. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    As Natalie seems to be on a roll today, here are my top ten greatest rolls of all time:

    1. Troll Roll
    2. Canoe Roll
    3. Forward Roll (It’s an aphrodisiac)
    4. Triple Pike with a half twist Roll
    5. How do you make a Swiss Roll?
    6. Push him down a mountain.
    7. A roll by any other name is still a roll
    8. Roll Play.
    9. Tongue and Leek Roll
    10. End of Roll

    Why have I written these things?

    I don’t know. I just felt like it.

    ReV’s RoLL JoKE:

    A man took his new girlfriend to a posh restaurant for their first date and sure enough before the soup arrived the waiter carefully placed a large plate of ROLLS in the center of the table.
    As they sat there chatting, a baby elephant’s trunk suddenly appeared from under the table and took a ROLL from the plate and disappeared back under the table again.

    This happened again a few minutes later and then again a few minutes after that and very soon the woman asked the man if he had seen the baby elephants trunk too?

    Suddenly the man looked very worried indeed but decided to come clean and explained to her that the trunk was actually a replacement for his penis and that he had lost all his original genitals in a hunting accident in India!

    Much to his surprise and relief the woman was delighted at the news and not only did she promise not to dump him she also thought it was the best thing she had ever seen!

    “Do it again, just for me.” she said.

    “I would do honey, but I don’t think my ass can take another bread ROLL!” he replied.


  5. Margaret in Germany

    I’ll take the list to GILI GULU (the BEST sushi in London) and order one of each. I’ll make sure I get EXTRA wasabi!

  6. ReV.JeLLyBaBy


    Just messing with the balance of male/female exposure on Davezilla.

    Anyway ladies you had that guy with the buckets so you should be well and truly satisfied with your share of man hunk.

    I vote for more women and less clothes!

  7. I actually wrote four of them, but Natalie’s were the best ones. :mrgreen:

  8. Margaret in Germany


    One good turn deserves another. Let me know if you know of anyone wanting a gmail account.

  9. Spud

    First off, thanks for the G mail Dave :java:

    Secondly – there’s something fishy about this weeks posts, I feel a certain nautical air about it all.

    Perhaps it’s the impending Pirate Day 2004 creeping up on us… 😕

  10. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    Pirate Day Hooray!!

    Now where did I put that eye patch and wooden leg?


  11. Esther

    ‘Guy with the buckets’? I think the last time we had any decent male exposure was the infamous Breast edition, w/Stacy, you, and Mandy. But even then, your pecsicles were disappointingly covered up by pretty red hearts.:sad:

    Oh, to keep on topic, here’s a favorite roll of mine:

    1. Stop, drop, and roll

  12. they said, stay away from the Bukkake Roll, it always gets all over your face.

  13. Esther

    That second to last icon doesn’t seem to be workin’, Dave. I thought it was just me.:neutral:

  14. He-Who-Leaps-Off-Bandwagons.

    Just wanna say that i cant stand the Rev. I always(i mean always) scroll to the bottom of its postings each time. I can easily tell which rambling, podantic, unfunny posts are its. Talk about Euro-centric self aggrandizing waste of reply space. Its responses are the only thing I dont like about Davezilla. Some ppl bully with their muscles, some with their perceived authority but things like the “rev” bully with their education and perceived big brain. I really like everyone else who replies regularly(especially Stacey) as well as Dave and Natalie. “rev”, take a look at the size of your reply(and most of the ones youve made) compared to all others. With regards to the length, compensating for some shortcoming are you?

  15. Bobby Peru

    To each his own. He’s definitely long-winded (as all Englishmen are) but funny as fuck. Keep scrolling. 🙄

  16. Frisko

    Dear Bandwagon:

    There is room enough in the world for you both.

    It is politically correct to agree to disagree.

    It is not nice to be mean.

    Be well, and be sweet.

    Lady “Get that brat a salad” of Harrison Township.

  17. Cherish

    Bukkake roll is by far the worst sushi idea ever.

  18. Dear Bandwagon Leaper (I almost wrote “Leper” by mistake! Sorry),

    I do appreciate that you think my comments are funny.

    Yes, Rev can be long winded sometimes, and as Bobby said, Englishmen are, but hey, to each his/her own. If you read my site, you’d see that the Englishwoman in me certainly shows, as I am longer-winded than almost any other blogger out there.

    Ironic that this should come up right about now, as I am taking a course in intercultural communications. As one who just happens to accidentally specialise in “funny ha-ha,” I can tell you that there are some definite differences between English humour and American humour. What is funny to The Rev and to some of his readers (including myself) may not be funny to others. It’s the same kind of instance where many Americans don’t think Monty Python is funny, for example.

    But hey, opinions are like assholes. Everybody’s got one, it’s just trying to figure out which ones are full of shit and which ones aren’t. (Still waiting on that butt icon, Dave.)

    Mmkay. Now, to make it fair and balanced, here are some boobies:

    “I’ll get you yet! It’s only a flesh wound! — From Monty Python and the Holy Grail :wtf:

  19. Now here I go commenting on another comment.

    Rev said:
    As Natalie seems to be on a roll today,

    Now I wonder … what if us Davezilla regulars were on rolls? What would we look like? Any photoshop experts out there? 💡

    What would Natalie look like literally on a roll?

    As for me, I think I’d probably come on a kaiser roll, with corned beef, saurkraut, maybe some onions… yeah, somebody out there paint the Bad Kitty on a reuben. :kiss:

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