As seen on 8 Mile Rd.

As seen on 8 Mile Rd.

Image by Aunt Stacy

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Show 66 Comments


  1. dougieace

    sometimes you want to go, where all the girls have a stage name

  2. pablo

    Norm!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

    Gee Mr. Clavin, why do tassles only go clockwise above the equator?

  3. Spud

    It’s like Cheers, only better.

  4. Corinne

    Happy Color Day, Dave!
    Wait – that’s today, right?

  5. StevieC

    Where everybody knows your wang,
    and they’re always glad you came.

  6. [Comment ID #180685 will be quoted here]

    Nope, Sunday is. I had about 50 other restrictions that ended yesterday. Almost there! πŸ˜†

  7. Bigwavdave

    [Comment ID #180706 will be quoted here]

    Mmmm…PERKY :wang:

  8. patrick

    [Comment ID #180701 will be quoted here]

    Truly, these are my people, you sick twisted lovable bastards. I love this place!

  9. junkman

    well there is another difference…there will probably be more than one woody there! :wang:

  10. StevieC

    [Comment ID #180682 will be quoted here]

    Well, you see now, Pablo, the rotation of said tassles, or pasties as they are more commonly known, is in direct correlation with the gyrations of the twin rotating spheres. The deflection of the nipples on said spheres is known as the areola effect, and this, in fact, is what influences the rotational direction of the tassles and not, as is a common misconception, the degree to which said tassles and the spheres to which they are attached, are located in relation to the equatorial boundary.

    It’s an interesting fact, however, that gravitational forces can have a profound effect on the vertical positioning the tassle in relation to the stage floor, my friend.

  11. beyonduplication

    nicely done

  12. Sometimes you want to go where everyone can guess cup size…

    And I’m not so sure I want to see Kirstie Alley or Shelley Long topless…..please burn the image out of my head….. :dead:

  13. Bjorn Freeh

    [Comment ID #180726 will be quoted here]

    Two words: Rhea Perlman

  14. beyonduplication

    *backs slowly away from bjorn* πŸ™

  15. We’ve got our own place like that (I’d rather think of that than Norm, Cliff, Coach, etc partially nude :puke: ) :

    [Comment ID #180677 will be quoted here]

    [Comment ID #180712 will be quoted here]

    Welcome! Let us know if there’s ANYTHING we can do to make your stay more Pleasurable! πŸ˜† 😈

    [Comment ID #180718 will be quoted here]

    Ooh Yes! Talk Dirty To Me, Baby!

    So tell us Dave, which restrictions were lifted :wang: that we may enjoy?

  16. Update: My dad is out of the ICU now and has been placed into a rehabilitation center. I’m so happy he’s gotten this far and for those of you who helped me out and dealt with me through this time (the whole ‘Zilla Gang) My sincerest appreciation and thanx. I love you guys!

  17. junkman

    good to hear astryd!

  18. StevieC

    [Comment ID #180738 will be quoted here]

    Hey Astryd,

    Glad to hear that your dad is on the road to recovery.

    In other news, in celebration of the sign on 8 Mile Rd, I’ve got two words for you: “8 minutes” 😈

  19. scamper

    That place on 8 mile road may be a cause of peehole spiders

  20. MRDOUG

    Lets see what we can do with this old theme song shall we?

    Making your way in the world today taking everything you’ve got off.

    Taking a break from all your clothing, sure would help a lot.

    Wouldn’t you like to get away?

    Sometimes you want to go
    Where everybody knows you tan line,
    and they’re always glad you came in your pants.
    You wanna be where you can see titties,
    our troubles are where you came.
    You wanna be where everybody knows
    where you came.

    You wanna go where people know every mole,
    silicone makes them all the same,
    You wanna go where everybody knows
    where you came.

  21. Mikeme

    But… be carefull what you get in Detroit!! :limp: πŸ˜•

  22. Bjorn Freeh

    [Comment ID #180730 will be quoted here]

    Those were not two words of admiration…

  23. pablo

    I’m bored so I’ll just share jokes

    After a really good party a man walks into a bar and orders a drink. Already drunk and delirious, the man turns to the person sitting next to him and says, ”You wanna hear a blonde joke?” The person replies, ”I am 240 pounds, world kickboxing champion and a natural blonde. My friend is 190 pounds, world judo champion and is a natural blonde. And my other friend is 200 pounds, world arm wrestling champion and is also a natural blonde. Do you still want to tell me that blonde joke?”
    The man thinks for a while and replies, ”Not if I have to explain it three times.”

    A man is sitting at a bar one night, wearing a fancy new watch, covered with buttons and lights and dials. The woman next to him says, “Wow, that’s a really fancy watch.”
    Thanks, says the guy, “It’s the cutting edge of technology. I can telepathically ask this watch anything I want to know, and it’ll answer me, telepathically.”

    “Rubbish,” says the girl.

    “No, it’s true,” says that guy. “Look, tell you what, I’ll prove it. I’ll ask it if you’ve got any panties on.”

    The guy scrunches up his eyes for a moment, as if concentrating hard to talk to his watch, then opens them and says, “Nope, it says you haven’t got any panties on.”

    “Well, it’s wrong,” says the girl, “I do have panties on.”

    “Damn,” says the guy, slapping his watch, “it’s an hour fast!”

    One weekend, a husband, and wife were up in the mountains and had been out for a walk. As soon as they got in, the husband complained that his hands were cold.
    “Go on,” said his wife. “You can put your hands between my legs to warm them up.”

    A little while later, the man went out to get some firewood, and complained of cold hands when he came back.

    “You can put your hands between my legs,” said his wife, so he did.

    A while little later, he went to go get some apple cider at the store. When he came back, he said his hand were cold. Finally, his wife exploded, “Why can’t your ears ever be cold!?!”

    A chicken and an egg are lying in bed. The chicken is smoking a cigarette with a satisfied smile on its face. The egg is frowning and looking very frustrated.
    The egg mutters, to no one in particular, “Well, I guess we answered THAT question!”

    God: Men, what car you get in Heaven will depend on how faithful you were to your wives on Earth.
    Man 1: Please God, I can””t count how many times I cheated on my wife. There were just too many beautiful women on Earth, and I had to have them all.

    God: I am ashamed of you, my man, For that, I give you a run-down truck that barely moves.

    Man 2: Dear God, please forgive me! I cheated on my wife once, just once! We were going through problems and I took the wrong turn. Please forgive me!

    God: My man, I am ashamed of you too. But I will be kinder to you. For that, I give you a convertible BMW.

    Man 3: Dear God, you will be so proud of me. I loved and worshipped my wife. I brought her roses everyday after work, I brought her gifts every aniversary, and we went travelling, and had dinner out three times a week, and…

    God: Okay, my man, enough! I get the point. I am very proud of you! For that, I give you any car you desire!

    Two weeks later Man 1 and 2 are driving on the freeway when they see Man 3 ahead of them, stopped in the middle of the road in his Black Jaguar.

    Man 1 and 2: Hey Man! Why are you sitting in your car and crying your eyes out? You””re acting like some ungrateful bugger! Look at your car, man! What is your problem?!

    Man 3: “I just saw my wife on rollerskates!”

  24. Flash Gordon

    Mr. Doug, you should be writing songs for Britney.
    You have a way with words. BTW, you can get rid of
    peehole spiders by drinking a quart of white vinegar.
    Flushes the little boogers right out the old wang. :limp: πŸ˜€ πŸ˜• πŸ™„ :wtf:

  25. PABLO’S FUNNY BONE-Does anyone feel like they may be on foot if they get to heaven? πŸ˜›

  26. Drusky

    [Comment ID #180728 will be quoted here]
    Maybe Kirsty when she was Saavik in Star Trek II.

    [Comment ID #180704 will be quoted here]
    Come Sunday, I’m wondering if there’s going to be a party that’ll register on U.C. Berkeley’s earthquake tracker…

    What are you planning to do to celebrate, Dave? Seriously, what are you allowed to do?

  27. Bjorn Freeh

    [Comment ID #180758 will be quoted here]

    Dave can start wearing colors on Sunday. Think of it: clothes in ecru, ivory, eggshell. And maybe, just maybe, he’ll update his photo for us.

    Any chance, Dave?

  28. AnnieB

    MRDOUG Ò€¦ Brillant !!

    This is for you Bjorn Ò€¦

    Lilith: Well, I’m off. I don’t know what the future holds. Whatever happens, I only hope I can realize my full potential. To acquire things the old Lilith never had.
    Carla: Like a body temperature?
    Lilith: That’s very good, Carla. Incidentally, I’ve taken your little wisecracks for a few years now, you hideous gargoyle, and if you ever open that gateway to hell you call a mouth in my direction again, I’ll snap off your extremities like dead branches and feed them to you at gunpoint.

    Master Solace Ò€¦

    Diane: Oh no. The thing I feared most has happened.
    Carla: What? Your Living Bra died of boredom?

    Two for you Junkman Γ’β‚¬Λœcause youÒ€ℒre a winner!

    Woody: Hey Mr. Peterson, there’s a cold one waiting for you.
    Norm: I know. If she calls, I’m not here.

    Woody: Pour you a beer, Mr. Peterson?
    Norm: Alright, but stop me at one. Make that one-thirty.

    TheFaramir Ò€¦

    Norm: It’s a dog eat dog world, and I’m wearing Milkbone underwear.

    LungtheYounger Ò€¦

    Sam: I’ve never met an intelligent woman I’d want to date.
    Diane: On behalf of all the intelligent women in America, may I just say: whew.

    Pablo Ò€¦

    [Norm and Cliff watch Frasier and Lilith make out their wills]
    Cliff: I don’t see what the fuss is over this whole will business. When I die, everything goes to ma.
    Norm: That’s great, Cliff, but what if she dies first?
    Cliff: Shut up. Shut up, Peterson. SHUT UP, THE WHOLE SICK LOT OF YOU.

    Zoning Out Again Ò€¦

    Coach: I’m working on a novel. Going on six years now. I think I might finish it tonight.
    Diane: You’re writing a novel?
    Coach: No, reading it.

    StevieC Ò€¦ You morphed into BradK when I wasnÒ€ℒt looking!

    Astryd Ò€¦ Thanks for the good news! Love you too!!!!!!

  29. AnnieB

    OMG, so did I !! lol

  30. [Comment ID #180718 will be quoted here]

    Wow – you channelled Cliffy. Perfectly spot on and VERY funny!

  31. StevieC

    [Comment ID #180781 will be quoted here]

    Well, thank you very much there, Mr. Ducatisti, sir and just because I am acknowledging the compliment that you paid to me in a topless bar, don’t be going all homo erectus and thinking that you’re gonna be getting a bases loaded hit there, buddy. No sirree, Bob.

  32. Bigwavdave

    Norm: “Women, can’t live with ’em, gimme another beer Sammy.”

  33. Drusky

    [Comment ID #180718 will be quoted here]
    That’s a great explanation and all, but, I’ve always looked at it like why lightning dances across the sky or how jello quivers when you gently grab the cup. There probably is a great, logical reason why but who cares as long as it does. I’ve never questioned WHY the tassels spin like they do. I just look at it as they spin because of wonderful magic that causes them to do so. The same magic that causes them to fall off if spun too hard… like they did at Astryds B-Day party when she danced with AnnieB… πŸ˜› πŸ˜† πŸ˜€ πŸ˜†

  34. AnnieB

    Hahahaha … SteveC you just pulled a “Driver” !! ducaisti is a SHE. 😈

  35. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #180786 will be quoted here]

    Dancing? You thought we were dancing? Oh my. Oh right, I forgot. You’re that old guy. Ok. Yeah, sure. We were dancing. :kiss:

  36. pablo

    [Comment ID #180787 will be quoted here]

    Oooooooooooo bad mistake to make in a topless bar!!!!!!

  37. Drusky

    [Comment ID #180788 will be quoted here]
    Either I called it “dancing” or I would have had to call the vice squad… 😈

    ‘Old guy’??? With age comes experience. I aughta sit you down and give you a good quality tongue lashing.(Something else that comes with experience… :P)

  38. Drusky

    [Comment ID #180789 will be quoted here]
    Shoulda looked for the tassels… πŸ˜†

  39. -The same magic that causes them to fall off if spun too hardÒ€¦ like they did at Astryds B-Day party when she danced with AnnieBÒ€¦-
    Aw, you noticed! 😳 And here I thought only Mandy’s :boob: :boob: got attention.
    BTW: did you see where they landed? I really liked that pair.

    [Comment ID #180791 will be quoted here]

    If the vice squad wanted to join in on our “dancing” we wouldn’t have objected… 😈

    Now, excuse me, did I heard something about a tongue lashing… πŸ˜€ :wang: πŸ˜› πŸ˜€

  40. Drusky

    [Comment ID #180794 will be quoted here]

    Yes you did… I regularly exercise said tongue by drinking a saucer of milk next to my cats… πŸ˜›

  41. StevieC

    [Comment ID #180787 will be quoted here]

    I blame it on the lighting in this here bar. My apologies there, Ms. Ducatisti. 😳

  42. Mandy

    [Comment ID #180728 will be quoted here]

    I may never shake the image of that titless troglodyke topless. :wtf:

  43. H J

    :twisted:Why do some penises lean to one side?

  44. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #180832 will be quoted here]
    I was wondering how you were going to worm your way out of that one. Well done!

  45. StevieC

    [Comment ID #180847 will be quoted here]

    *phew* that’s what I get for trying to channel my inner Clavin

  46. [Comment ID #180728 will be quoted here]

    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not good…..NOT GOOD……I left her out for a REASON………. :puke: πŸ‘Ώ :puke: :dead:

  47. Omega

    [Comment ID #180706 will be quoted here]

    *Le Bone*

    freaking hilarious.


  48. Ah, yes the “dancing” at Astryd’s b-day party. Anyone know if I left my whip there?

  49. beyonduplication

    i picked it up on my way out….

  50. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #180837 will be quoted here]

    Okay, I’ll bite. Why?

  51. beyonduplication

    …………..because they’re limp? πŸ™„

  52. Bjorn Freeh

    [Comment ID #180837 will be quoted here]

    Because they’re right-leaning Republicans?

  53. Bjorn Freeh

    [Comment ID #180837 will be quoted here]

    [Comment ID #180908 will be quoted here]

    AnnieB, I’m pretty sure you have the concept all wrong.

  54. [Comment ID #180832 will be quoted here]
    No Prob StevieC – I’m usually mistaken for the opposite sex when I’m riding – a motorcycle that is – what with the full-face helmet and all.

    BTW – I’m the one on the right in my pic. The big brown furry guy is Henry, he’s only 5 years old, but seems to be a bit large for his age.

  55. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #180931 will be quoted here]

    I knew I should have said “gently”. lol You don’t like that? 😈

  56. StevieC

    [Comment ID #180946 will be quoted here]

    The first bike I was ever on was a ’51 Indian Chief and the last one was a 100% original ’69 Honda CB750. On the 20th anniversary of the bike, it was featured in a cycle magazine, compete with photography by yours truly. I’ve since upgraded to four wheels and am now into antique cars and hot rods.

    Henry looks like he’d not only be a good friend but also an excellent anti-theft device.

  57. Driver

    [Comment ID #180787 will be quoted here]


    AnnieB I always wanted something named for me but I’m not sure this is what I had in mind, oh well it’s better than nothin.

    StevieC do you think it’s to soon to start a support group?

  58. ducatisti

    “The first bike I was ever on was a Γ’β‚¬Λœ51 Indian Chief and the last one was a 100% original Γ’β‚¬Λœ69 Honda CB750.”

    Okay, so now I’m officially completely off topic – but that’s cool!

    We’ve never owned an Indian, but do have an assortment of vintage to modern two-wheeled beasts. In the stable currently is everything from a Honda CL72, a couple of BSA’s, Triumphs, old and new Ducatis, Yamahas, a 1929 Levis, etc. etc.

    You know the difference between a fan and fanatic?
    A fan has bikes, a fanatic has a collection.

    I’m glad we haven’t gotten bit by the vintage car bug – we don’t have enough room!

    Sorry about the detour – back to frivolity and senseless laughter at someone else’s stupidity aka Davezilla.

  59. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #180971 will be quoted here]

    It was good for me too. Now you have company in the “M Club”. lol

    Hey baby … where you been? I missed ya! :kiss:

  60. StevieC

    [Comment ID #180971 will be quoted here]

    Naw, around here it’s more like a “beat ’em while they’re down” group. Any opportunity to break out the whips in Zillaville is always welcomed. 😈

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