Note to Self, No. 6,005

I forgot what I was going to write. Damn. Now I’ll be up all night wondering if I’ll do it again. Whatever it is. Will I even know it if I do it? Help me out here. What was it?

Show 47 Comments


  1. Don’t worry Dave, I had that problem earlier with my post…and I still can’t remember what I was going to write…oh well, tomorrow is another day…

  2. JFLY

    You were going to write about all of the wonderful, friendly, dedicated, intelligent, witty, attractive, charismatic, irresistable, talented, funny, creative, magnetic, and absolutely-the-best bloggers on the net that all seem to wind up on your site. πŸ˜€

  3. JFLY

    …or maybe it was cheese?

  4. Spud

    Dandruff, I seem to recall something about dandruff.


  5. Anna

    Bedwetting? Napkin gnawing? Camel humping? Frog licking? Bicycle repair?
    Please tell ….

  6. cbatdux

    Ich ben ein Blogger. Ist Goot? Der JFLY ist der Babe!

    Something about Germany maybe?

  7. Becky

    Belly Button lint sweaters…….That’s It! :puke:

  8. This is the slippery slope Dave. Next thing youÒ€ℒll be confusing the days of the week, not remembering where you put your dentures and forgetting your grandchildrenÒ€ℒs names. Might as well book yourself into a home now while you still have your dignity.

  9. Mandy

    What happens in Little Rock, stays in Little Rock. Did you wake up in someone else’s underwear? :undies:

  10. mitch

    Could it have been something about your latest bout of genital herpes? Hope it’s getting better.

  11. Bob

    perhaps it was about how the people with red light cameras never seem to include wallet size pictures with the package. You would think for that kind of money you’d get all the package options

  12. bhamm

    You were going to write about forgetting to write about something that you forgot to write about.

    (See me if you need a translation.)

  13. Evelyn

    why is so late in the day. i wanted to pack a lunch and take the grandkids. ❓

  14. Evelyn

    sorry, comment belonged on the previous one πŸ™

  15. Marcus

    First up on our discussion today. Dave is coming out of the closet. To talk about agoraphobia and knitting bees. Next we will talk with JFLY about her fear of wire hangers and the Brady Bunch. Finally we will have a dicussion with Mandy about her obsession with underwear and Martin Short. Looks like we have a full program today.

    Darth Vader cracks me up πŸ˜€ πŸ˜†

    Hee Hee My room is dirty. Wait, my room is always duty. πŸ˜›

  16. Meagan

    Were you going to write about mooses? Meese? πŸ˜•

  17. Beaner

    It was the meaning of life wasn’t it, you probably had it figured out! Oh, well πŸ’‘ NO HOUSEWORK DAY :lol:I will be taking advantage of this.

  18. paul

    When forgetting becomes illegal only outlaws will become forgotten??????

  19. Bob

    [Comment ID #41218 will be quoted here]

    The answer to most questions in life is 3. Or 3.14159 if you want to get technical. The answer to the meaning of life is 7. The answers are easy it’s the questions we dont understand.

  20. Bjorn Freeh

    No Housework Day? That’s every day.

    Dang. I was told today was Slap A Coworker Day. I have some apologizing to do…

  21. Peaches

    You were thinking of your “idea” icon, and wondering…… it just me, or am I the only person that looks at this and see’s the butt of a while tailed deer? πŸ’‘

  22. Peaches

    Sorry, WHITE tailed deer.

  23. cbatdux

    [Comment ID #41219 will be quoted here]

    good one.

  24. cbatdux

    I never have housework. It’s all done at very reasonalbe rates by illegal immigrants. No, I mean, undocumented workers, no, alien ……

  25. MrDoug

    No problem it happens to the best of them Davezilla and you are one of the best. Just come over here and put this nice coat on here, let me help you, yea I know those pesky sleves buckle in the back, it’s the new fashion trend.

    Ok now lets take our medication, it’ s medication time…very good swallow it down. Yes I know you are a great blogger with a huge following…it’s ok…we all understand…ok now just lay down it will be ok…

  26. chainstay

    You were going to write about…um..hold on….uh….oh yea, that’s wait that wasn’t it…I think it had somthing to do with.. oh wait, that was last week…don’t tell me, don’t tell me, I’ll get it…er…Did it have something to do with..naw, I doubt it. Ah-ha, I think it was about that thing; you know, that one thing. It’s like that other thing but different. Oh come on, That THING, it’s got that other thing on it and it’s kind of that one color, kind of greenish/orange, but not really. It acts just like that thingamajig that has those dohicky’s all over it and it does that stuff. Don’t tell me you don’t know what I’m talking about, THAT THING!!……… oh forget it.

  27. Becky

    No Dave is isn’t “No House Work Day”…….It’s “GSDD”…Get Shit Done Day :dead:

  28. Ace

    No housework day? Damn! I’m going to have to miss out in the festivities because today is the only day I actually clean.

  29. JFLY

    [Comment ID #41210 will be quoted here]

    While I’ll admit to suffering from a life-long case of Bradyphobia (Cindy is evil), I have absolutely no fear of wire hangers. πŸ˜›

    Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!

  30. [Comment ID #41231 will be quoted here]

    [Comment ID #41232 will be quoted here]


  31. Bjorn Freeh

    πŸ’‘ πŸ’‘ πŸ’‘ πŸ’‘ πŸ’‘ πŸ’‘ πŸ’‘ πŸ’‘ πŸ’‘ πŸ’‘

    Looks like Escanaba in November, eh, Peaches?

    πŸ’‘ πŸ’‘ πŸ’‘ πŸ’‘ πŸ’‘ πŸ’‘ πŸ’‘ πŸ’‘ πŸ’‘ πŸ’‘

  32. brainchallenged52

    The Meaning of Life or Not?

  33. Peaches

    [Comment ID #41248 will be quoted here]

    10 – 4 Good buddy……..uh……..different post.

    (It STILL looks like the butt of a white tailed deer)

  34. Peaches

    [Comment ID #41248 will be quoted here]

    I will admit I have never been to Escanaba………..and it is too late in the day to even think of a reply. Margarita time!!

  35. Peaches

    [Comment ID #41247 will be quoted here]

    And yes I do have some weird kind of imagination.

  36. [Comment ID #41256 will be quoted here]

    That’s okay…that is why I love you so much…at least you don’t have my weird PERVERTED sense of humor…but that was two posts ago… 😈

  37. Ace

    I kneel down to the almighty Dave who made it so that I would not be able to clean today. My building’s water was shut off for repairs but I think Dave was behind it and because of this I have not washed a single dish or my clothes. Thank you!

  38. Driver

    that thing , to damn funny .

    Forty–two , I cant remember what movie thats from .

    Dave was it that big nasty soap scum , lime crusted hair clump in the shower drain problem ?

  39. [Comment ID #41416 will be quoted here]

    Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

  40. Driver

    Thank You Commander Dave .

  41. Timmmy

    Since you’re not thinking of anything specific, May I introduce you to the wonderful world of Amway product sales?

  42. dawn

    I thought every day was no housework day…

  43. Moosepants, Dave. It’s always about the moosepants.

  44. Teri

    πŸ’‘ :idea:escanaba in the moonlight was a funny movie πŸ’‘ :idea:oh yeah..what were you gonna say dave?

  45. Teri

    And the answer to the meaning of life is and always will be 42! πŸ’‘ πŸ’‘

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