I didn’t know leprechauns could drive

I did not know leprechauns could drive

Mini Announcement: Lizz and I are engaged!

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  1. Patrick

    Dibs on firsties.
    The next time they get into the trunk they are going to be so surprised! “Holy Crap Marge, a pot of gold”!

  2. Patrick

    Wait, I just saw the mini announcement, and BTW, that’s no mini that’s HUGE!- Congrats to Dave and Lizz!!! So she decided to make an honest man out of you instead of keeping you as her manwhore. Well, I guess all good things come to an end. LOL!

  3. zagy

    Hey, grats Dave and Lizz!

  4. Congrats DAve & Liz

    I always thought that leprechauns would be like circus clowns and drive Minis, not butt ugly old Pontiacs.

  5. chainstay

    So that is why you can never find the end of the rainbow; it’s always on the move.

    Dave, I am very happy for the two of you.

  6. jack

    Dave, congrats. Lizz, my condolences.

  7. I wish you the best Dave & Lizz although admittedly I couldn’t help but laugh at Jack’s comment.

    [quote post=”3405″]Dave, congrats. Lizz, my condolences.[/quote]

  8. freckleface

    A lovely picture and great news. Congrats Dave & Lizz!

    Hey, why don’t you take “Boatzilla” down to the Caribbean for your honeymoon?

    Cin, cin. :kiss:

  9. Bigwavdave

    Dave – I know you two will have a long and happy life together as long as you don’t forget those three little words “YOUR RIGHT DEAR” πŸ˜‰

  10. Spud

    Congratulations Dave & Natalie!

  11. [quote comment=”630091″]Congratulations Dave & Natalie![/quote]
    Uh, wrong woman, Spud. Natalie and I split up a long time ago. 😐 Lizz is my fiancée.

  12. AlexBallew

    Gratz Dave. You have 26 years to catch up with me and my wife!

  13. HalleyPgh

    No leprechains here, but I can see how you might be confused. It’s the Irish-American newlyweds from Massachusetts, Gerald Fitzpatrick and Patrick Fitzgerald, going to honeymoon in Vermont mountain lodge of best friends Ben Dover and Phil McAvity. :love:

  14. julesOdeNile

    Congratulations Dave & Lizz. rocn on witcho bad selves!! πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰ and a major hats off to: [quote comment=”630093″]Gratz Dave. You have 26 years to catch up with me and my wife![/quote]

  15. julesOdeNile

    * that word will be *rock * not rocn what ever that is… :limp:

  16. Oh and BTW, many happy returns to yourself and Lizz.
    The boat was original – most guys just go for a boring ring.

  17. Spud

    [quote comment=”630092″][quote comment=”630091″]Congratulations Dave & Natalie![/quote]
    Uh, wrong woman, Spud. Natalie and I split up a long time ago. 😐 Lizz is my fiancée.[/quote]
    I know that, I know this, and yet I still wrote what I did, a thousand pardons to Lizz Dave, really, I have no idea why that was typed out. 😳

    All I can offer is “the leprechauns made me do it!” πŸ˜€

  18. [quote comment=”630104″]Why the Gay Witness Protection Program never worked.[/quote]

  19. julesOdeNile

    [quote comment=”630117″][quote comment=”630104″]Why the Gay Witness Protection Program never worked.[/quote]
    i second that! πŸ˜† πŸ˜€

  20. junkman


    -hey stevie….olds, pontiac…? doesn’t look like a treasure. πŸ˜‰

  21. I saw your Tweet and congratulated you on an earlier post, but this is such big news, it deserves another go round…..

    “CONGRATULATIONS DAVE & LIZ!!!!!!!!!!!! :love: :love: :love:

  22. You call that a “Mini” Announcement? It’s humongous!!!!

    I can’t help but feel sad when I think of all the broken-hearted girls around the world who thought they might stand a chance with the wonderful, witty, brilliant Davezilla.

    Lucky, lucky Lizz! (I’m sure SHE must be fantastic as well, but this is YOUR blog.)


  23. [quote comment=”630106″][quote comment=”630092″][quote comment=”630091″]Congratulations Dave & Natalie![/quote]
    Uh, wrong woman, Spud. Natalie and I split up a long time ago. 😐 Lizz is my fiancée.[/quote]
    I know that, I know this, and yet I still wrote what I did, a thousand pardons to Lizz Dave, really, I have no idea why that was typed out. 😳

    All I can offer is “the leprechauns made me do it!”


    Over here we call that a brain fart babe! πŸ˜›

  24. fruf

    Awsome ..congrats to Dave and Lizz
    If that old Olds is the pot of gold ??

  25. [quote comment=”630120″]congrats!

    -hey stevie….olds, pontiac…? doesn’t look like a treasure. ;-)[/quote]

    Junkman, it could be either/or. I’d say it’s more likely to be a Pontiac since the Olds tended to have more chrome. Either way, it’s ain’t my pot of gold.

  26. Love the rainbow; I can almost taste it.
    Awww… that’s just my skittles. πŸ˜₯

  27. Flash Gordon

    Congrats to the lucky couple.

    It’s a Pontiac, without doubt. I checked with AnnieB and she said she’d
    recognize that back seat anywhere. :kiss: :thong: :wang: πŸ˜‰

  28. nina

    Gratz Dave you are a lucky man and Lizz well just gratz :lol:. And yes the little green wish givers can drive they just need special equipment.

  29. Drusky

    Little known trivia fact: In the original script, Dr. Teeth and The Electric Mayhem drove an Olds. The mistake was caught when the director said “No, I meant a REAL bus…” πŸ˜†

    CONGRATS to Dave and Liz! Can you even imagine some of the laws (both legal and natural) that will be broken at the Batchelor party? Can we a Zilla dudes give him a proper ‘online sendoff’ with Mandy and Bec on webcam jumping out of a cake? :wang:

  30. [quote comment=”630145″]
    CONGRATS to Dave and Liz! Can you even imagine some of the laws (both legal and natural) that will be broken at the Batchelor party? Can we a Zilla dudes give him a proper ‘online sendoff’ with Mandy and Bec on webcam jumping out of a cake? :wang:[/quote]

    A Zilla bachelor party with entertainment by the Zillagirls. Now that’s a pot of gold I could get behind! :wang:

  31. Craigaroonie

    Best wishes Dave.
    Lizz, what were you thinking?
    It’s the boat, isn’t it? You get far enough out to sea and, Oops, Sorry Dave did I bump you?
    Sort out the life insurance now, Lizz.

    So, Natalie’s free then?

  32. Timm

    Actually the rainbow is on the Dodge behind the Olds/pontiac because MOPAR RULES and GM DROOLS!

    Best wishes to Dave & Liz!

  33. AlexBallew

    Dave–If you two want a destination wedding check this out:


    My daughter is getting married there next month. It is free. It is in Austin, TX. Where redneck meets San Francisco.

  34. Meshie

    Congratulations Dave & Liz!!!

  35. JulesOdeNile

    [quote comment=”630160″]TASTE MY RAINBOW!![/quote]
    my skittles are popping :wang: :wang: :wang: pop pop pop

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