Fuck Yeah!

Fuck yeah!

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  1. Looks like he wants me to vote for Clinton…

  2. Sammy

    Davezilla! Age14.

  3. Margaret

    I know who this is…he’s a member of WGC, the Wheelbarrow Gansgter Crew.

  4. Bigwavdave

    ASTRYD!!! – Just when I thought you’d taken another vacation! Oh yes, and I think your avatar next door is da bomb!!! :wang:

  5. Well, I can’t say much for the wheels but I do like a good sexophone… ๐Ÿ˜›

  6. Patrick

    Oh look, isn’t he cute with his little puke green gun and gansta attitude. I’d love to see him fall backwards outta the wheelbarrow. Yo, represent fool!

  7. Bigwavdave

    [quote comment=”629208″]Well, I can’t say much for the wheels but I do like a good sexophone… :P[/quote]
    It takes a strong pair of lips, and I’m sure you blow a great horn…

  8. Timm

    Yeah…. and people say I’m weIrD. ๐Ÿ™„

  9. fruf

    the gun needs shove up the assoctomy and the sax needs to be in his hands if he cannp play it
    wail me a tune wagon boy
    As for fuck yeah,he should use the green gun to remove it or prove hoe tough he id by using the sax as a penis insertion

  10. Flash Gordon

    AnnieB’s little j.d. nephew, Buster

    AnnieB’s little j.d. nephew, Buster Cherry, in a light-hearted moment after
    torturing toad frogs.

    :kiss: :kiss: :wtf: :kiss: :kiss:

  11. junkman

    -isn’t the most important detail in this photo the falling snow?
    -why would anyone have a friend named solly not sally?
    -those people would absolutely not be driving those cars!
    p.s. fuck yeah

  12. Yeah! Backyard Snowboarder and Jazz Soloist Mr Fuck Yeah shows off his way of saving the environment by loading his squirt gun with piss… shut yo’ mouf!


  13. cbatdux

    got brass, no class, now crass.

  14. [quote comment=”629204″]ASTRYD!!! – Just when I thought you’d taken another vacation! Oh yes, and I think your avatar next door is da bomb!!! :wang:[/quote]
    No vacation jsut tryin to get back into the groove of things. I check you guys out as often as possible but refuse to comment unless I’m logged on and in some cases there’s no time for what I want to say either. But I’m still here and still rotflmfao.

    I came home exhausted today and I’m sitting naked on my bed watching The Rocky Horror Picture show, eating chocolate pudding & taking advantage of my wind down time to check out my home away from home. ๐Ÿ˜›

    I’m thinking…let’s go to Spread Eagle, WI :wang: ๐Ÿ˜› (I think that’s right?)

  15. Bigwavdave

    [quote post=”3331″]I came home exhausted today and Iโ€™m sitting naked on my bed watching The Rocky Horror Picture show, eating chocolate pudding & taking advantage of my wind down time to check out my home away from home. ๐Ÿ˜›

    Bed? Naked? Pudding? RHPS? I’ll be right over :wang:

  16. DaPopster

    Tat like that’ll keep him out of the Marine Corps. Although maybe in this case ………

  17. tonka

    Along with the photo, the ransom note read:

    Dear Mr. Clinton

    $5000 in unmarked $20 bills or your sax gets whacked

  18. Astryd! Nice to see your ass again! Care for a welcome back spank? :kiss:

  19. Definitely, please do! I miss having chapped cheeks! ๐Ÿ˜›

  20. Drusky

    Even though he had lost his hearing aids, Rico KNEW he had heard that to be a gangster, you needed to get involved with sax and guns…

  21. [quote comment=”629313″]Definitely, please do! I miss having chapped cheeks! :P[/quote]

    As you wish… SPANK! :kiss:

  22. nina

    Will the real slim shady plz kick this douche’s ass.

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