Note to Self: 5,290

Next time you drop buttered popcorn in a glass of Perrier by mistake, retrieve it within one second or pour the glass out. Blecch. Five second rule does not apply here.

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Show 22 Comments


  1. JFLY

    Good Luck Dave!!! :kiss:

  2. Esther

    Also, I wouldn’t recommend dropping your salami in a glass of orange juice.

    Lots of luck to ya, Dave!:lol:

  3. JD

    You know what is a good combo? Chocolate milk and Dr. Pepper. It tastes like a milk shake, I swear. :java:

  4. Lace Valentine

    Like the miserly French
    in a throat-thirsting pinch
    smell the bouquet
    before quaffing Perrier–
    Now it’s not as sublime
    as red Bordeaux wine
    Tell the wine-dealer’s daughter:
    it’s just Gallic water
    but if she loves you true
    she might drink bubbly too.
    Or rather, with a wink
    you can embellish the drink:
    (let those French just scorn)
    Throw in popcorn!

  5. Mandy

    Lace, that was brilliant! :kiss:

  6. Alternatively, popcorn goes great with pink lemonade.

  7. Spud

    Lace is sliding into great limericks, however I think it needs a backing track ala mm

    popcorn is at stake
    soggy tales or more
    leave none to waste


  8. I’m assuming that the perrier is kind of ruined too….

  9. Congradulations. My goal is to get just one family member to read my blog. Just one.:roll:

  10. Does this mean you get a free drink and all the cocktail weenies you can eat? Woo-hoo!

  11. Lace Valentine

    Thanks, Mandy, :kiss:

    I guess I’ll reveal it here first: I’m half French (Lord!) but American in a non-voluntary sort of way.

    And for Spud:

    Kerouac drank
    himself to death–
    shoulda had popcorn


    Congrats Davezilla for your Honorable Mention. I raise my :java: to you.

  12. Yay! Congrats, Dave! You’ll always be my most favourite (humourist) blogger. 🙂

  13. Spud

    Congrats on the honourable mention Dave.

    I think I can put my finger on why you weren’t a finalist…

    We need more

  14. Mandy

    Spud may be right. :wtf:

  15. JFLY

    Dave, break out the Perrier & popcorn!!!


  16. This is unacceptable! You should demand a recount!

  17. Anna

    Dave, the whole of Holland congratulates you on your honorables (sounds like “unmentionables”).

    Is Spud talking about some girl-on-girl action? (By the looks of the position of “his” :boobs::boobs: and :thong: you might think so).

  18. Spud

    Well, where I come from Anna :boobs::thong::boobs: kinda means Tits & Arse.



  19. Anna

    Spud, let’s ask “the esteemed reader”.
    Does :boobs::thong::boobs: mean:
    a) tits and ass or,
    b) soixant neuf between girls

  20. mikeB

    Anna is making me hot :wang:

  21. Spud

    Anna is hot

    so is Mandy

    and Esther

    and Natalie

    this topic is drifting again


    a & b


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