Dave Shea is an artichoke

Yours truly has interviewed the talented and prolific author, Molly Holzschlag for Digital Web magazine. Yes, it’s a silly read.

Read the interview

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  1. Does this mean we should all bow down to you as the new High Commander?

  2. CJ

    I smell a Pulitzer in the making.

  3. Cheap Date

    I smell SOMETHING! :wtf:

    RUST, leave the room next time! 😀

  4. Esther

    Great interview, Dave! I almost spewed Dr. Pepper all over my monitor with that ‘books pushing envelopes’ comment. 😆

  5. My wife says I’m really more of a pineapple. I’m not sure who’s right. I’m not sure who I want to be right.

    (Great interview Dave, loved it)

  6. If she’s right, you go well on pizza with ham.

  7. Mandy

    And what kind of fruit are you Dave? A banana? :kiss:

  8. Having actually read the article, I hearby kneel before the new High Commander!

  9. Esther

    No, Mandy, that’s only what he carries in his pocket.:twisted:

  10. Kirk

    Rust, God is going to be upset!

    Great article, Dave! And from Esther’s comment, maybe you will get a Spewlizer!

  11. Mandy

    Dave’s a banana and Natalie is a peach! :kiss:

  12. mikeB

    And Mandy is cherry! 😛

  13. Lace Valentine

    CSS is like marshmallow, only hard.

  14. Anna

    Could someone explain to me what the article is about?
    Never Mind … I kneel before the high commander too! (There’s that germanic trait … I’m stupid so I’ll follow any weirdo)

  15. Hey ‘zilla – fix the speeeeeling: it’s holzschlag 😛

    Wow, wow – I just found out now! Dave Shea’s wife thinks he’s a pineapple? That’s amazing, because there’s definitely a good comparison to be made between an artichoke and a pineapple. Of course, I imagine April knows his most sweet side, so the difference in our metaphors makes total sense.

  16. Can’t believe I missed the “z”. 😳

  17. You’re forgiven Zilla, but mind your z’s and ch’s in the future, okay?

    I loved doing the interview with you, btw, but if those SXSW goers think they’re going to get any info about hotel thrashing out of me at SXSW no matter how much liquor they ply me with, pity those fools.

    It’s easier to spell my name.


    (oh, I just had to – ahem – insert that emoticon. It’s like a dog licking his balls. It’s a because I can thing…)

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