Audio is NSFW. Fuh-reeeeak!
Link via Jason Macemore

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  1. The steroids have given him a nice bass quality to his voice. That’s nice.

  2. Ronica

    Let me b the first to wish you a very ZILLA :boobs: :boobs: birthday!!!

    :wtf:Don’t he know that the juice will shrink the jewels??? :limp:

  3. I bet that guy has no sex cause his junk is shriveled! :limp:

    Does he get off giving himself nipple twisters?? Yeck! :puke:

  4. Driver

    May the Zillagirls grant your every naughty wish-with Natalie’s permission of course .

    RE: video
    I think this guy really misses his boyfriend .

  5. jack

    I think this guy is his own boyfriend. Happy Birthday, Dave

  6. Flash Gordon

    Happy Birthday, Dave. May you have 70 more.

    I hope that muscle-bound gorilla isn’t another of AnnieB’s in-bred cousins. :kiss: πŸ˜› :wtf:

  7. Where is the televised Zilladay parade? May we all celebrate the birth of the great Zillaleader with a mass mooning focused in the general direction of Detroit. Ladies first. (that was your present from me, turn away now)

  8. May I be the first to give you birthday spankings, Dave? 😈

  9. :wtf: As if my mind wasn’t foggy enough battling a cold and new training courses. What a freakshow. He should just poke a hole in the mirror and screw himself to pieces already.


  10. Aw Hamburgers. I forgot to wish you a happy birthday Dave. So ehm…. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Don’t get too :puke: from celebrating tonight.

  11. His favourite song is by the MePlastics – “When I Think About Me, I Touch Myself”

    HFB Dave! May the next Sixbucks freak you meet be a cute, horny female who is a :boobs: :boobs: flasher.

  12. [Comment ID #223493 will appear here]

    Jeez Flash. Who do you think I am … Marie Osmond? Only she could have THAT many relatives. πŸ˜›

    @ Pablo – Good idea, I’m in!

    Happy Birthday Dave! There’s a moon out tonight. πŸ˜› I could also show you a little bit of heaven if you think you could handle it … :kiss:

  13. Infernos


    YUCK – I’m gay and even I find that to be NASTY.

    He should roll over and date himself.

    Happy Happy Dave !

  14. I have 3 guesses about the Steroid Ranger

    1. That his nipples are bigger than his dick.
    2. That if you listen to the background you will hear a gerbil death wail.
    3. Favorite exercise at the gym, squat – thrusts.
  15. Man, I must have spaced……. πŸ˜€


    May your kitten bring you a good gift!

  16. [Comment ID #223513 will appear here]

    Yeah … like the Reds???? Did ya, did ya get them????

    @ Pablo – did you take a funny pill today? πŸ˜†

  17. J

    All I can say is whoa!?

  18. Lake Effect

    I was going to join in the Big Birthday MoonFest toward Detroit, but, due to the 9 degree temp and 65 mph wind, I just scraped the frost off of a northwest-facing window and kind of farted thru my longjohns, and then went back to twisting my nipples.

    Happy ZillaDay. Remember, you’re only young once, but you can be immature forever.

    And the first 20 years are the toughest half of your life.

  19. Drusky

    Damn, Pablo, you almost made me spew soda at “gerbil death wail” πŸ˜€
    Problem is, with all the hgh he’s taken, his package is probably so small that even the girbil would be saying “Is it in, yet?” 😈
    Dave, happy b-day to you. Hope Nat can take Meagan spanking you while Annie shows you heaven. Lucky Dog! You’ll need the kitten to fetch your socks for you after all the Zilla Girls knock them off you… :undies:

  20. Drusky

    [Comment ID #223507 will appear here]
    I think if Marie Osmond tried to be you, she’d just self-ignite and explode… but that’s just one of the things we love about you… πŸ˜†

    Speaking of self-ignition, is Flash getting brave in his posts to you or has he just been taking his funny pills? πŸ˜† πŸ˜€ πŸ˜†

  21. Jay Laverdure

    Dave: Even if it IS your birthday, do you really think it’s appropriate to post a video of yourself at the top of Davezilla?

    (Snort, guffaw, chortle…)

    Happy birthday, you creative bastard! (You know I mean that in the best possible way!)

  22. Flash Gordon

    Drusky—Flash has been taking lessons from the Sultan of Cleveland, Benny Lava. πŸ™„ πŸ˜› :wtf: πŸ˜€

    AnnieB—Goodness no, I don’t think of you as Marie O., I think of you as more like
    the chick in the Resident Evil movies, Mila Jovovitch. (Boing! :wang: :wang:)

  23. janeeto

    Happy Birthday, Dave! Starbucks gift card in the mail!
    I like my men in shape, but when they have larger erect nipples than I, well, that’s where I draw the line! :boobs:
    Do they have a USB toy for us women that would make us cool and hip, too? Should I take time to peruse their ‘catalog’?

  24. Ew. He just punched himself. Multiple times. And he liked it.
    BTW- Did anybody notice the Ò€œclassicÒ€ Kid picture behind him (dude- your dad is on youtube touching himself- ).

  25. Spud

    Happee Birthday Dave! πŸ˜† :geek: :java: 😈

    The video is very disturbing on quite few levels.
    1. I watched it.
    2. This gut believed what he said.
    3. He has relatives.


  26. julesOdeNile

    Happy Birthday Dave! here’swishing you lots of :undies: :thong: :undies: :thong: :boobs: :boobs: and plenty of :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang:to rise up to the occasion

  27. julesOdeNile

    on a not so happy note, i live in Kenya and my country is right now going through a tough time. so my funny bone is kind of not working right now. Zillagirls…any ideas? could use a little more than thumbnail action here, whaddyasay? Peace to all in Zillaland

  28. Thank you all for the wishes, spanks, naughty email pictures. I had a great birthday. 😈

  29. Happy birthday Dave! I also celebrated my godsons birthday yesterday.
    Here is a present for you! πŸ˜›

  30. junkman


    ps. that guy is so sexy he deserves to be licked all over his body……with the tongue of my doc martins.

  31. Driver

    I believe it’s customary to show your gifts to everyone at the party . πŸ˜›

  32. Que se lo ponga! Que se lo ponga!

    I’ve got a special gift you can unwrap! 😈

  33. Flash Gordon

    [Comment ID #223624 will appear here]

    If he doesn’t, I will! No hablo espanol. πŸ™ πŸ™„ :boobs: :wang:

  34. Today is a very special day. Our own Master of Droll Humor is celebrating HIS birthday!

    Drum roll … HAPPY BIRTHDAY BJORN !!! :kiss: πŸ˜† πŸ˜›

  35. Drusky

    [Comment ID #223610 will appear here]
    Hear, Hear! You open them and then pass them around. Whatcha going to put in the hand out bags for your guests?

  36. [Comment ID #223653 will appear here]

    Mandy is preparing an entire set for us. πŸ˜€

  37. TimM

    Wow, It’s so nasty and NSFW that my computer hook up is protecting me from its evilness. I just have a gray box. Apparently it’s a singing bodybuilder.

    Happy Birthday, Dave!

  38. Happy Belated, Dave! Mine was the 31st! Almost twins?! πŸ˜€ Okay, maybe not.

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