Posts have been sporadic lately. Granted, by most blogs’ standards, I am pretty punctual. I’ve missed nine days this year. Not bad. But not what I planned this site for. I remember in 2000, I used to post up to four or five times a day. I want to get back to that.
Part of it’s my crazy travel schedule for work. Part of it is that I am now a senior vice-president at the agency, so I have a lot more responsibilities. Part of it is a trap I got myself into. By always putting a video and link of the day, I have often waited hours to post, looking for something funny by someone else to post, and that’s not fair to you (or me).
So I’ve come to a decision. There are 10-12 of you that regularly send me links and videos. I thank you and I will continue to use them, but I will no longer slavishly look for links and videos, myself. If I get them great, if not, the post goes up anyway, and no longer at just midnight EST only. I need to be more spontaneous and post when it strikes me.
I want to spend more time writing, taking pictures and drawing cartoons. And dammit, more anagrams! Some of my older readers remember some of the esoteric things I used to do, like make the titles into puzzles, have the first letter of each sentence spell out something funny, etc.
Those days are back.
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