Complete this Sentence, #29

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Caption Time #88

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More people we dislike #5: Music Video Directors

A special breed of artist, the music video director fancies himself one day a real film director. This of course, will never happen unless someone writes a movie about a ratty-looking guitarist breaking up with his supermodel girlfriend in the desert, while chicas in matching thongs choreograph the breakup in a New York City back alley. We hate you, video directors, because you all use the same video effects, the same yawnful slow motion pans across teary-eyed waifs and men with 5:00 shadow. No, we are neither enticed nor fooled by the tiny, red REC icon flashing on the video.…

New look

I guess I never did get around to updating this site's appearance last year. There are of course, a few bugs, missing features and visual tweaks still. Safari is not displaying the comment editing buttons, but you can tell what they are by hovering your mouse over them. More new features to come over the week. Stay tuned…

Caption Time #87

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