
I always seem to look at the clock when it turns 12:34, and frequently, 12:34:56. I don’t do this intentionally, nor do I wait for it to turn. it’s just a weird synchronicity thing. I asked several of my friends if they always seem to notice a certain time on the clock and I am alone on the sequential numbering; they all see 11:11. Jason told me that many people say you are to make a wish if you see 11:11.

How about you? Do you always notice a certain time of the day on digital clocks?

Show 65 Comments


  1. Chris S.

    Yeah that is a little strange. I see 12:34 quite a bit as well. The other times are 12:23, 10:10 and 11:11. I always thought that was weird but now that I am thinking about it, maybe it is just that those numbers seem to have a pattern to them that we remember them easier than say, 9:46 or something. Although the one time I don’t ever remember seeing is 4:38. I wonder if it even exists and I am starting to think that could be the baby pigeon of time. πŸ˜•

  2. janeeto

    Video of the day: The little girl looks like she could have been one of mine! I could show my eldest, she’d think it hilarious, but the six year old would just run around the house saying it!

    My dad had a super 8 projector that he bought because someone had given him some amature porn. I was in my early teens, and having paid attention to how to set up the projector and films at school, couldn’t wait when my family was out of the house to view these against my closet wall. Old black and white stag films. Quite impressive-the first time I had really seen a woman pleasuring a man orally.

  3. Bear

    yeah…10:30, it is the time I wake up in the morning and 10:30 pm when I get off work

  4. Spud

    It’s a premonition, a gift or bane depending on how you look at it which foretells the time of your death. This has been well documented through the past with many people foretelling the exact time of their demise and is a common thread through the dream state to the waking mind.

    They say you see this at least 13 times before you kick the bucket, go to meet your maker, push up the daisies, go to Davy Jones’s locker, bite the dust, snuff it, croak it, turn up one’s toes, cash in one’s chips, drop off the perch, hop the twig, pop one’s clogs, well, I think you get my drift.


  5. Spud

    I think we did the cheeseburger in a can thing a little while ago janeeto. The invention of the 21st century has arrived, rest they say is history.

  6. I see 12:21 a LOT. like three times a day
    lol jk
    but really I tend to see it a lot.

  7. I think it has something to do with living with cats, Dave.

    Next to quartz pulsars, cats are the most reliable time keeping mechanism known to man. Serve their food at exactly 19.21.34 two days in a row and you can be sure that on the third day theyÒ€ℒll walk in the door within a nanosecond you twisting the key on the can. This feline ability is obviously rubbing off on you.

  8. All the clocks in my house blink 12:00, day and night…

  9. I tend to watch the clock just when it’s about to turn 4:30 pm, but for some strange reason, I only do it on weekdays.

  10. misterarthur

    When I look at the clock, I try to see if you can manipulate the numbers to result in 13. Like 7:51 (7+5+1=13)
    Or 4:31 (4×3+1=13). By the way, the Oceanic Air flight number from Lost is manipulateable to 13. ( Flight 815= 8×1+5=13)

  11. Bigwavdave

    Dave – – – What time is it now…now…now…now…?

  12. I see 4:12 every morning. It’s when I wake up to have my morning constitutional. I’d rather be sleeping though. 😐

  13. I see 7:27 (my birthday) an inordinate number of times, say per week. Each time I do I say “Happy Birthday To Me!” I enjoy simple little pleasures wherever I may find them. πŸ˜›

  14. 3:33. But since my clock is three minutes fast, it’s never really 3:33.

  15. I see 7:11 alot. I guess that means that I subconsciously am looking for a Slurpie and a microwaved burrito.

    My personal favorites, 4:20 & beer:30

  16. Years ago, every morning i get up at 7:14 while my alarm clock rings at 7:15.

  17. Arthur, I do that too! With 13, even. Prime number fetish, maybe? :geek:

  18. donnhw

    AT LEAST 5 times a week, I will casually look up at the clock & it will be at 9:11 – Spooks me the f@#k out. This has been happening to me for years! :wtf:

  19. DaPopster

    For me it’s 9:56, wich was also the street address where I grew up. πŸ˜•

  20. 3:47 EST!

    Klaatu barada nikto!


  21. [Comment ID #229888 will appear here]

    Dude! Quit saying that, I lose all of my asperations of world domination everry time I hear that!

  22. Flash Gordon

    [Comment ID #229851 will appear here]

    Gee, Nicolette, thanks for sharing!

  23. Flash Gordon

    [Comment ID #229860 will appear here]

    Me, too, hon. :boobs: :thong: :undies: :java: :kiss:

  24. When I wake up at my place, I usually see 8:17 on the clock. Mostly because of the number of times I hit the snooze button!
    When I first check the time after lunch, (or before lunch some busy days), it’s 13:37 (24h clocks anyone?).

  25. [Comment ID #229916 will appear here]

    Cool, Sun dials are making a comeback!

  26. [Comment ID #229916 will appear here]

    The favorite time in Zillaland: X:X:X

  27. [Comment ID #229851 will appear here]

    What time is it? It’s Howdy Doody time!

  28. [Comment ID #229934 will appear here]

    Triple X and nuthin but 10s…

  29. [Comment ID #229934 will appear here]

    Really? I thought it was 9 past 6! πŸ˜›

  30. Dragonhose

    25 or 6 to 4

  31. [Comment ID #229950 will appear here]

    BIG guffaw! I’m in pain … πŸ˜† πŸ˜€ :wang: :kiss:

  32. [Comment ID #229934 will appear here]

    Time to get a second opinion on that chromosome test!

  33. Lake Effect

    I’ve got a watch that always shows 88:88:88. It’s not very helpful, but it looks great!

  34. Parchment

    I always see 7:22 which is my Birthday… I told my father about it and now he see’s 9:19 and sends me a text message everytime he see’s it incidentally

  35. Driver

    Yep thats me over at Avi’s I was wondering if that was you . I would have responded sooner but I was busy licking…I mean looking at your avatar…mmmmmmm boooobieeees.

    RE: vid O day
    One of my nieces when she was still learning to talk used to say fire truck as fire fuck

  36. Oh and the time thing , I dont see any certain time but whats weird is with my work I get up at different times each morn. and no matter what time I set the clock for I always wake up 3 min. before the alarm sounds.

  37. Spud

    In the year 2525…

  38. [Comment ID #229690 will appear here]

    You can use the contact form for that. Thanks!

  39. [Comment ID #230075 will appear here]

    Goodness Driver, stop that! You’re getting me all wet! πŸ˜› :wang:

  40. [Comment ID #230102 will appear here]

    Annie how bout moving that finger so we can get something else wet :wang:…and why do your boobs taste like glass ? πŸ˜›

  41. Catherine

    I always notice 10:04, because my birthday is October 4th…

  42. TimM

    I can’t get the vid. but apparently it’s like when my relative Justin was very young, playing with his toy dump truck. His uncle asked, “What’s that you’re playing with?” Justin said something other than “dump truck.” Three or four times he said the same thing. The adults were looking at each other saying, “Did he say what I think he said?” He kept calling the dump truck a “Dumb Fuck.”

    The number for me, for some reason is 3:18

  43. [Comment ID #229918 will appear here]

    Hey, Dave asked the question…… I justanswered it. We can’t be sexy all the time.
    (Unless you’re Annie!)

  44. Joe Zadorsky

    12:34, like, all the time.

  45. Cicero

    ALWAYS 1:59!! It’s been that way for over 20 years. I don’t get it….

  46. 12:34, and (sadly) 9:11. All the time.

  47. Sam

    9:11 constantly, I don’t know why, and occasionally 10:11 too.

  48. Zilla the Younger

    I wake up to see the clock read 5:57am, of course, my alarm goes off at 6:00am.

  49. Bigwavdave

    Time is kinda funny: Here comes a moment…oops there it goes…
    So where did it come from and where has it gone? It was just here.

    The perception of time is also interesting – – – Let’s say I’ve got my face buried in Annie B’s ample cleavage…oh I just lost my place…OK, I’m back…well, an hour would seem to fly by in a few (fluttering) heartbeats, no?
    And yet with Driver’s avatar chasing my ass…60 seconds would last for-ever.
    You get the picture.

  50. Bigwavdave
    I would never bite your ass buddy…unless your face was where I wanted to put my face so I could put my face where your face was and if that were the case there would be no chase because with your face where it was you would never see me coming…WAIT…WHAT… :boobs: :boobs:MMMM BOOOOOBIEEEEES

  51. Drusky

    Only in Zillaland can we go from clock displays to sex and bowel movements.

    sex by 3rd post. Good job, Janeeto!

    Bowel movement by the 16th post. Nice Going Nicolette. Hope it all came out in the end…

    Honorable mention to Pablo for a fantastic Howdy Doody reset. That’ll teach me to not drink soda while reading here… πŸ˜€

  52. In the nine-hour drive through the barren stretch of desert from San Antonio to El Paso, the most exciting thing I saw was the clock on my cell phone adjust from Central Standard to Mountain Standard Time.

  53. michael

    [Comment ID #229650 will appear here]

    I do the same thing, it started around 5 years ago! I also see the clock at 1:23, 2:34, 3:45, and very rare 4:56. Its not just the time, its numbers every where. I live in texas, but work in Ok. Ok took out 1,234.00 in state taxes!! Iam glad iam not the only one!!!

  54. Cats

    :wang: 😳 :java:
    I must not be normal, because I never look at the clock at the same time. Why don’t I ever fit in??? I so want to be like others and feel the same things. I do dream of situations that really happen. Not all of the time, but I would say often. However: “the day is nice…so, have a nice day.”

  55. Cats

    :puke: :wang: :geek:

  56. Hi
    I am stuck with 12:34 everyday for more than 3 years. It usually happens in the noon time. Couple of times when I tried to avoid it, I just ended up catching it at 12:34 am or somewhere or something will show me 12:34. I don’t know what am I to make of this.

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