Worst Gifts to Give Your Boyfriend or Husband

  1. A copy of The Rules
  2. Golden Girls Season 1 DVD set
  3. Febreze Noticeables
  4. Frilly drapes
  5. My Little Pony Crystal Rainbow Castle Playset
  6. Pink hand tools
  7. A coupon for Enzyte
  8. A Utilikilt
  9. Season tickets to the Detroit Lions (still 0-14, ouch!)
  10. What gifts would you avoid?
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  1. Patrick

    I got divorce papers for Christmas 1986, that blew big chunks. :limp:

  2. :wang: A coupon to “Snips R Us” vasectomy surgical center. :limp:

  3. devilsfan

    A gift certificate for a free Brazilian wax!

  4. Lounge Puppy

    The Estelle Getty Workout: feel the burn… IN MY EYES!

  5. fruf

    fifi underwear
    any tie
    sweaters with pictures on it
    gift certificate to Joe’s tatoo and funeral home
    any appliance for personal grooming
    a bottle of artichoke liquor instead of a case of beer
    maple flavored spagetti
    a new car that gets 7 miles to the gallon
    rings and staples for my face
    😛 😛

  6. SavageHuntress

    What is wrong with Enzite?? Just wondering – some of us girls would really like to get it :wang: once in a while.

    I’m not giving my SO a present this year, he did not use the one I gave him last year…..a tombstone.

  7. chainstay

    A really, really small Banana-Hammock.

  8. [quote comment=”571462″]What is wrong with Enzite?? Just wondering – some of us girls would really like to get it :wang: once in a while.[/quote]
    right but they don’t like being reminded that they all have smaller ones than they admit to. 😈

  9. Sex and the City DVD (tv series or movie).

  10. Yankeerose32

    [quote comment=”571462″]What is wrong with Enzite?? Just wondering – some of us girls would really like to get it :wang: once in a while.

    I’m not giving my SO a present this year, he did not use the one I gave him last year…..a tombstone.[/quote]

    LOL……mine didn’t use his either!!! We need to find ways to remedy this problem! I mean really…… if we buy them a present, then they should be gracious enough to at least use it ONCE!!!

  11. Yankeerose32

    [quote comment=”572093″]A list of every man you’ve been with.[/quote]
    Oh and BTW……..that is a good one!! I wonder if I give him that…..will he use the tombstone then?

  12. Phoenix1313

    I got my nipples pierced for my boyfriend last Christmas! (The gift that keeps on giving) 😉

  13. Utilikilts are kick ass, and let the balls “breathe.” Besides, too expensive to give unless my man specifically asked for it. Though I find the leather ones, sex-ay!

  14. Timm


    …and a 1980 Plymouth Volare’

    (yea, I know we already did an STD thing on the other ‘gift’ thread, but I wanted to post something.)

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