Why don’t you grab a big old cup of STFU you rude bastard?
Lake Effect
[Comment ID #247015 will appear here]
Just looking at that picture, I’m not sure how a map would help. How bout grab the door. And slam it. From the other side. As we say in beautiful downtown Portugal, Hasta La Bye Bye!
You know Dave, if you’da posted that Vid o’ The Day a week ago, I wouldn’t have had to wade through that long Link o’ The Day on 3/10. :puke: :limp:
I’m not one for the flowers and candy type shit on Valentine’s day, can’t I have a steak and BJ too? Please? 🙁 😕 😛 :thong:
[Comment ID #247458 will appear here]
:wtf: dammit, can’t we all just get along???? 😈 don’t worry, I’ll gladly give you that bj, but onky if we can charge the guys extra.
[Comment ID #246958 will appear here]
they are next
I think this is a new devise used by Homeland security, or was ot the Orkin Man
The cops around here use something like that to check for crack.
Lake Effect
[Comment ID #247625 will appear here]
Well, if they do it this way, they’re gonna find ‘crack’ every time!
Lake Effect
My neighbor lady has one of these hair conditioners, but I find it annoying. When ever she does it, it sounds like someone blowing across the top of a soda bottle. :wang:
family jules
About that video: oh yeah that’s a man, and he doesn’t even know the words to the song! All he knows is “No No No”………
……..and oddly enough, those were the only words I was able to say after watching it, too.
[Comment ID #246856 will appear here]
That’s Portuguese! Try google…bhaaa
[Comment ID #247129 will appear here]
Another Portuguese hooker gets disinfected by the health dept.
Do you think the arrows a really necessary? Your attention is drawn there anyway.
The way my sweetie gave it to me, February 21st was “Steak, blow job, and shut the fuck up day”, which meant I didn’t have to listen to inane blathering chatter afterwards. BTW, one was hot and well done, the steak was medium well! :wang: 🙂
Lake Effect
[Comment ID #248586 will appear here]
She had the date wrong!
Tip ‘O the Hat to Astryd & Megan…New body parts exposed!
50 responses to “Whatever blows your skirt up”
in case you were wondering what companies are authorized to install a spanish air conditioner in your cunt! 😈
She obviously has a problem with “moist”
Not to mention the giant sting-ray with tentacles that’s attacking her neck. :wtf:
Ha, great pic lung… those wacky spaniards…
What does “bound to it by natural means” actually mean?
Happy Steak & BJ day to all! :wang:
Spanish version of a French bidet? :wtf:
Smells like fish but tastes like chicken.
If she shaved that muff, she could probably save a lot on electricity.
Why is she grabbing her melons?
It’s portuguese -.-‘
:wtf: This is the influence of Telemundo on advertising. 😈
Bad use of clip art. Mistook the stripper clip art for the satisfied customer clip art. 😐
😳 The woman is paying for said installation with a nice lap dance. 😀
Jesus you ignorants, it’s not spanish, it’s PORTUGUESE!
Grab a map.
Well mine certainly needs cooling off when my baby has done an exceptionally thorough job of banging the daylights outta me… :wang: 😛
for that not-so-fresh feeling… :wtf:
How a ‘working girl’ freshens up in between customers… :puke:
[Comment ID #247028 will appear here]
Your man’s rod is probably glowing like hot steel just before dipping it in water to cool it off… 😀
Oooops, my bad, sorry. Portuguese version of a French bidet. :wtf:
[Comment ID #247015 will appear here]
Why don’t you grab a big old cup of STFU you rude bastard?
[Comment ID #247015 will appear here]
Just looking at that picture, I’m not sure how a map would help. How bout grab the door. And slam it. From the other side. As we say in beautiful downtown Portugal, Hasta La Bye Bye!
You know Dave, if you’da posted that Vid o’ The Day a week ago, I wouldn’t have had to wade through that long Link o’ The Day on 3/10. :puke: :limp:
[Comment ID #246978 will appear here]
Thank you.
[Comment ID #247015 will appear here]
A correction is fine but I’m not here to get geography nor language lessons from you!
[Comment ID #246901 will appear here]
She became one with the poo. :puke:
That’s one way to save on toilet paper.
Maybe thats what the kansas girl needed. It sure looks like the girl in the ad is having a blast!
[Comment ID #246913 will appear here]
HELL YEAH!! It’s about damn time! Who’s up for the first BJ??? :wang:
What a great way to find out if she’s going commando or not. And guess what? I am. 😈
[Comment ID #247015 will appear here]
How wude
[Comment ID #247268 will appear here]
Don’t hold back Megan, let us know how you’re really dressed…
That picture gives new meaning to the saying ‘up yer kilt’
[Comment ID #246913 will appear here]
EVERY day should be Steak & BJ Day… But rest assured, the lady gets a happy landing, too!
[Comment ID #247268 will appear here]
And yet another petal of the flower that is Meagan falls open…
About the video…
Whats the over/under on male vs. female? Anyone? Beuller? :wtf:
[Comment ID #247236 will appear here]
I’ve only had two so far today, so I’m up for another. :wang:
‘Blow one up your keaster!’
I’m not one for the flowers and candy type shit on Valentine’s day, can’t I have a steak and BJ too? Please? 🙁 😕 😛 :thong:
[Comment ID #247458 will appear here]
:wtf: dammit, can’t we all just get along???? 😈 don’t worry, I’ll gladly give you that bj, but onky if we can charge the guys extra.
[Comment ID #246958 will appear here]
they are next
I think this is a new devise used by Homeland security, or was ot the Orkin Man
The cops around here use something like that to check for crack.
[Comment ID #247625 will appear here]
Well, if they do it this way, they’re gonna find ‘crack’ every time!
My neighbor lady has one of these hair conditioners, but I find it annoying. When ever she does it, it sounds like someone blowing across the top of a soda bottle. :wang:
About that video: oh yeah that’s a man, and he doesn’t even know the words to the song! All he knows is “No No No”………
……..and oddly enough, those were the only words I was able to say after watching it, too.
[Comment ID #246856 will appear here]
That’s Portuguese! Try google…bhaaa
[Comment ID #247129 will appear here]
Another Portuguese hooker gets disinfected by the health dept.
Do you think the arrows a really necessary? Your attention is drawn there anyway.
I never knew a woman who could take 3 arrows at a time. Damn.
[Comment ID #247846 will appear here]
How do you say “large, cold quiver” in Spanish?
Or is that Portuguese, I can’t remember.
[Comment ID #247281 will appear here]
Would you rather hear that I’m wearing my pj’s or nothing but a smile? 😈
Ummmmmmmm lemme see, I think I’ll take option B! 😆
[Comment ID #247028 will appear here]
The way my sweetie gave it to me, February 21st was “Steak, blow job, and shut the fuck up day”, which meant I didn’t have to listen to inane blathering chatter afterwards. BTW, one was hot and well done, the steak was medium well! :wang: 🙂
[Comment ID #248586 will appear here]
She had the date wrong!
Tip ‘O the Hat to Astryd & Megan…New body parts exposed!
😳 😛
If the 😛 smiley faced the other way I could lick my own ass!
Not spanish!
Western part of europe….
Check a map…. 2 diferent countries….