What I hate when I have a migraine

  1. Anyone operating a lawnmower, chainsaw, leafblower, snowblower, weed wacker; anything with a two stroke engine
  2. Anyone playing music I dislike
  3. Anyone with a brightly lit office
  4. Anyone walking loudly on the floor above me
  5. Anyone with too much cologne
  6. Anyone with garlicky food
  7. Anything that barks
  8. Anything that sings
  9. Anyone that is too perky
  10. Anyone who denies me chocolate or coffee (woe be unto them, for there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth)
  11. Anyone wearing any color other than black
  12. Anyone capable of speech
  13. Anyone enjoying themselves in my presence
  14. Anything resembling a phone, or capable of ringing, chirping or trilling
  15. Anything with an alarm
  16. Anything resembling the sun
  17. Anything brighter than 60% Kodak Grey
  18. Any organism belonging to Phylum Chordata
  19. Basically, anything within five feet of me
  20. What do you hate?
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Show 35 Comments


  1. Spud

    I don’t have a migrane today, I’m dressed in blue, I can’t hate anything today, the sky is a wonderful shade of blue, the birds are singing in the trees, small fluffy animals are around my backdoor listening to the music I have on, yes, today is a beautiful day.


  2. Sumo Geisha

    Does #11 include you? 😕

  3. Red Dog

    What kind of emotional trauma will those poor children go through when they find out the picture they posed for was considered so ugly, they were replaced with a fake. I mean :”doll eyes”…… Good Lord !! What a terrible idea! I think it is horrible that parents would or could ever be so tactless in regards to their childs looks. I mean ,yeah, those are some pretty ugly kids but don’t reject their looks like that. Just be honest with them and say “Hey, your ugly but at least you didn’t break the camera” 😆

  4. The total makeover site… I clicked “more samples” and got the gene-spliced spawn of Alfred Hitchcock and Damien! :wtf:

  5. Amanda B.

    Those kids are SCARY!!!!!!!!!! 😈

  6. Mandy

    Swap migraine with PMS and I’m right there with ya, Dave. :dead:

  7. [Comment ID #79643 will be quoted here]

    I’m trying not to look down. 😛

  8. Sher

    I can have a totally F’d up picture done of my son and tell him “See your face will freeze if you keep doing that!”

  9. Sher

    I hate child proof caps and anything that says safety sealed for your protection with 8 different things you have to do to open the damn bottle of Excedrin.

  10. junkman

    migraines + perfume = vomit
    total makeover retouching = vomit
    this illusion = vomit + migraine
    bittersweet chocolate and almonds = migraine + vomit
    vomiting + migraine = spud’s submission

  11. sledge

    You could interchange all of the things in the migrane with a hangover.Need to shave your tongue and the hair on yoour body hurts are sure signs.Dark room with 2 beers and 3 222’s will solve most migrane problems.

  12. Bigwavdave

    [Comment ID #79661 will be quoted here]

    Ah yes – The old 222s…Yet another good reason to move to Canada.
    Back to the list: Anything other than a soft pillow and a warm waterbed.

  13. MJaz

    [Comment ID #79658 will be quoted here]

    ITA – the packaging that so many small electronics come in… with the heat sealed hard plastic! Yuo need a damned blowtorch and hedgeclippers to get them open. I am amazed that they dont come with warning labels – I swear you could kill someone (or yourself) with the shards from those things.

    A POX on whoever invented those torture devices!

  14. [Comment ID #79662 will be quoted here]

    I loves me some 222s. I buy a bottle almost every time I see Natalie.

  15. Bjorn Freeh

    Anyone who tries to one-up you with “I’ve had a bad headache before…”

    BTW, if you can’t get to Canada for your 222s, get a dog with a gimpy leg. Have his vet prescribe Tylenol 3’s for him. Then, in your best poochy-woochy voice, tell the dog he looks cute with a limp.

  16. Amanda B.

    Anyone who says: “poochy-woochy” = :puke:

    Migraine + beer = :mrgreen:

  17. fatesclown63

    Actually, as I have a migraine right now dave, the yellow in this comment section is KILLING me, SO, I would say YELLOW.. I HATE YELLOW!!!!

  18. Corinne

    It’s 79 degrees in San Diego. Nothing can be ill since I am well.

  19. I tried to think of something to hate other than what you already listed, but I have a migraine today, so therefore my brain power is less than a ten watt bulb.

  20. Flash Gordon

    A fifth of Old Panther Piss will usually cure my migraines. 🙄 😳 :wtf: 😆 :dead:

  21. My worst migraines starting coming to me when I was as young as 7. Yes, a seven year -old can get headaches as well as migraines. And I definitely knew the difference between the two. And its just like you said Dave. Almost like a vampire ready to go to bed: no lights, close those curtains! No noise please. Looking at exclaimation points can even hurt your eyes. Didin’t want to move my head off the pillow, and when I did, the pain felt excruisiating. And I hated it when my parents argued when I had a migraine. Wish they would have left the house when they wanted to argue. Didn’t want to watch television as well as hear music. Didn’t want to even stand up, and please don’t run your hand over my head as my hair follicules seemed to have been ultra-sensitive to the touch. Literally just wanted the world to leave me the frell alone. Trust me, if you’ve never experienced a migraine either consider yourself blessed or keep on living! ❓

  22. [Comment ID #79683 will be quoted here]

    I hear you. sistah. Wouldn’t wish mine on an enemy.

  23. cbatdux

    never had a migraine. Never been in a hospital. never had a cavity. I know – you all hate me.

  24. If this was on my blog it would be named, “Things I Hate When I Am On My Period…”
    but there would be one more thing on the list.

    21. Everything. :wtf:

  25. Pappy

    [Comment ID #79687 will be quoted here]

    Amen to that.

  26. CalieJo

    My first migraine was at 3 years and after getting knocked out from a tricycle accident. I ‘hear’ florescent lights. I hate emergency rooms and doctors’ offices where everyone you come in contact with says ‘so we have a headache today?’ ‘No dammit I have a migraine…I have a headache every day and you can’t pay me enough to be here for just that…it’s a MIGRAINE…and I damn well know the difference! Don’t make me try to read the directions because I can’t see and I’m not coming out from under this blanket until you turn the lights off…walk softly and get something to knock me out!’ Sorry for ranting but MIGRAINES are not fun!

  27. Sarah

    [Comment ID #79661 will be quoted here]

    I’ve had hangovers and I’ve had migraines…..given a choice between the two, I’d suffer the hangover ANY time if it meant skipping the migraine. Unless you’ve actually experienced a migraine, you just don’t understand :dead:

  28. Mandy

    [Comment ID #79686 will be quoted here]

    Consider yourself so lucky, cbatdux. :kiss:

  29. slave2oshun

    | November 07, 2006 | 11:27 pm
    My first migraine was at 3 years and after getting knocked out from a tricycle accident. I ‘hear’ florescent lights. I hate emergency rooms and doctors’ offices where everyone you come in contact with says ’so we have a headache today?’ ‘No dammit I have a migraine…I have a headache every day and you can’t pay me enough to be here for just that…it’s a MIGRAINE…and I damn well know the difference! Don’t make me try to read the directions because I can’t see and I’m not coming out from under this blanket until you turn the lights off…walk softly and get something to knock me out!’ Sorry for ranting but MIGRAINES are not fun!

    I HEAR ALL OF THAT.. and the yellow STILL pisses me off!!!

  30. Myra

    Migraines are horrendous, both my son and I have them. My friend has them and hers are triggered by chocolate! Glad that’s not one of my triggers. Oh my God the retouched pictures, now I know why all those pictures of Jonbenet Ramsey look so damn fake.

  31. Irish

    Ive decided that Im going to find a cure for PMS.
    But what can knock a woman out for a week solid and have her wake up in a good mood? :wtf:

  32. thatonechick

    a very large and pretty jackhammer

  33. Wayne

    The complete list Dave, I too have migraines. try chiropratic work, your nerves in your back cause them. Maybe an alignment would help to slow the rate of which they occur. it worked for me and i tryed everything. for real. 😮

  34. grimreaper

    i agree with the whole list and
    #21anyone who isn’t hot, or trying to releave the pain withe sex 👿

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