

Show 42 Comments


  1. Spud

    Two responses –

    1. WTF? where is it?

    2. Mah daddy’s jest over there an he’s a fixing to load his shot gun…

  2. No, I don’t find you sexy, Cromagnon Man. :wtf:

  3. Stephanie aka supermom

    what? this is NOT the bathroom?? omg!

  4. P-rick

    So easy, even a caveman can do it!! :wang:

  5. RE: Video of the Day – it looks like those fillies need some pony training. :wang:

  6. [quote comment=”426786″]Carrot Top’s younger brother, Nubbin[/quote]

    I was thinking the same thing except his name was Tater Bottom.

  7. Drusky

    Looks like he’s holding a cold one inbetween his legs, too! :limp:

  8. Da Popster

    Women !!!!!!! ( The first time ) :wang: :wtf:

  9. Da Popster

    W O M E N !!! ( The first time seen ) :wang: 😯

  10. Da Popster

    W O M E N !!!!

  11. Da Popster

    W O M E N !!!! That what they look like ? :wang: 😯 😉

  12. Myra

    What, this isn’t the nudist party? Why you have clothes on? I’m a little stoned. :wtf:

  13. Phoenix1313

    Ypu, dude, I’ve been that hung over, too. Woke up just as naked. :dead:

  14. julesOdeNile

    ” imagine my suprise too, when i took off my pants and saw it there… explained so much -the missing boobs, the hairy face, the need to scratch my ass…” :limp: 😈

  15. julesOdeNile


  16. Drusky

    I got something with a head on it over here, too! :wang:

  17. :wtf: This dude shouldn’t even be breathing the same air as these two lovely babes. :puke:

  18. See! This is how I got the nickname ‘Crabman”

  19. devilsfan

    (Tomorrow morning) Ugh… How the hell did I get sand in my…… oh shit…I did it again didn’t I

  20. Lung the Younger

    Appalachian man’s first vacation.

  21. MIKE (avg size )

    Chicks dig me you can”t (hardly) blame them. They’re drinking, I’m drunk. Wanna get laid by Sasquach?
    P.S. I will leave my wife if either of these ladies are single

  22. It’s just another weekend at the beach: party, drink, get nekkid.

  23. — oh, and hope everyone else does, too…

  24. junkman

    [quote comment=”426810″]He’s got quite a bush.[/quote]
    yes…….i do believe that is jenna ❗

  25. Bigwavdave

    Whadda ya mean you won’t help me pull ’em up??? :boxers:

    You babes like to fool around?

    No? Howzbout ya hold still while I fool around?

  26. devilsfan

    tomsparks trying too hard to get a little action

  27. [quote comment=”426818″][quote comment=”426810″]He’s got quite a bush.[/quote]
    yes…….i do believe that is jenna :!:[/quote]

    😆 😀 :kiss:

  28. Heidi

    “and the Race is on”

  29. Lounge Puppy

    He took those Naked Coed Beach Vollyball T shirts as an serious invitation. He is a caveman after all.

  30. pumacat

    devilsfan hiding his small penis

  31. Lake Effect

    How Mom met Dad.

  32. J

    [quote comment=”426833″]How Mom met Dad.[/quote]
    How Hairy met Sally!

  33. chainstay

    “Who is the lucky birthday girl? I’m the ‘entertainment’ for tonight! What? Yes I am too a Chippendale dancer!! Can’t you tell?”

  34. devilsfan

    [quote comment=”426820″]tomsparks trying too hard to get a little action[/quote]
    [quote comment=”426829″]devilsfan hiding his small penis[/quote]

    Me thinks that someone keeps changing their name so they will not get a verbal beat down (again) from the kind folks here at Davezilla.

  35. ShiftyTim

    “You girls belong to the Junior Republicans? Holy shit, me too!” 🙄

  36. red_dragon

    Why is the naked guy the one who looks shocked?

    “Velma and Daphne see a side of Shaggy they’d hoped never to see.”

  37. Timm

    Worst pick-up line ever; “Girl, you so gorgeous, you knocked all my clothes off!”

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