We need to talk…

Your Top Searches:

There were 18 searches for the week ending 01/29/05 for Davezilla at http://www.davezilla.com/.
Here are the top phrases searched:

  • 12 for “davezillas penis”
  • 1 for “goalie”
  • 1 for “blogger pussys”
  • 1 for “rey mysterio”
  • 1 for “dave s penis on cam”
  • 1 for “davezilla s penis”
  • 1 for “hockey”
  • 1 for “hockey icons”
  • 1 for “panty or panties”
  • 1 for “thong”

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19 responses to “We need to talk…”

  1. Lace Valentine Avatar
    Lace Valentine

    It appears no one is searching for Bobby Fischer.

  2. Chad Brandos Avatar

    There must be some optimistic, inquiring lady-fans our there. And some hockey fans, too.

  3. Moxie Avatar

    Apparently you have a photo of Wayne Gretzky wearing butt floss hiding in your archives.

  4. Esther Avatar

    I’m wondering if those folks ever figured out that this was not a hockey porn blog.:limp:

  5. Spud Avatar

    Oh come on, it’s perfectly simple and as obvious as the tit on your face.

    They are looking for a pussy loving naked hockey goalie with an S shaped penis that likes to wear panties or thongs.


  6. kismet Avatar

    Isn’t this: :wang: ,an adaptation of your penis Dave?

    Not that I want to know, but if people are searching for your penis, uhh, wait a second. Is there a reason why people are searching for your penis?

    Did you lose it? :wtf:

  7. Commando Stacy, Official Davezirra Bad Kitty Avatar

    “They are looking for a pussy loving naked hockey goalie with an S shaped penis that likes to wear panties or thongs.”


    Okay, y’all … I know I haven’t been here in a while, but seriously … I had no idea people were looking for me!

    Wow, I’m flattened … er, flattered.

    Next time, Dave … just send them over to my site, m’kay?

    I’ll tell my readers to cut it out.

    :limp: 🙄

    (Time for more :java: … and no, haven’t slept yet tonight … oy!)

  8. fictionman Avatar

    I think you’re just supposed to feel flattered that there’s so much interest in it.

  9. rust Avatar

    Proof positive that the NHL lockout/strike/money-grab is making the fans a little bit antsy.

    The only thing left to do is to accede to their wishes and publish davezilla’s penis, before they go postal and spray the blog with slapshots.

    I wonder how much a transparent aluminum screen would cost…

  10. Lace Valentine Avatar
    Lace Valentine

    “Blogger pussys” an innocent mistake.

    Overlooking the misspelling, I was searching for photos of felines, cats that just happened to have their own blogs. (It’s a tad harder for them to type with paws, though).

    At least I wasn’t looking for booger pussies.


  11. frisko Avatar

    This could read like a classified ad.

    Wanted,“davezillas penis”
    to play “goalie” for “blogger pussys”
    and, “rey mysterio”. Requirements include, but are not limited to “dave s penis on cam” and “davezilla s penis”. Must be able to perform “hockey”, and “hockey icons” with or without “panty or panties”, with special attention given to “thong”. Qualified applicants submit resumes and photos to:…..

    Running away now.

  12. rust Avatar

    PUSSY BOOGERS! yes… that too… :geek;

  13. JD Avatar

    I didn’t know you liked hockey.

  14. Commando Stacy, Official Davezirra Bad Kitty Avatar

    WANTED: ONE Frisko to crack dis blogging pussy … CAT … up. Does not neccessarily have to be from San Francisco.

  15. wantwit Avatar

    you’re a dirty dirty blogger.

  16. Mandy Avatar

    I’m certain Natalie knows where Dave’s penis is. :kiss:

  17. Spud Avatar

    Back of the net?


  18. Chad Brandos Avatar

    Dave, it could be worse. My number one search engine referral string to my blog is “foot fetish”.

  19. ifrit Avatar

    “rey misterio” means “king mistery” 🙄