Tonight is the debate between Vice Presidential nominees, Sarah Palin (R) and Joe Biden (D). It promises to be a bloodbath. Let’s all establish some drinking rules. Please add any I’ve missed:
- Debate Drinking Rule #1: 1 beer every time they interrupt each other.
- Debate Drinking Rule #2: 1 beer every time she mentions hockey, lipstick or pitbulls
- Debate Drinking Rule #3: 1 beer every time Biden’s eyebrows grow exponentially wider
- Debate Drinking Rule #4: 1 beer every time Biden accuses Palin of smoking crack
- Debate Drinking Rule #5: 3 beers every time McCain butts in and answers for Palin
- Debate Drinking Rule #6: 1 beer every time Palin highsticks Biden
- Debate Drinking Rule #7: 1 beer every time Palin screws up geography
- Debate Drinking Rule #8: 1 beer every time Biden mentions dangerous foreign nations he’s barely been to
- Debate Drinking Rule #9: 1 beer every time Palin says, “Ya know,” (via Vanderwal)
- What drinking rules would you add?
Update: I am thankful I did not make rules for “Energy-producing state” or “Gee” or I would be dead from alcohol poisoning.
37 responses to “VP Debate Drinking Rules”
11. 1 beer for every time the American public thinks both canidates are bad for the job.
2 beers every time they stretched the truth
2 beers every time Biden gets deeked out of his jock
3 beers every time that Sarah gets deeked out of her athletic bra
1 beer every time that either of them call Canada a foreign land that they visited
12. A shot every time Palin refers to Russia and tries to insist she knows squat about foreign relations and policy.
13. Automatic DQ if you get a boner while looking at her!
Geez, I’m going to be drunk by the time they finish their opening speeches. I really don’t expect this Biden vs the Tina Fey wannabe fight will go the full 9 rounds but I will predict this: So long as no one asks Palin any questions, she’ll do okay.
It will certainly be more exciting than watching our Canadian leaders’ debate which will be televised at the same time.
By the way, I’m not completely against Failin Palin. She’s definitely more of a VPILF than Biden.
How’s about just some nice, cold, seltzer, ’cause there’s gonna be sooooo much bullshit
flying around, that probably no one will be able to keep anything down. Save the good stuff for later when you know you can keep it down ……….. and enjoy it. :puke:
Double up please gentlemen… :wtf: 🙄 😆
14. one shot of anything hard every time biden verbally splooges across her glasses 😉
With all those rules there won’t be a county left to run tomorrow since everyone will die of alcohol poisoning.
15. 2 beers each time one of them says some bullshit.
I’m getn my boots and shovel out, cuz I’m gonna need to get more beer.
I’ve allready invited the budwieser truck over tonight. Hope the driver is HOT!! Well I guess it doesn’t matter,cause my beer goggles are going to be real thick. I love debate drinking games :wang:
Shot of Vodka everytime Palin mentions Russia.
1 beer for every newspaper that Palin can say shes read
1 beer for every joke Palin tells
1 beer everytime Biden immediately plagiarizes Palin
This is going to be a rough night! Make the smart move now – call in to work, we are all going to feel like crap tomorrow! The room will be spinning by the end of their opening speeches! 😀
Debate Drinking rule: Do NOT watch debate. Drink heavily.
This rule can safely be applied to all political debates at any level.
A beer and a shot everytime “they” come out from ” Palins” state and put Putin back in his “air space” placey. 🙄
Lots of good rules here, but how do we get Biden & Palin to drink that much? I would probably watch if they were getting plowed while they were debating.
We’re gonna need a bigger keg.
1 beer if Palin asks Ifill about Ifill’s upcoming book about Obama
2 beers if Ifill replies, “Bring it bitch, shit is on!
3 beers if Palin flashes thong, or is seen to be pantyless while getting out of her limo
6 beers if Palin arrives not in a limo, but in an SUV with a moose on the roof
Throw an empty at the screen each time someone refers to the Merkun People.
3 beers if she parks her huskies beside Biden’s Studebaker Commander. 😥 :knickers: :thong:
One shot every time either one says, “um, er, uh, hum, or well.” Or any other ‘fillers’ used when they are trying to figure out what the hell the question is about.
That rule right there ought to get ya tanked before the first commercial break!
“What’s your name Bob? Begins with a B Bob!”
How about a shot of stychnine for the canidate that says “Alaska” first.
Wait, I have it! A full meal and a shot of syrup of ipecac for both. The first one to hurl is the loser.
Forget the debate. I’m watching Top Model!
1 shot of Jag every time Tyra says “fierce.”
2 shots every time Miss Jay acts like a diva.
1 shot every time a model says she feels fat.
Ah, forget it, I’m just gonna drink! 😛
I would so much enjoy election years if the candidates would debate while hooked up to polygraphs that issue a large shock when needed. Of course it would look like a epileptic dance show…
I didn’t know John McCain was a Maverick until tonight.
jushssed washethed da debatee. followed allda rulz. Hoooboy iz palin a hotty. So am I!! dam gud lokin dude! Anyhoo, gotta go puk an pasout. Whatchoolookinat!? Ain’t nothin but som vomit! Thas what politiks does to a person.!! Makes ya sik an tired.
I’m with chin (hic) shtay. Tr-burp-tri-burp-tried schushe me whatchin de dabte. fuck, whasz drunk bfor de shecund qweshtun. I shtill shay det Mandy iz de M (hic), umm the M (hic) ah, the MPILF of thum all but i kept pitcherin impalin in mandy avitar get up and damn (burp) ….. …. …. gnight, i’m too fuck to drunk
[quote comment=”430643″]I’m with chin (hic) shtay. Tr-burp-tri-burp-tried schushe me whatchin de dabte. fuck, whasz drunk bfor de shecund qweshtun. I shtill shay det Mandy iz de M (hic), umm the M (hic) ah, the MPILF of thum all but i kept pitcherin impalin in mandy avitar get up and damn (burp) ….. …. …. gnight, i’m too fuck to drunk[/quote]
one word dude! aaaaahahahhahah! 😉
😡 lots of wine andbeer every time palin says she would make a great president ❓ :puke: :puke: :puke: 🙁
🙁 Hungover. Blech. VPILF hangovers are the worst. :puke:
6 tall ones just for sitting to watch the start of that crap
AND we’ve just learned Palin is as illiterate as Bush. Like his mentor, Homer J. Simpson, “It’s “nuke-ular”, Lisa, “nuke-u-lar”.”
one shot for every time the word “FUNDEMENTAL” is said
i got smashed last night ❗ anyone else?
[quote comment=”430689″]i got smashed last night ❗ anyone else?[/quote]
I drank so much that imPalin actually started to make sense.
Such a headache I have… drunk I ended up sleeping with one of them last night – just not sure which one….
[quote comment=”430691″]Such a headache I have… drunk I ended up sleeping with one of them last night – just not sure which one….[/quote]
you better hope it was biden otherwise you’re gonna be daddy there. 8)
[quote comment=”430689″]i got smashed last night ❗ anyone else?[/quote]
Couldn’t keep it down – every time she opened her mouth…. :puke: 👿
1 Beer between every rule on the list!