Village Idiots Gone Wild!

Village Idiots Gone Wild!

Image via Mandy L

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30 responses to “Village Idiots Gone Wild!”

  1. Brad K. Avatar

    Jane and Nancy explored their fantasies that night. The evening started by liberating a couple bottles of wine, a pound of corn chips and salsa, and their plush teddy bears (Nancy has two, the 18″ red bear has one button eye missing, the smaller 15″ brown bear, Weasel, is made of silk). And they stripped down to their undies, and sat in the back yard at Nancy’s house at dusk, with their impromptu picnic. Almost like a childhood tea party, only they didn’t waste any of the wine on Weasel or Red.

    The found that Mr. Anderson to the south kept looking out his bathroom window at them. The old guy even yelled at them to keep quiet once! Mr. and Mrs. Baightor from across the alley were out, but their 14 year old son Master, appeared to be sitting in his room, in the dark, watching the whole scene. So the girls hammed it up. While Miss Jessie (neighbor lady to the north) watched TV in her living room, but turned to watch every few minutes, the girls started dancing. And rubbing. And flirting, and kissing and hugging, and drinking more wine. Finally they got to the point where the undies had to come off, or they had to do something else. So they did cartwheels.

    And had some more wine. They lit the gas grill and charred some hot dogs, and practiced oral sex on the slightly raw, lightly charred frankfurters, with mustard and lots of laughs.

    That was where Jane lost her sweater, fooling around before they turned the grill off. Then they decided they had to share the night. Pulling on old denim skirts, they snuck out to Jane’s car and drove around the block. Pulling off their skirts and wearing them like lampshades, the girls rang Master Baightor’s door, and blew rousing Bronx Cheers. Laughed, jumped in the car, and went home.

    Master’s photo was a real treasure at school the next day. Jane and Nancy were too hung over, though, to really appreciate the humiliation.

  2. Lung the Younger Avatar

    It’s The Golumettes!

  3. sledge Avatar

    Wow they let them escape from the home for horny sisters

  4. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #182931 will be quoted here]

    If they’d put their shorts over their faces they might have had a half-assed chance of getting laid. :wtf:

  5. AnnieB Avatar

    I should have said skirt. Duh 😀

  6. Bigwavdave Avatar

    You needed wristbands to get into this party? Let’s hope (and pray) these girls are drunk.

  7. Bjorn Freeh Avatar
    Bjorn Freeh

    “Eat my shorts” takes on new meaning…

  8. Lung the Younger Avatar

    Two convent school girls doing their homework for their Oral Sex Education Class.

  9. junkman Avatar

    while astryd may have a 7″ hand for accurate measurement of male anatomy, i’d say the one on the left has a solid 4 finger gap that’s more than sufficient for the best of us. :wang: :thong: :wang: :thong: :wang:

  10. Spud Avatar



  11. Astryd Avatar

    [Comment ID #182945 will be quoted here]

    Hey! How did I get dragged into this? 😛

    Perfect caption Dave! Couldn’t have done better myself!

    …I think I was there…I thought it was a Cliff’s wristband.
    I do remember opting against joining them…it was laundry day and all my white cotton panties were in the wash so I went commando that night.

  12. Mikeme Avatar

    Hillbilly prom gowns 😀

  13. Meagan Avatar

    [Comment ID #182941 will be quoted here]

    Of course they’re drunk! I was there! Except I decided to let Betty and Bertha out instead of Ginny down there.


  14. Astryd Avatar

    😆 I thought I recognized Betty and Bertha!!

  15. junkman Avatar

    [Comment ID #182983 will be quoted here]my wife’s name is ginny. what’s she doing down there? she’s supposed to be in stockholm visiting a friend?


  16. Bigwavdave Avatar

    I guess it’s just a coincidence B & B are blondes? :wtf:

    A married blonde starts to tell a joke, “Honey, what was that real funny blonde joke?” 🙄

  17. Meagan Avatar

    [Comment ID #182986 will be quoted here]

    She is visiting a friend, just not in Stockholm.

    :undies: 😛

  18. Duker Avatar

    ….Halloween 2006, we went as cuntfaces! Photo by Dickhead.

    Nun to Julie Andrews,” What is it you can’t face?” :undies: 😛

  19. misterarthur Avatar

    I think that’s Mandy (without her glasses) on the right.

  20. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #183087 will be quoted here]

    Feeling brave today, are we? 😈

  21. Drusky Avatar

    [Comment ID #183087 will be quoted here]
    BLASPHEMY! The gods will strike you down for that!

  22. Drusky Avatar

    That is some of the scariest things to come out of a pair of pants in a long time.
    [Comment ID #182943 will be quoted here]

    Would they be attending Oral Roberts U.? 😈

  23. Davezilla Avatar

    [Comment ID #182966 will be quoted here]

    I require photographic evidence of that. 😈

  24. ww Avatar

    i think i went to high school with one of those girls.

  25. Master Solace Avatar

    [Comment ID #183087 will be quoted here]

    Nope…not even close….the one on the right looks like she could either be the daughter of Satan without the horns(a real she-devil) or the daughter of Robert Englund without the nice Razor Fingers-laced glove(spawn of Freddy Krueger)……we’ll have Montel or Maury get the DNA results…..

    And Mandy is a hot little vixen…….

    Big difference……Huge Difference……

    Don’t make me send the were-rabbits after you…..

  26. Master Solace Avatar

    “Insert :wang: Here”

  27. Astryd Avatar

    [Comment ID #183129 will be quoted here]

    Why? Can’t I provide evidence in person? 😈

    [Comment ID #183240 will be quoted here]

    (new tattoo) Just as it is here please… :thong: don’t bother with the razor, I keep the kitty bald. 😈

  28. pablo Avatar

    Proof positive that someone took it literally when they were told if they wanted to look better they should shave their ass and walk backward.

  29. Master Solace Avatar

    [Comment ID #183342 will be quoted here]

    Just like I like it………nice and smooth…….we might need to negotiate about getting Tab :wang: past barrier :thong:………….


  30. Maddog Avatar

    :twisted:So, what nakes you think that it isn’t a hitchin’ going on out in Uncle Egbert’s barn? Who said “cousins” can’t get married. 😈 Hell, they might’ve got cotton Granny’s rhumatoid medicine! 🙂 🙂 🙂 :boob: :undies: 💡