
33 responses to “U DOIN’ IT WRONG”

  1. Stefanie Avatar

    Wonder Twin powers activate!! Form of a…….um……uh……form of a…….huh?

    What were we doing again here?


  2. Da Popster Avatar
    Da Popster

    Does it look like he’s doing it wrong ? I mean c’mon guys’ gotta do SOMETHING right in almost 8 years? :wtf:

  3. Meagan Avatar

    Okay, so the secret handshake goes knuckle bump, slide, wiggle fingers and chest bump? Got it! :mrgreen:

  4. StevieC Avatar

    How cute – they’re both wearing “I :love: Nucular Weapons” bracelets.

  5. StevieC Avatar

    [quote comment=”516176″]Does it look like he’s doing it wrong ? I mean c’mon guys’ gotta do SOMETHING right in almost 8 years?


    Don’t worry, Pop, he will … on January 20, 2009.

  6. CBATDUX Avatar

    “Wait….I’m the onliest one with a “I’m the Decider” bracelet, you little punk….”

  7. Lung the Younger Avatar

    Nope. I can’t tell the time on my one either, Mr. President.

  8. julesOdeNile Avatar

    [quote comment=”516239″]How cute – they’re both wearing “I :love: Nucular Weapons” bracelets.[/quote]
    ladies and gentlemen we got a winner! 😆 😀 ❗ my day is made

  9. julesOdeNile Avatar

    no, but seriously, isn’t it a bit too late to be gunning for popularity “ya don have ta campaign ta git out Mr. Dabbyah !” 😈

  10. AnnieB Avatar

    Okay kid, I’m not going to tell you again… I’M Rock, YOU’RE scissors! :wtf:

  11. julesOdeNile Avatar

    [quote comment=”516895″]Okay kid, I’m not going to tell you again… I’M Rock, YOU’RE scissors! :wtf:[/quote]
    LOL! only cuz he remembered he can and the kid can’t do nothing! what with the men in black all around him and the shiny pin they (his momma) gave him the first day in office 😈

  12. dbsmall Avatar

    Did we just catch President Bush giving a “Terrorist Fist Jab”? (http://mediamatters.org/items/200806060007 )

  13. junkman Avatar

    it looks like he’s trying to figure out where his fingers went. 🙄

  14. Spud Avatar

    It looks like he just landed in Canadia, they have some pretty strange customs there, eh.

  15. Patrick Avatar

    FINALLY answering the question, “Are you smarter than a fifth grader, Mr. President of the United States, finger on the button to blow up the whole world, leader of the most powerful nation in the history of the planet? Are you smarter than a fifth grader”?
    NOPE! :troll:

  16. StevieC Avatar

    Okay kid, you got me. If we’re both showing our right hands, how come our thumbs are on opposite sides? It’s nonsensular.

  17. AnnieB Avatar

    [quote comment=”516944″]It looks like he just landed in Canadia, they have some pretty strange customs there, eh.[/quote]

    Actually Spud, it was Little Rock, Ark whose motto is “Literacy Ain’t Everything”. I’m sure Dubya felt right at home… 🙄

  18. julesOdeNile Avatar

    [quote comment=”516972″]”Okay kid, you got me. If we’re both showing our right hands, how come our thumbs are on opposite sides? It’s nonsensular.“[/quote]
    it shall be held against you dude, for killing me! what ?!!! 😆 (died laughing) my ghost thanks you

  19. Timm Avatar

    Ew, Ew, Ew! It got it’s hand on that kid! Get boiling water, get antiseptic, boil the antiseptic, amputate the kids arm, get an exorcist!

  20. julesOdeNile Avatar

    for no other reason but just how easy it is to take a swing at THIS particular “leader” they should just create an office for him and keep him in the limelight (the light alone should keep him well occupied) i hate to admit i’ll miss him once he can’t be quoted no more. 8) 🙄 😐 😯 :wtf:

  21. t1nyturtle Avatar

    There is no doubt in my mind — this man
    would have made an adequate Commissioner
    of Baseball.

  22. Rebekca Avatar

    GB-“This is how you play bloody knuckles, first you start off slow then WAM keep punching till your knuckles bleed”
    Boy- “but Mr. President i dont want to play”
    GB- “just shut up kid and give me your hand”
    MIB-“coast is clear you can comence with making as ass out of yourself Mr. President” :puke: :wtf:

  23. cornbot Avatar

    [quote comment=”516992″]Actually Spud, it was Little Rock, Ark whose motto is “Literacy Ain’t Everything”. I’m sure Dubya felt right at home…

    Um… if you are going to spout mottos, you must get them correct. There ain’t no sech word as ‘ain’t.’ The correct motto reads, Literacy Aren’t Everything.

    And I hope the kid’s mom used bleach on that poor child’s skin when she got him home.

  24. AnnieB Avatar

    [quote comment=”517116″][quote comment=”516992″]Actually Spud, it was Little Rock, Ark whose motto is “Literacy Ain’t Everything”. I’m sure Dubya felt right at home…

    Um… if you are going to spout mottos, you must get them correct. There ain’t no sech word as ‘ain’t.’ The correct motto reads, Literacy Aren’t Everything.

    And I hope the kid’s mom used bleach on that poor child’s skin when she got him home.[/quote]

    😳 I stand corrected. Thank you cornbot! 😛

  25. StevieC Avatar

    [quote comment=”517116″][quote comment=”516992″]Actually Spud, it was Little Rock, Ark whose motto is “Literacy Ain’t Everything”. I’m sure Dubya felt right at home…

    Um… if you are going to spout mottos, you must get them correct. There ain’t no sech word as ‘ain’t.’ The correct motto reads, Literacy Aren’t Everything.

    And I hope the kid’s mom used bleach on that poor child’s skin when she got him home.[/quote]

    I always thought the slogan was “Litrassy … Litterosy … Good Spellin Arn’t Nuthin

    Know why they call it Little Rock? Couldn’t spell Pebbles.

  26. junkman Avatar

    i like the name cornbot.

  27. Bec Avatar



  28. Drusky Avatar

    “See, Billy. You can work those muscles so your button pushing hand is as strong as mine…”

  29. Spud Avatar

    [quote comment=”517118″][quote comment=”517116″][quote comment=”516992″]Actually Spud, it was Little Rock, Ark whose motto is “Literacy Ain’t Everything”. I’m sure Dubya felt right at home…

    Um… if you are going to spout mottos, you must get them correct. There ain’t no sech word as ‘ain’t.’ The correct motto reads, Literacy Aren’t Everything.

    And I hope the kid’s mom used bleach on that poor child’s skin when she got him home.[/quote]

    😳 I stand corrected. Thank you cornbot!

    Would it be appropriate to poke a tongue out at this point, perhaps stick both thumbs in the ears and waggle hand and go nyah nyah nyah?? 😛

  30. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect

    With W gone and Obama off-limits for all `humor, what are we gonna do for the next 4 years?

  31. Phoenix1313 Avatar

    [quote comment=”517018″]for no other reason but just how easy it is to take a swing at THIS particular “leader” they should just create an office for him and keep him in the limelight (the light alone should keep him well occupied) i hate to admit i’ll miss him once he can’t be quoted no more. 8) 🙄 😐

    😯 :wtf:[/quote]

    Hey, he doesn’t even need a full light, just one of those laser pointer things and pint it at the wall. If you wiggle it around every now and then he’ll be fine for years. (At least it works for my cats)

  32. AnnieB Avatar

    [quote comment=”517837″][quote comment=”517118″][quote comment=”517116″][quote comment=”516992″]Actually Spud, it was Little Rock, Ark whose motto is “Literacy Ain’t Everything”. I’m sure Dubya felt right at home…

    Um… if you are going to spout mottos, you must get them correct. There ain’t no sech word as ‘ain’t.’ The correct motto reads, Literacy Aren’t Everything.

    And I hope the kid’s mom used bleach on that poor child’s skin when she got him home.[/quote]

    😳 I stand corrected. Thank you cornbot!

    Would it be appropriate to poke a tongue out at this point, perhaps stick both thumbs in the ears and waggle hand and go nyah nyah nyah??


    Yes, Spud, when pigs fly you’ll be able to do that. :mrgreen:

    My comment was correct, as evidenced by the link below, but cornbot was OBVIOUSLY being facetious and I played along with him/her.


    Spud – 3 ❗ AnnieB – 0 in the BD competition. 😛

  33. Bigwavdave Avatar

    [quote comment=”517877″]With W gone and Obama off-limits for all `humor, what are we gonna do for the next 4 years?[/quote]
    I guess it’s back to the line at Starbuck’s…