Things you’ve never seen

  1. A vegan mosquito
  2. A woman with a fear of shoes
  3. A cat begging to have a leash put on it
  4. A 90 year-old woman off-roading in a Jeep Wrangler
  5. A group of overweight frat boys engaged in group pilates
  6. Fat, old men in panties, pretending to be teenage girls in chatrooms
  7. A roomful of Victoria’s Secret models masturbating to Shrek
  8. Pirates, sharing their hopes, dreams and feelings
  9. A redneck with a deep interest in the plight of non-American workers
  10. What have you never seen?


32 responses to “Things you’ve never seen”

  1. Mandy Fish Avatar

    An attractive pair of balls.

  2. Njoan Avatar

    [Comment ID #374955 will appear here]

    Good one!!! πŸ˜† And I totally agree!!!!

  3. Mandy Avatar

    a male davezilla reader that never makes a sexual comment πŸ˜›

  4. Lung the Younger Avatar
    1. A TV evangelist taking a Franciscan vow of poverty.

    2. A Γ’β‚¬ΛœREMEMBER THE ALAMOÒ€ℒ T-shirt in East L.A.

    3. A Dungeon Master strutting with a girl on each arm. (who are not members of his immediate family)

    4. A white guy wearing his baseball cap sideways who doesnÒ€ℒt look like a village idiot.

    5. A feminist who blames herself for the break up with her boyfriend.

    6. A roadhouse bouncer reading Nietzsche.

    7. An Amish Liberace fan.

  5. chainstay Avatar

    [Comment ID #374984 will appear here]

    A Zilla girl that has never instigated said comments. And that is what makes this site so wonderful. sexual innuendo at its best.

  6. StevieC Avatar
    1. A talented rapper

    2. A fast food burger that looks as good as it did in the commercial

    3. A reality show that had even the slightest resemblance to reality

    4. A good looking mullet

  7. StevieC Avatar

    [Comment ID #374984 will appear here]

    A picture of Mandy that would make a Zillaguy go limp.

  8. Meagan Avatar

    A dollar store with designer handbags (but hopefully someday…)

    An invisible man. πŸ˜›

    A slave who didn’t want me to zap his nuts. 😈

  9. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    [Comment ID #374984 will appear here]

    Mandy, Mandy, Mandy ! You perhaps just need a good pronging. :wang: :thong: :boobs: :wang: πŸ‘Ώ

  10. Mandy Avatar

    [Comment ID #375014 will appear here]

    moi? (bats eyelashes) :kiss:

    [Comment ID #375110 will appear here]

    pronging? seriously?

  11. Spud Avatar

    An honest politician

    An honest car salesman

    An honest real estate agent (realtor)

    A fat old man wearing nice panties, pretending to be a teenage girl in a chatroom

    A flying pig

    A flying elephant for that matter

    A terrorised terrorist

  12. bluebonneville Avatar

    An honest politician that actually keeps and delivers on their promises. πŸ˜›

  13. Bigwavdave Avatar

    A Democrat (or any politician, for that matter) who didn’t want more of my money

    An honest insurance salesman

    [Comment ID #375316 will appear here]

    Actually, one can see a flying pig at many Pink Floyd / Roger Waters Concerts

  14. Night Queen Zoharath Avatar

    A Purple People Eater

    A Black Klansman

    A Carjacker getting his car stolen

    A st st stu stuttering auctioneer πŸ™„

  15. Jack Avatar

    An ugly zilla girl

  16. Cobe Avatar

    A chick that listens and doesn’t talk back. πŸ‘Ώ

  17. Mandy Avatar

    [Comment ID #375625 will appear here]

    most of us girls are good listeners when we have a mouth stuffed with :wang:

  18. Reddog801 Avatar

    [Comment ID #374984 will appear here]
    That’s not fair Mandy, I have a “bone” to pick with you!

  19. julesOdeNile Avatar

    [Comment ID #374984 will appear here]

    now that’s not entirely true – you sexy hot thang you :wang: :thong: :undies: :wang: :thong: :undies: :wang: :thong: :undies: :boobs: :boobs: :boobs: :wang: :thong: :undies: :boobs:

  20. tinamarie Avatar

    An intelligent chauvinist

    A snowbird who could drive (I’m from Arizona…)

    A day where some idiot didn’t say “Yeah…but it’s a dry heat…)

    A woman who wasn’t secretly horny for a good spanking (and a good pronging!!!)

  21. julesOdeNile Avatar
    • a pig with a discriminating taste in food
    • a boring TV show that said “don’t touch that dial” that ever got me to stay and wait for the ensuing crap.
  22. StevieC Avatar

    [Comment ID #375813 will appear here]

    Don’t touch what dial?

  23. Jessie Avatar

    a good president

  24. Timm Avatar

    A redneck driving a Prius.

    (What’s a “dial”?)

  25. Mandy Avatar

    [Comment ID #375684 will appear here]

    i prefer to lick bones, not pick them. :kiss: :wang:

  26. StevieC Avatar

    [Comment ID #376022 will appear here]

    I’ll kiss yours if you’ll kiss mine.

    Remember the old Lifesavers jingle? It went kinda like this ….

     Tweet tweet, diddle diddle,
     There's only one hole with the candy in the middle
  27. pablo Avatar

    [Comment ID #375316 will appear here]

    Got to say #2 was unfair. There are 7 of us and we meet in an undisclosed location every blue moon to discuss the futility of our honesty.

  28. yucca Avatar

    Hold on a minute…vegan mosquito?
    The female is the only one that consumes blood, the male eats nectar.
    thank you very much
    Marlin Perkins

  29. Lung the Younger Avatar

    Yucca, what can I say? You’re an intelligent chauvinist.

  30. sissytsv67 Avatar

    Sorry to say, you will have to mark #3 off your list, because I have a cat who loves to go outside on his leash to eat grass and roll in the dirt.

  31. FIVE!! Avatar

    A roomful of stoners who say no thanks to homemade chocolate chip cookies that are warm and fresh from the oven. πŸ˜†

  32. Edward Duquette Avatar

    Mandy, Oh, Mandy….Get over yourself, and show something higher than your hips. How are we to know you are truly a woman, and not some perv that dowloaded a pic from a pornsite. That photo looks familiar 😈 😈

    I`ve never seen a woman admit they are as horny as men. They just make the guys persue them, but get pissed if men have seen better heads on beer and show no interest in the. My how the world turns when a woman is slighted.