Things to Avoid on Thanksgiving

  1. Showing up naked with a loaf of Melba Toast
  2. Screaming at the gravy
  3. Recreating Devil’s Mountain with the mashed potatoes
  4. Inviting radical Islamists for dinner and asking them to convert to Jesus
  5. What would you avoid?


21 responses to “Things to Avoid on Thanksgiving”

  1. StevieC Avatar

    Turducken (insert missing barf icon here)

  2. junkman Avatar

    merkins ❗

  3. t1nyturtle Avatar

    Uncle Pervert.

  4. john in co Avatar
    john in co

    Grandpa’s ‘Pull my Finger…okay…now pull my penis game.’

  5. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    Roast armadillo with semen-infused stuffing. Recipe may be obtained from Okra W.s
    tv program. AnnieB, you probably do not need a recipe. ❗ ❓ 👿

  6. Matt Avatar

    Oompa Loompas

  7. changinlatitudes Avatar

    Long-Haired, Leaping Yard Gnomes

  8. Lee Bond Avatar

    [quote comment=”526788″]Turducken (insert missing barf icon here)[/quote]

    hows about TURBACONDUCKEN?

    or my folks. or my relatives.

  9. Spud Avatar

    Avoid Thanksgiving altogether, thankfully I can. 🙄 😛

  10. Lung the Younger Avatar

    I’d like to dedicate this bountiful thanksgiving meal to cousin Bobby who’s serving in Iraq. I know Bobby would give his right arm to be with us here today, but with Obama in the Whitehouse he might not have to.

  11. junkman Avatar


    -sorry i can’t stop saying it. i think it’s my favourite word of 2008! 8)

  12. cornbot Avatar

    So it should be avoided on Thanksgiving?

    I never thought of my handle as an expletive but darned if it doesn’t work. 😛

  13. StevieC Avatar

    [quote comment=”528698″]So it should be avoided on Thanksgiving?

    I never thought of my handle as an expletive but darned if it doesn’t work. :P[/quote]

    I was thinking more of a sex toy than an expletive :wang:

  14. chainstay Avatar

    [quote comment=”528814″][quote comment=”528698″]So it should be avoided on Thanksgiving?

    I never thought of my handle as an expletive but darned if it doesn’t work. :P[/quote]

    I was thinking more of a sex toy than an expletive

    Steve, I believe you were thinking of cornholebot.

  15. AnnieB Avatar

    [quote comment=”526926″]Roast armadillo with semen-infused stuffing. Recipe may be obtained from Okra W.s
    tv program. AnnieB, you probably do not need a recipe. ❗ ❓ :evil:[/quote]

    No, I don’t need a recipe Flash, but I could use some help with the ingredients… 😈

  16. junkman Avatar

    [quote comment=”529015″][quote comment=”526926″]Roast armadillo with semen-infused stuffing. Recipe may be obtained from Okra W.s
    tv program. AnnieB, you probably do not need a recipe. ❗ ❓ :evil:[/quote]

    No, I don’t need a recipe Flash, but I could use some help with the ingredients…

    cumming right over…..

  17. StevieC Avatar

    [quote comment=”528934″][quote comment=”528814″][quote comment=”528698″]So it should be avoided on Thanksgiving?

    I never thought of my handle as an expletive but darned if it doesn’t work. :P[/quote]

    I was thinking more of a sex toy than an expletive

    Steve, I believe you were thinking of cornholebot.[/quote]

    Nope chainstay, I was actually thinking of the dildos used in the classic porn version of Cinderella. I remember seeing parts of that movie at the drive-in way waaayyyy back when.

  18. rust Avatar

    you gotta stay away from Uncle Matt’s hash brownies. You know, you can’t eat just one!

  19. Nina Avatar

    getting your turkey for chernobyl

  20. Meagan Avatar

    Getting your ear talked off by your elderly aunt who has soooooo many stories to tell about her days as a nun. 😐