So I came across a very interesting post on a forum recently. I defy you to make sense of it.
“The reason for the high gas prices is to force people not to travel very much and stay in their locale. Due to the fact that the Purebred Reptilian race that lives in the hollow part of the earth are trying to come to the surface. The 13 Bloodlines that rule this earth and are each given section of continents of Earth to rule over are scared of their own people the Pure Bred Reptilians who are pissed off at the 13 bloodlines failure to capture this planet for the Draco Empire. Mainly in the news mine collapses and always fires out in the California and the western area to keep people from seeing these creatures as they come to the surface. Their have also been Caves closed to the Public due to their entryway into the hollow earth area where the Purebred Reptilains been seen and their have been many battles underground by these Purebreds trying to get to the surface to take immediate control. Chemtrails are also being used to target these Purebreds genetics and eliminate them.
The 50/50 Hybrids have their own plans as opposed to the Purebred I am sure the White Wing Reptilian Royalty are pissed off as well since the earth Royal Hybrids don’t out rank these Winged ones in the Reptilian Caste system. China’s Illuminati faction recently attacked America due to the floods in the mid west as retaliation for the Attack using HAARP by the other Illuminati Faction. It seems when we have had wars in the past its been Illuminati wars and we are the pawns on their chessboard. Their is no unity within these groups. Normally the Purebred Reptilians all have a hive mentality and think like the Borg each with a designation or function deviating outside this means death. So them appearing as humans is to keep us from becoming alerted to an Alien presence on this Earth but the downside is they are having conflicts due to their mix of humanity and Reptilian genetics.
Oh another interesting note Dolphins recently have been targeted for extinction by the Illuminati factions due to the fact they are from the Andromeda Galaxy originally sent here to monitor the genetic human experiment since they know the truth and the Illuminati don’t want them communicating to Humans about their truth of humanities true origin for those that can connect to the Dolphins frequency.
By law that is the Illuminati Law you are prohibited from swimming or feeding Dolphins. an old article. They say in interacting with the Dolphins we are harming them but in reality they are benevolent beings that are willing to help Humans since most of Humanity genetics have been tampered with and most of the races come from different Alien cultures of different star systems. Most these Alien Cultures of different star systems seem in my opinion are Self Serving Ass Holes who have never learned anything about God Mind and their highest calling to serve all without worrying about what benefit it is to themselves since everything you ever wanted in life and your existence is built into that ideal of your willingness to serve without reservation the Universal Mind or God Mind but it your choice and no one can force you to make that choice. But of course when the Aliens of different star system were attacked by the Reptilians their attitude about service to all of God Minds creatures changed quite a bit so each one on an individual basis were challenged. So who am I to judge these people from other star systems who reacted according to their mind pattern and revealed what their inner nature was by this attack a test of sorts but it was allowed by God-Mind since it allows all things to manifest even if it is perceived by Humans as good or bad which is an Illusion anyway and God-Mind is just a silent observer enthralled by his thought forms that are emanating from his mind and watching them as they wander into infinite possibilities.
But most of this genetic tampering was to create a race of humans that would be successful at defeating the Reptilian Horde that was quickly marching across Earth to establish its dominion and destroy or assimilate these Races into the Draco Empire since the Reptilians were the first to colonize this planet called Earth that at one time was originally located where Planet Venus (Originally a Ice Comet (but melted when it got close to the sun to produce the gaseous cloud cover) that was use as a weapon against the Martians formerly refugees from the Lyraen Star System after it was attacked by the Reptilians) was but is Now a Reptilian Outpost confirmed by the Russians when they sent a probe down under the Venus Cloud cover to discover seven domed cities which is based on the Reptilian Caste system of seven Hierarchies although this was in the news a while back but quickly dismissed as natural formations. It was as if the Illuminati were saying to their Dumb Cattle nothing to see move on.
This is a quote from an article on the internet:
The Reptilians who were inside the hollow comet, now Venus, came to the surface of this new world. They built seven domed cities, one for each of the seven groups in the hierarchy. In the mid-1980s one of New Yorks daily papers, Newsday, reported that a Soviet space probe penetrated the cloud layer of Venus and photographed seven white domes the size of small cities, all in a row. After a page-long diatribe, the American scientists concluded that this was all a natural formation.”
33 responses to “The reason for the high gas prices”
Finally DAVEZILLA has something worthwhile on the site.
Alex Jones is my hero…
Can I have some of whatever you guys are doing ? :wang: :wang: :wang:
You Don’t Say?!
dude i couldnt even read that
You just now figured this out? I thought it was common knowledge.
what he didn’t mention, may be due to lack of time, or the fear or exposing the last safe frontier, is that three quarter breeds have started surfacing in the San Fransisco bay area as Gay men and women. a quarter male, quarter female, quarter Republican,
you ask what the other quarter is…? hence three quarter breeds
mmhh, very enlightening info. thank you Dave.
Lee, what was going on in your head when you wrote this? ๐ฏ
8O……… uh OK…….. reptilian overlords, huh? Once again…….. ๐ฏ
[quote comment=”408792″]Can I have some of whatever you guys are doing ?
:wang: :wang: :wang:[/quote]
yeah, i want me some of that, too! :gay:
you had me at purebred reptilian race, dave. ๐ฏ
[quote comment=”409108″]you had me at purebred reptilian race, dave. 8O[/quote]
“Giver her the tongue…SLURP :kiss:
it makes perfect sense to me. l. ron hubbard’s sci-fi minions took tom cruise on a trip on the sea org space probe. manufactured by chrysler, these probes seat about twenty and are purported to be as big as whales! they drop him at the base of an alien infested volcano 53 miles west of venus or was it planet claire? i don’t know……anyhoo. he was told if he wanted to be the best (non-gay) actor in the world he would need to write a manifesto collating his beliefs to further the cause and recruit other actors (non-gay) to pose at the front of this big scam, like plaster elvis busts, to make it seem legit. so he puts on a bob segar song (gay), retreats to his own private idaho and drafts this masterstroke. after he finished it he jumped up and down on an overstuffed space couch (without a helmet!)combining both the risky business moves and the oprah moves. everyone pretended he wasn’t in his forties. gays loved it but jesus freaks were outraged because his fairy story made their fairy story seem trite. they starting protesting outside of piggly wigglys shouting “respect the cock” cuz everyone knows christ dick is bigger than alien dick. cruise re-hired his sister to calm the media down and then parodied himself as a white jewish negro hoping that people would think he was normal and had a sense of humor. space junk.
Read your post.
Smoked a dube.
Read your post again.
[quote comment=”409154″]Dave;
Read your post.
Smoked a dube.
Read your post again.
Yeah MON….
junkman, I’d really like to meet you sometime. I can’t figure out if you’re 13, 30, 50 or 80 but you sure as hell are entertaining! ๐ :kiss:
This could only be true if there were two bushes in the house that George built.
[quote comment=”409194″]This could only be true if there were two bushes in the house that George built.[/quote]
Very astute AND funny! ๐
[quote comment=”409178″]junkman, I’d really like to meet you sometime. I can’t figure out if you’re 13, 30, 50 or 80 but you sure as hell are entertaining!
๐ :kiss:[/quote]
thanks. the feeling is mutual. probably the oil of oh-lay throwing you off on the age. perhaps dave could throw a stedge party for zillaland at the starbucks sometime. ๐ก
I couldn’t get passed the spelling airers two even finish the first paragraf……
[quote comment=”409223″][quote comment=”409178″]junkman, I’d really like to meet you sometime. I can’t figure out if you’re 13, 30, 50 or 80 but you sure as hell are entertaining!
๐ :kiss:[/quote]
thanks. the feeling is mutual. probably the oil of oh-lay throwing you off on the age. perhaps dave could throw a stedge party for zillaland at the starbucks sometime. :idea:[/quote]
There would be no shortage of creamer… :wang:
WTF!! Some one been reading, “Bringers of the Dawn”
Tripe! :puke:
all the folks on that forum were talking about gm cars and then this guy shows up like somebody’s on star puked him out. :geek:
Lizards? You are worried about the lizards? It’s the penguins you have to look out for. Those well dressed bastards watching us from their icy perches. Mocking us with their slow shuffling walk and bowling pin bodies. Secretly plotting our eventual enslavement and knowing that someday soon tomsparks will be their bitch!
Dave, I think your Dr. accidently nickd your brain when doing some tests. No pun intended, I hope all is well.
Well, this certainly explains that elevator in the back room Dave’s Starbucks…the one that only has a ‘Down’ button.
And it explains the ‘people’ who hang out there.
Now I know why dolphins have been trying to mate with our females; they are only trying to modify the genetic human experiment! Makes perfect sense now.
[quote comment=”409371″]Lizards? You are worried about the lizards? It’s the penguins you have to look out for. Those well dressed bastards watching us from their icy perches. Mocking us with their slow shuffling walk and bowling pin bodies. Secretly plotting our eventual enslavement and knowing that someday soon tomsparks will be their bitch![/quote]
Yeah and the squrriels too those bastards are amassing a force of ninja squrriels and you know they are working along side the penguins and half-lizards. ๐ฟ
[quote comment=”409688″][quote comment=”409371″]Lizards? You are worried about the lizards? It’s the penguins you have to look out for. Those well dressed bastards watching us from their icy perches. Mocking us with their slow shuffling walk and bowling pin bodies. Secretly plotting our eventual enslavement and knowing that someday soon tomsparks will be their bitch![/quote]
Yeah and the squrriels too those bastards are amassing a force of ninja squrriels and you know they are working along side the penguins and half-lizards. :evil:[/quote]
And don’t even get me started on the ferretsโฆ
Damn! We’ve been found out! I must inform the overlord immediately! ๐ฟ
pssht. ferrets? lizards? penguins? clearly you people have NO IDEA that NAKED MOLE RATS are THIS VERY MINNIT getting ready to trample us with theyre warm-blooded HIVE MIND society! WE MUST take up ARMS against these ‘RATS’ and totally, totally destrooy them!
[quote comment=”409695″][quote comment=”409688″][quote comment=”409371″]Lizards? You are worried about the lizards? It’s the penguins you have to look out for. Those well dressed bastards watching us from their icy perches. Mocking us with their slow shuffling walk and bowling pin bodies. Secretly plotting our eventual enslavement and knowing that someday soon tomsparks will be their bitch![/quote]
Yeah and the squrriels too those bastards are amassing a force of ninja squrriels and you know they are working along side the penguins and half-lizards. :evil:[/quote]
And don’t even get me started on the ferretsโฆ[/quote]
…and have you noticed lately how the Moles have gone silent about their AFFAIRS? i don’t trust those “o, we are blind in day light” bastards!
[quote comment=”409734″]pssht. ferrets? lizards? penguins? clearly you people have NO IDEA that NAKED MOLE RATS are THIS VERY MINNIT getting ready to trample us with theyre warm-blooded HIVE MIND society! WE MUST take up ARMS against these ‘RATS’ and totally, totally destrooy them![/quote]
heeeey, Evil, you beat me to the moles… niiiice! ๐