the old Ductch oven

Dear Mistre Dave Zilla
Long time no here. Whats up?? i have an idea for you one that will go down in th anals and anuses of history.!!! I have bad gas. this is no surpriase. Aslk my 3 GFs. They all complane about the farts and want too smakc me when i giev them the old Ductch oven.oI love to fart especailly at work.So her is my genious idea..We have geneticall shots that you can get to make yourself smaerter, prettyer etc. Whty not have ringtones in your ass tyhat you get genetically put in and then you can replace that BLASPPPPPP with a phat beet?? RIGHT??now to top it all off. Lets add a nice smell to. so I can have a Molly Htachtett song AND my Drakkar. LOL!!! Now that is flirting with disasster. you love me one and All.

you could be wrong i could be right,
Yours in Dung,
The Sultan of Cleveland

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29 responses to “the old Ductch oven”

  1. Kristi Avatar

    Oh dear gahd, he’s back. :wtf:

    You know what I don’t get? He makes all those spelling and typographical errors, yet his closing is perfect. I guess I’m just surprised he can spell ‘sultan’ and ‘Cleveland.’

    ‘Dung’ doesn’t surprise me so much.

    “We have geneticall shots that you can get to make yourself smaerter, prettyer etc.”

    Maybe before we go inventing ass ringtones, we invest in a ‘geneticall shot’ for the Sultan?

  2. StevieC Avatar

    So, the Sultan actually does blow it out his ass. How ’bout that? :wtf:

  3. Spud Avatar

    I thought the ‘ol dutch oven’ was where you let rip a particularly nasty 3 note changing 30 second bowel cleaner of a fart go in the bed and then throw the blanket over your loved one’s head?

    Am I wrong?


  4. patrick Avatar

    [Comment ID #201354 will be quoted here]
    That is exactly right Spud! The Sultan, with his intentional mispelling, is a poser.
    I don’t want an olfactory enhancement. I like it when the kids have to play “what was lunch Daddy”? I’ll pass on the auditory enhancement. Releasing a bomb in the deparment store and hustling to the next aisle is still too much fun. πŸ‘Ώ

  5. Davezilla Avatar

    [Comment ID #201357 will be quoted here]

    Agreed, but he’s still amusing in a very sad way. πŸ˜›

  6. Nikki Avatar

    MyDud, appropriate domain name.

  7. pablo Avatar

    I found it!!!! The Sultan in action!!

    Oh by the way Sultan, the idea has already been taken

  8. Pookazilla Avatar

    Dear Mistre Cleve Land,

    You spelled “genious” wrong.

    Yours in Credulous,

    The Duke of Pooka Zilla

  9. Astryd Avatar

    Under “Innocent until proven guilty” everyone qualifies, correct? 😈

  10. Astryd Avatar

    Today is: Taser the Innocent Day
    Cattleprod, Taser gun,…car battery?
    Meagan, we have been called to worK 😈

  11. Zilla the Younger Avatar
    Zilla the Younger

    Unfortunately, I have to agree with the Sultan on this one…seeing as I too have had run-ins with my back side that I would soon rather forget, a nice spell now and then would be a welcome change. The ring tones could disquise the offending poot as an incoming call!

  12. Arthur Chaparyan Avatar

    Here in California we already have the fart-to-ringtone system and are using it regularly:

  13. Lung the Younger Avatar

    Dutch Oven?!? Heyy, didnÒ€ℒt he like TOTALY play Mulder in that dumass X files?

    And why bothur putting ringtones in yur ass when you can simpely downlode some Keny G, probably sounz jus the same.

    Glad to see some decent intelechual debate in this comenz box for a change.

    The Earl of Akron.

  14. junkman Avatar

    i think the real question “hear” is: what’s worse…a dutch oven sans geneticall shot or his drakkar? i guess we’ll never know unless the 3 imaginary GF’s weigh in. also, i can’t think of a better place to bury the molly htachtett than up the sultan’s ass.

  15. Pablo Avatar

    [Comment ID #201391 will be quoted here]

    Slow down Turbo! You missed reading #7

  16. Mikeme Avatar

    Cleveland! The ass blast capital of the world! Polka anyone?

  17. Driver Avatar

    RE: Video of the day
    I dont remember ever smelling like a goat when I was a teenager.

    [Comment ID #201354 will be quoted here]

    Bikers call that foreplay.

  18. Spud Avatar

    I like that Italian method…

    1. Snap fingers
    2. Indicate area
    3. Smile

  19. Astryd Avatar

    *spots victim*
    *snaps fingers*
    *points to inner thigh (Start here πŸ˜› )*
    *Smiles* 😈
    *winks (bonus)*

    *Finds another victim*
    *snaps fingers*
    * :boob: points :boob: ( :wang: here)*
    *Smiles* 😈
    *winks (still bonus)*

    Ha! I like this game!
    *seeks third victim*… 😈

  20. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    Why all this fascination with gasseous anial
    effluvea? Don’t you know that’s the beginning
    of globul warning?
    The Duke of Padukah. :wang: :wang: :boob: :thong: :boob: :wtf:

  21. Meagan Avatar

    [Comment ID #201383 will be quoted here]

    You bet! But why just taser the innocent? 😈

  22. pookazilla Avatar

    [Comment ID #201410 will be quoted here]

    Pick me….pick me…. :wang: 😈

  23. Astryd Avatar

    *snaps fingers*
    * :wang: (bring to me)*
    * πŸ˜› 😈 *

    *sees Meagan*
    *snaps fingers*
    *gets cuffed to wall “X” and receives 15 lashes for snapping fingers at Mistress Darla*
    * 😈 wink*

  24. pookazilla Avatar

    [Comment ID #201417 will be quoted here]

    *brings :wang: to Astryd*
    *sees Astryd cuffed to wall sans cute pink panties :undies: *
    *realizes fondest wish has been granted*
    *gives great thanks to Mistress Darla and requests permission to have my way with Astryd :wang: :wang: 😈

  25. Chris S Avatar
    Chris S

    Ironically enough in The Netherlands (a.k.a. Holland) a Dutch oven is just called an oven. πŸ˜›

    I’ll have to find out what they call the american version of a dutch oven with the farting/blanket over the head thing.

  26. Pablo Avatar

    I love this guy

    Dear Mistre Dave Zilla
    Long time no here (Dave’s been in Miami). Whats up?? (not your I.Q. I’m guessing) i have an idea for you (it might die of loneliness, but time will tell) one that will go down in th anals and anuses of history.!!! (They say most men think with their penis, you my friend seem to think with your ass) I have bad gas (are you shitting squirrels again?). this is no surpriase.(Duh) Aslk my 3 GFs.(GF really means Gay Friends) They all complane about the farts and want too smakc me when i giev them the old Ductch oven.(I’m sure you prefer more the dutch door action)oI love to fart especailly at work.(at least heÒ€ℒs not on welfare)So her is my genious idea..We have geneticall shots that you can get to make yourself smaerter, prettyer etc.(try the one that gives you good grammar) Whty not have ringtones in your ass tyhat you get genetically put in and then you can replace that BLASPPPPPP with a phat beet?? (IÒ€ℒm pretty sure he has had a fat beet in his ass before) RIGHT??now to top it all off. Lets add a nice smell to.(I thought the whole point of this was how proud you were of your aroma) so I can have a Molly Htachtett song AND my Drakkar. (dear god no) LOL!!! Now that is flirting with disasster. (or maybe a brain tumor) you love me one and All.

    you could be wrong i could be right, (yeah, shit happens)
    Yours in Dung, (ainÒ€ℒt that the truth)
    The Sultan of Cleveland

  27. Meagan Avatar

    [Comment ID #201417 will be quoted here]

    –Comment ID #201418 will be quoted here–

    You may proceed. I’ll be watching from this dark corner. 😈

  28. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect

    [Comment ID #201354 will be quoted here]
    Sultan + Cleveland + Dutch Oven =

    …I think we have found the Blue Tarp.

  29. Bigwavdave Avatar

    [Comment ID #201354 will be quoted here]

    That’s three notes, thirty seconds AND drives the dog from the room… :wtf: