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  1. Spud

    Gee wiz, what’s missing? 😛

  2. junkman

    well it does come between a couple of buns!

  3. Marley's Mama

    And that the video of the day is “Behind the Underwear” is a riot

  4. Patrick

    Okay, but I’ll pass on the ‘special sauce’! :puke:

  5. Coley7367

    Finally, truth in advertising :puke:

  6. Don

    Can I get that with pickels and cheese with a side of thighs.

  7. dwasn

    And a side order of fish – sandwich that is.

  8. fruf

    If I ordered one would that make me an as* ?
    nice to see Mickey D’s selling holes again

  9. Wait till they start offering the footlong with mcnuggets. Avoid the taint sauce.

  10. DaPopster

    [quote comment=”635984″]I thought that burger tasted a little funny! :puke:[/quote]
    My little butt muncher ?? 😯

  11. No thanks. But I think the laptop butt catcher guy from yesterday would like one. 😯

  12. ShiftyTim

    Not nearly as good as the pink taco… :wtf:

  13. Not surprising …. everything at McDogFood tastes like shit.

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