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Show 31 Comments


  1. Drusky

    Just for kicks, switch this can with a can of ‘Spaghettios’ and see if your child notices the difference 😈

    The can label’s proof that there’s no better style of asshole then New York Style… 😆

  2. Driver

    I eat , mountain oysters [ Bull Balls ] , frog legs , cow tungue , alagater tail , caviar , escargo . But fish assholes :puke: NOT A CHANCE IN HELL !

    Come on Dave they just call it fish assholes right , what is it realy ?

  3. Spud

    bwwahahahahaaa, farking hell what a pisser of a label…



  4. evilmister

    d’you suppose that there’s a difference between the manhattan assholes and the boston assholes? 8)

  5. jeffrey

    So, this is like a fishy doughnut hole.

  6. Jesus Christ that made me laugh out loud until I couldn’t breathe! I never knew you could make mild flavored sauce from assholes. :wtf:

  7. I may like eating sushi, but fish assholes? :puke: :puke:

  8. BTW, thanks Dave and MasterSolace for commenting on my blog. You guys rock! I feel so special. 🙂

  9. plopsie

    it’s a gag (literally) gift–pasted on a can of spaghetti-os. Have also seen labeled as Chicken Assholes.

  10. minansi

    Ok…I “googled Fish Assholes…..EBAY has Wisconsin and Ozark style for sale….however I think I’ll pass. :puke:

  11. [Comment ID #70502 will be quoted here]

    No problem at all………..anything to help out……. :mrgreen:

  12. and as for the fish assholes…..I can do calamari….but fish assholes………….I do not think so………maybe the “Spaghetti-Os” idea from Drusky would be the only fun out of them…………….I shudder to think about fish assholes………… :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:

  13. Spud

    [Comment ID #70513 will be quoted here]

    I like to lurk

  14. I’d love to slip that into some old lady’s shopping cart.

  15. Manhattan assholes bump into you without saying excuse me while yelling into their cell phones. Boston assholes make fun of your education and zip code with a big gravy stain on their school ties.

  16. mikeme

    [Comment ID #70494 will be quoted here]

    I always thought Assholes were Assholes, but some are DEFINITELY bigger than others :mrgreen: :wtf:

  17. Drusky

    [Comment ID #70494 will be quoted here]
    Only when they’re playing each other in the World Series…

  18. Flash Gordon

    Mexicans wouldn’t eat that crap! :puke: 😛 🙄 😕 :puke:

  19. Irish

    Too many asshole jokes….not enough room. 😈

  20. Driver

    [Comment ID #70591 will be quoted here]

    Flash they eat Munudo what makes you think they would’nt eat fish assholes 🙄

  21. DaPopster

    Dubyas’ favorite appetizer. :puke:

  22. Next time on Fear Factor, contestants will have to eat 10 whole cans of fish assholes. Who will throw up first? And who will like them so much that they’ll be labeled a freak all over the world? Tune in next week to find out! :wtf:

  23. [Comment ID #70625 will be quoted here]

    and the Republican midnight snack of choice

  24. Rachel

    Just the thought of fish assholes in a can makes me shudder. I wonder what sick mind thought that up? :puke:

  25. Pinball_26_Wizard

    [Comment ID #70591 will be quoted here]

    ya but koreans would
    they eat everything

  26. Chicky

    yummy!!!!!! :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:

  27. cynical villain

    Made from the best stuff on Earth. That line mild flavored sauce line, that’s very scary. I don’t even want to know what that sauce is composed of. Secret sauce…oh yeah! :puke:

  28. … much healthier than the California variety… in theory…

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