Tastes like what?

Tastes like what?


24 responses to “Tastes like what?”

  1. chzplz Avatar

    sorry, but this one isn’t as weird as it appears. This is from Canada, where whole milk is known as “homogenized”, which is often shortened to “homo”. So yes, we have homo milk up here.

  2. bork Avatar

    This joke is boring to all Canadians.


  3. GUPPY Avatar

    from Canada or not, if it tastes like homo it’s a no no!!!!!

  4. chainstay Avatar

    Yeah here in OR. they advertise Homo. milk. Not sure how they are milked, don’t wanna know. It is a pretty standard term for milk. Certainly can milk a bunch of jokes out of this though. I bet this is the worst one of them all.

  5. Don Avatar

    Hmmmm, no wonder the dairy industry is so bad in Calif. their milkig homo’s in San Fransisco. A new meaning to the saying “Got Milk”

  6. fruf Avatar

    if it tastes like homo that makes the taster…?
    made by queer cows haven’t you heard of Dairy Queen ?

  7. Craigaroonie Avatar

    Queer cows?
    If they were certified queer cows (lesbian cows?), then the label would say something like:
    “Made by Homos”, or “Comes from Homos”. Different kettle of fish altogether.

    “Dairy Queen” implies a transvestite bull. A cross-dresser – a bell, fake tits.

  8. Davezilla Avatar

    [quote comment=”637674″]sorry, but this one isn’t as weird as it appears. This is from Canada, where whole milk is known as “homogenized”, which is often shortened to “homo”. So yes, we have homo milk up here.[/quote]

    All milk is homogenized. But only Canadians would know if it tastes like homos or not. :troll:

  9. Lung the Younger Avatar

    Canadian milk like Canadian mounties, always get their man.

  10. Lung the Younger Avatar

    To be kept in a minimalist, tastefully designed Italian refrigerator with a lava lamp for company.

  11. rust Avatar

    now, that explains a lot! Makes me wonder what they put in the Chocolate…

    Of course, growing up in Jokeville-Tokeville-Cokeville-Oakville, we had a different dairy. Gay Lea.


  12. rust Avatar

    Oh, and of course I forgot to mention that it always tasted …erm… EXTRA CREAMY!

  13. StevieC Avatar

    [quote comment=”637702″][quote comment=”637674″]sorry, but this one isn’t as weird as it appears. This is from Canada, where whole milk is known as “homogenized”, which is often shortened to “homo”. So yes, we have homo milk up here.[/quote]

    All milk is homogenized. But only Canadians would know if it tastes like homos or not. :troll:[/quote]

    And we rely on Americans to know if something tastes like shit or not.

  14. rust Avatar

    [quote comment=”637707″][quote comment=”637702″][quote comment=”637674″]sorry, but this one isn’t as weird as it appears. This is from Canada, where whole milk is known as “homogenized”, which is often shortened to “homo”. So yes, we have homo milk up here.[/quote]

    All milk is homogenized. But only Canadians would know if it tastes like homos or not. :troll:[/quote]

    And we rely on Americans to know if something tastes like shit or not.[/quote]
    That’s right! The Yanquis know best! Heh!

    “Glad I didn’t step in it…”

  15. junkman Avatar

    doesn’t all this talk about homo’s make you want to go out and suck off a cow?

    p.s. hey rust fellow oakvillite, oakvillian, oakvillain….

  16. junkman Avatar

    oops. i guess homo’s make would be like logan’s run?

  17. rust Avatar

    [quote comment=”637721″]doesn’t all this talk about homo’s make you want to go out and suck off a cow?

    p.s. hey rust fellow oakvillite, oakvillian, oakvillain….[/quote]
    TAB TAB …

    Oh when our team goes out to make a play,
    They always like they are really gay…

  18. rust Avatar


    That line should be:

    They always ACT like they are really gay…

    Go figger… I never went out for football. Just didn’t have the nuts for it.

  19. rust Avatar

    I also remember that they were going to call White Oaks Secondary School (is it still around, I know that Perdue got Catholicized) … anyway, they were going to call it the South Halton Institute of Technology…

    ahhh, memories… like the Canyons of my Mind…

  20. Jetro Avatar

    [quote comment=”637674″]sorry, but this one isn’t as weird as it appears. This is from Canada, where whole milk is known as “homogenized”, which is often shortened to “homo”. So yes, we have homo milk up here.[/quote]

    Too bad, in that case canadian milk isn’t so good for pussies…

  21. Jetro Avatar

    [quote comment=”637674″]sorry, but this one isn’t as weird as it appears. This is from Canada, where whole milk is known as “homogenized”, which is often shortened to “homo”. So yes, we have homo milk up here.[/quote]

    Too bad, in that case canadian milk isn’t so good for pussies..