It was 20 years ago today…

Twenty years ago today, I quietly launched this little humor blog called Davezilla. It’s now one of the longest running humor blogs on Earth (if not the longest). One thing I am incredibly proud of is the amazing folks I have met through this site. Heroes (to me) like Jeffrey Zeldman, Heather Champ, Jesse James Garrett, Chris Brogan, Sara Evans, Alexis Ohanian, Matt Mullenweg, and too many more to mention. You know who you are. This blog has been featured in Wired multiple times, a book by Yahoo! called Five Years that Influenced the Web, and American Greetings even made…

Anagram Interview with Tom Cruise

DISCLAIMER: Before you scratch your head or send me hate mail, please note that this is a fake interview. It's not real. OK? The answers were created by rearranging the letters in Tom Cruise [anagramming]. No disrespect is meant. I'm sure he's a fine person. Davezilla: So Tom. I hear you've been sending rodents to the outer galaxies to find Xenu? Tom Cruise: Mice tours! Davezilla: Fascinating. I notice you're scratching. Did you get kicked in the nuts? Tom Cruise: (ie. scrotum) Davezilla: What's causing your pain, if you don't mind my asking? Tom Cruise: Ice tumors. Davezilla: How do…

Anagram Interview: Paris Hilton

DISCLAIMER: Before you scratch your head or send me hate mail, please note that this is a fake interview. The answers were created by rearranging the letters in Paris Hilton [anagramming]. Davezilla: "First off, how do you start the week?"Paris Hilton: "I plan or shit." Davezilla: "Um, Paris? What are you doing under the table? Drop something?"Paris Hilton: "Lost hairpin." Davezilla: "I heard you once seduced Ralph Lauren."Paris Hilton: "I sit on Ralph." Davezilla: "Assume I know nothing about hair. What is your current hairstyle called?" Paris Hilton: "Rhino plaits." Davezilla: "Not that I'm interested, but what do you look…

Anagram Interviews: Dick Cheney and Tony Blair

DICK CHENEY Davezilla: Was it really true that you received a ton of kickbacks from Haliburton from the Iraqi conflict? Dick Cheney: I deny check. Davezilla: Mr. Vice-President? Describe your lesbian daughter in two words. Dick Cheney: Needy chick. Davezilla: What's the secret of your unhealthy pallor? Dick Cheney: Chicken dye. Davezilla: No one seems to call you Richard. I guess you don't seem like a Richard so much as a Dick. Dick Cheney: Hence, Dicky. TONY BLAIR Davezilla: Parliament seems to have more on the ball than the US government. Why is that? Tony Blair: Brainy lot. Davezilla: Your…