Dog is to London Underground as trepanation is to ________ .
Misery is to sophistry as sea cucumbers are to ________ .
Geysers are to petting zoos as wingnuts are to ________ .
Dog is to London Underground as trepanation is to ________ .
Misery is to sophistry as sea cucumbers are to ________ .
Geysers are to petting zoos as wingnuts are to ________ .
20 responses to “Story Problem No. 2”
I know the answers!
1. Vegemite
2. 46
and this was the tricky one:
3. Kokinoshu
Dave, I’m confused…:wtf:
But here are my answers (I crammed for this exam all evening):
1. Subway Restaurants
2. Finger Sandwiches at High Tea
3. Kamikaze Pilots
And my mother went cow-tipping with a few friends as a teenager (she was a 100 lb. woman back then)…so it IS possible.
BTW, I live in Wisconsin: I should test that theory myself by tipping over a few Cheesehead farmers. I don’t want to hurt the cows…Moooooo!
living keyboard
banana bunker
I’d have to say: Martini’s (to all three).
Dog is to London Underground as trepanation is to sewer chokes.
Misery is to sophistry as sea cucumbers are to corn dogs.
Geysers are to petting zoos as wingnuts are to skid marks on a thong.
Never been cow tipping. Never had a friend who bragged about it either. :java:
1. hobos
2. Taco Bell
3. flying saucers
Dave I can’t read those sentences drunk; they remind me of long-lost conversations I had with an ex, one real easy on the eyes. She was always calling me a wingnut when angry, which was often. The last thing she left me: lipstick on a coffee cup. :java:
I may have been channeling the same person, Lace. When I was 19 and a waiter, the restaurant manager (Kiki) called everyone “wingnut” and left her lipstick on everything.
Dog is to London Underground as trepanation is to RuPaul .
Misery is to sophistry as sea cucumbers are to Ron Jeremy .
Geysers are to petting zoos as wingnuts are to wide hairy butt .
what i guess im a :boobs:
To complete this test I need a graphing calculator, a yardstick and some scratch paper. And some vodka. Maybe just the vodka.
Dog is to London Underground as trepanation is to Nickleback
Misery is to Sophistry as Sea Cucumbers are to Joykiller
Geysers are to Petting Zoos as Wingnuts are to James P. Johnson
Sorry, my brain always defaults to Music :geek:
1 Sex:mrgreen:
2 face products:cool:
3 geysers pants 🙄
Dog:London Underground as trepanation: Operation Ivy
Misery:sophistry as sea cucumbers:fake fruit wannabes
Geysers:petting zoos as wingnuts:strip clubs, I mean strip malls
You said wingnut. 😀
1. prune overdose (think about it):lol:
2. proctology
3. your ass
The connection becomes apparent when you realize the answer to all three is 47.