How to spot a freak

At some point, you’ve surely heard a friend or coworker say something like, “That person should not be allowed to breed.” Well, those people did breed and their spawn all migrated to my city. As you can see from these two photographs, our freaks are not your ordinary tinfoil-hat-wearing, no-sock-having, nine-coat-sporting hobos that you might see in cities like New York or Los Angeles. Ours are a special kind of wrong.

Spot the freak

The closeup view is even more confusing:
Spot the freak, close up


32 responses to “How to spot a freak”

  1. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect


  2. Bigwavdave Avatar


  3. Bigwavdave Avatar

    All kidding aside Dave, isn’t this the line to get in to your Starbucks?

  4. misterarthur Avatar

    Now I couldn’t get a hold of you & miss B on Sunday.

  5. Supercharged_goddess Avatar

    double low fat soy latte on the rocks shaken not stirred please? :puke: wow these folks have GOT to cum to reality some time. EW.

  6. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect

    DaveZ, regrettably I live in a rather ‘normal’ place. I wish I could follow you around on your daily adventures just once so I could see all the oddities, curiosities and abnormalities of this alleged ‘Royal Oak’ place. Can such an incomprehensible place truly exist? How do you sleep at night knowing that, in just a few hours, you are going to venture out into the bizarre, otherworldly streets of this legendary Michigan to gaze in open-mouthed awe at the circus-like population of your ‘royal’ kingdom? If only I could find such exquisite entertainment so easily.

    Here in simple Ohio I have to pay for thrills like that. :limp:

  7. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect

    Its also why we need a fence at the border.

    Ohio / Michigan that is. 🙄

  8. Bjorn Freeh Avatar

    What town has instituted meters for laundry baskets?!? I realize that Michigan’s cities are hurting for cash, but that seems extreme…

  9. Meagan Avatar

    Is it just me or does that pink monster look like a penis? :wtf: :wang:

  10. StevieC Avatar

    Fishnets are known to be magnets to pink monsters. :wang:

  11. Pablo Avatar

    [Comment ID #266682 will appear here]

    It all depends on who’s penis you’ve been looking at?

    I can honestly say it doesn’t look like mine.

  12. Spud Avatar

    This looks like a screen shot from a video game.

    I’ll go first and keep shooting until I miss, then you can have a go.


  13. Drusky Avatar

    Props to you, Dave. Normally one would have to spend $10-$50 to get buzzed enough to see that. Here, it’s free… :wtf:

  14. Drusky Avatar

    It’s amazing how Mandy always bring us pictures and videos showing guys at their best… 😛

  15. janeeto63 Avatar

    Dave, is she wearing Ugg (Ugh) Boots, what you previously stated as ‘should not be worn’?

  16. Nicolette Avatar

    :wtf: WTF and what is that building she is walking next to? Seems she is in the right neighborhood to me! 🙁

  17. Chris S. Avatar
    Chris S.

    [Comment ID #266682 will appear here]

    Any self-respecting man knows you need to ditch the ribbons and trim your penis eyebrows a bit more before you go out in public.

  18. AnnieB Avatar

    She’s an attention whore. I rather like that in a person… 😛

  19. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #266682 will appear here]

    Maybe after leaving your chamber Mistress Darla? 😀

  20. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #266638 will appear here]

    Ah, a man after my own heart… you think faster than you can type. 😛 :kiss: :wang:

  21. Chris S. Avatar
    Chris S.

    Another sure fire way to spot a freak:

    Find Dave. Search the area around Dave. A 20-foot radius will normally suffice (10-foot radius if Dave happens to be in his local Starbucks). This method will result in freak spotage approximately 90-95% of the time.

  22. Master Solace Avatar

    Claymation gone wrong.
    [Comment ID #266682 will appear here]
    I hope to never see a penis with two nub on the tip…I take it’s supposed to be like horns or ears or something……wrong I tell ya, just wrong……

  23. junkman Avatar

    dave are you sure this wasn’t a farrah fawcett flash back? isn’t that lee majors with her or kate jackson’s borrowed dildo? she may be a crazy farrah offspring but she looks do-able. am i wrong men o’ zilla ?????????? 😕

  24. Drusky Avatar

    [Comment ID #267349 will appear here]

    It’s very much like shooting fish in a barrel only that it’s easier to feel sorry for the fish…

    [Comment ID #267383 will appear here]

    Glad you’re still around, Master S. Don’t be such a stranger…

  25. Spud Avatar

    It’s Halloween costumes for the Sex Industry…

  26. Astryd Avatar

    It was perfect until she ruined it with the headband… 🙄

  27. Spud Avatar

    That was to keep her ego in check… 🙁

  28. Master Solace Avatar

    [Comment ID #267617 will appear here]

    Sorry….I’ve been around the whole damn time, but I’ve been really sick as of late….yes, Dave, sick again…… kinda goes with the territory…..

    But I’m back now….as much as I can be…..

  29. Faith Avatar

    Isn’t that Nick Nolte?

  30. shytr Avatar

    this is quieer 😈

  31. baby weez Avatar
    baby weez

    I found an outfit just like it in the back of my mom’s closet under the parachute pants. I have the urge to catch some day-glow fish.

  32. Buy tarmadol ….

    Buy tarmadol ….