Spank my monkey


Image via Mandy. No, that isn’t her. She plays with bigger monkeys (so I’m told).

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32 responses to “Spank my monkey”

  1. Supercharged_goddess Avatar

    Gee you’d think a monkey that big would be hung like King Kong- I’m semi disappointed. 🙁 :wtf: I can’t seem to understand why she is smiling so big- he’s still :limp:

  2. Penguin Pete Avatar

    With a sock monkey that size, somebody must have one hell of a big foot!

  3. russ Avatar

    [Comment ID #234873 will appear here]

    She smiles because even though it’s not hung like King Kong it’s still as big as her arm. Bring on the fisting :wtf: :wang:

  4. Bjorn Freeh Avatar

    Wool: The real source of feminine itch.

  5. hoatzin Avatar

    I notice she didn’t waste any time knitting fingers or toes, yet other aspects are surprisingly detailed. :limp:

  6. The Manticore Avatar

    that is pretty huge for a monkey! Most monkies and other primates are rather um…poorly endowed. :limp:
    I mean, if humans were hung even like gorillas, proportionately they’d be about 2-3 inches on average! eep.
    thank god early female humans selected for size!! :wang:

  7. Bigwavdave Avatar

    [Comment ID #234873 will appear here]

    Well, obviously she hasn’t hit the “ON” switch yet! :wtf:

  8. Supercharged_goddess Avatar

    [Comment ID #234879 will appear here]
    Yeah, and you know what they say about guys with big feet, maybe he has another endowment i could suck on!

  9. Supercharged_goddess Avatar

    [Comment ID #234898 will appear here]

    And where have al your boyfriends been hiding if they are bigger than 2-3 “? Maybe I need to look for new meat, I mean, men… 😀

  10. Trukindog Avatar

    Nevermind the monkey blonde chicks with glasses are HOOOOOOOOTTTTT…..Mandy….Mandy….Beuler ?

  11. J Avatar

    Yea shes pretty hot she could pet my monkey

  12. The Manticore Avatar

    [Comment ID #234923 will appear here]
    my bf isn’t hung like a gorilla. lol. :wang:
    Hides him

  13. AnnieB Avatar

    I think they make a lovely couple …

  14. janeeto Avatar

    You have the Sarah Silverman video, “I fucking Matt Damon”. Have you seen Jimmy Kimmel’s response, “I’m Fucking Ben Affleck”? Absolutely hilarious!

  15. Trukindog Avatar

    [Comment ID #234985 will appear here]

    Almost as lovely as old people and squirrels 😀

  16. Lung the Younger Avatar

    Well, well. Vin Diesel’s gone and got himself a new girlfriend.

  17. hoatzin Avatar

    Their relationship had become strained some time ago.

    He had been very supportive when she lost her job at the TV station, and was actually flattered that she would murder her husband in order to spend more time with him.

    But she became more and more depressed, even crotchety.

    He half-expected her to say the words that all knitted monkeys dread hearing from their creator: “I think we should knit other animals.”

    He knew it was over the day he leaned over her her with visibly amorous intent, and she screamed, “Get off me, you damn dirty woolen ape!”

    After that, things unraveled pretty quickly.

  18. hoatzin Avatar

    Jenny was Class Valedictorian, and voted Most Likely to Knit a Primate with One Hand.

  19. Spud Avatar

    Matty told Hatty, “that’s the thing to do…

    the wool with you.” Wooly Bully, wooly …

  20. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #234879 will appear here]

    I didn’t catch this first time around. Good one!

    @ Spud LOL!!!!

  21. Bigwavdave Avatar

    [Comment ID #234985 will appear here]

    And I think your new Avatar is smokin’. :wang:

  22. Meagan Avatar

    You guys have it all wrong, it’s an ad for a safe sex campaign. “Sock your monkey before you start socking me.” 😈

  23. Jay Laverdure Avatar
    Jay Laverdure

    After the marathon fabrication of her spankable monkey, “Jenny”
    moved on to smaller, but still enjoyable projects: To wit,
    a crocheted tie for a rooster (so she could choke her chicken) &
    a plaited leather bullwhip (so she could beat her meat).

  24. junkman Avatar

    can you say this 3 times quickly?
    how many socks could a sock cutter cut if a sock cutter could cut socks?

    p.s. someone should knit this poor monkey some stitchy mcyarnpants

  25. Chris S. Avatar
    Chris S.

    [Comment ID #235205 will appear here]

    You know, it actually does look like Vin Diesel. They should re-release his movies with this monkey superimposed over him. Maybe then “The Pacifier” would be a little more interesting… :wtf:

    Mandy… just what in the hell was that website were you browsing when you stumbled across this gem of a photo? On second thought, maybe I don’t want to know…

  26. Maven Avatar

    [Comment ID #234885 will appear here]

    Eek! Bring on the fisting?

    I don’t know about anyone else, but I can’t seem to stop doing my Kegels.

  27. TimM Avatar

    “No mom, I’m not looking at dirty pictures on the internet. I’m looking at craft projects.”

  28. Edward Avatar

    [Comment ID #234873 will appear here]

    Maybe he`s (the monkey) is in between sessions and making more as we speak, lmao!

  29. Drusky Avatar

    Wait until she knits a silk condom…

    No wonder that he’s so big but still so limp. ‘Tis the ‘Roids to blame… :limp:

  30. Dragonhose Avatar

    Everyones got something to hide cept for me and my monkey.

  31. Dragonhose Avatar

    overheard: Have you ever been picked up by the fuzz? No but I’ve been swung around by my tits.