Some changes, German aromas

Posts have been sporadic lately. Granted, by most blogs’ standards, I am pretty punctual. I’ve missed nine days this year. Not bad. But not what I planned this site for. I remember in 2000, I used to post up to four or five times a day. I want to get back to that.

Part of it’s my crazy travel schedule for work. Part of it is that I am now a senior vice-president at the agency, so I have a lot more responsibilities. Part of it is a trap I got myself into. By always putting a video and link of the day, I have often waited hours to post, looking for something funny by someone else to post, and that’s not fair to you (or me).

So I’ve come to a decision. There are 10-12 of you that regularly send me links and videos. I thank you and I will continue to use them, but I will no longer slavishly look for links and videos, myself. If I get them great, if not, the post goes up anyway, and no longer at just midnight EST only. I need to be more spontaneous and post when it strikes me.

I want to spend more time writing, taking pictures and drawing cartoons. And dammit, more anagrams! Some of my older readers remember some of the esoteric things I used to do, like make the titles into puzzles, have the first letter of each sentence spell out something funny, etc.

Those days are back.

Show 43 Comments


  1. Damnit – I was never good at anagrams…Oh well, at least I’m first in line :wtf:

  2. StevieC

    [Comment ID #196829 will be quoted here]

    I was never any good at granamas either but I liked the cartoons.

  3. Spud

    Oh yeah, gimmie anagrams or gimmie death, well maybe not literally death but a weak facsimile of it or perhaps not even that strong a word, maybe just give me a straight up cappuccino with 1 sugar thx, a nice chair and a good light.

  4. YAY anagram interviews!
    YAY multiple posts per day!
    Welcome back oldschool Davezilla!

  5. pablo

    you want to do this 5 times a day? No wonder your nuts itch.

  6. junkman

    MORE ANAGRAMS less german aromas please.

  7. junkman

    [Comment ID #196837 will be quoted here]our yule?

  8. It’s alright, Davester, nobody can cast the first stone.

    A blog is like a baby. You start one because it’s fun, but it soon demands much more attention than you thought it would.

  9. patrick

    Ga! Am some Arran? It’s a stretch and grammatically atrocious but it’s legit. Hey, you could look it up. Do I get partial credit for effort and spelling my name right?

  10. TaterSalad

    Steped in WHAT??? :wtf:

    If I understand what yall was talking bout I’ed have a migrane with all that good gramer and proper language an what not. ❗

    wat bout a anugram? wat ever da hell dat is!!

    anyhoo keep em coming big guy.

  11. TaterSalad

    Steped in WHAT??? :wtf:

    If I understand what yall was talking bout I’ed have a migrane with all that good gramer and proper language an what not. ❗

    wat bout a anugram? wat ever da hell dat is!!

    anyhoo keep em coming big guy.

  12. Chris S

    I am pretty new to this site and I really do enjoy it. More updates means more fun so YAY!

    What the f@*k do you mean by German aromas? :wtf:

    I hope thats not what I think it means…

  13. Bring back the Sultan while you are at it. I haven’t had a good rant in a while

  14. StevieC

    [Comment ID #196847 will be quoted here]

    See comment #7 for a BIG HINT (or a nigh bit, depending on how you read it)

  15. Chris S

    [Comment ID #196853 will be quoted here]

    ohhhhhh… so the letters were jumbled up. I get it. But what does that have to do with anagrams? 😀

  16. junkman

    [Comment ID #196854 will be quoted here] anagrams can’t read ROWDS when the letters are jumbled PU. anagrams are PUDITS.

  17. Great now I will be compulsively checking for updates its bad enough that I check at 12:05 am every night anyways. :wtf:

  18. Mikeme

    Anagrams or Annie grams? I’m puzzled! 😐

  19. AnnieB

    Dinky Dane house falls!

  20. StevieC

    [Comment ID #196862 will be quoted here]

    Apparently it’s AnnieBgrams.

  21. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #196864 will be quoted here]

    Gram Sac! 😛

  22. Tim

    multiple a day would be GREAT i wasnt around when this all started but its still cool so keep it coming

  23. StevieC

    [Comment ID #196865 will be quoted here]

    Train me dilany!

  24. AnnieB

    Okay Dave … German aromas = Me Mr Anagrams

    Dinky Dane house falls = Seek and you shall find 😆

  25. [Comment ID #196872 will be quoted here]

    No, silly. Junkman had it. German aromas = More anagrams.

  26. [Comment ID #196868 will be quoted here]

    misterarthur =
    * marries truth
    * trims urethra
    * shirt erratum
    * I hurt smarter
    * I harm turrets

  27. Mandy

    more posts = more dave = happy mandy! :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

  28. kdub

    Great, first Gilded Moose, now you.

  29. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #196874 will be quoted here]

    Wide spruce = I screwed up 😀

  30. Spud

    [Comment ID #196876 will be quoted here]
    And that has to be a good thing… 😀

  31. StevieC

    [Comment ID #196876 will be quoted here]

    When Mandy’s happy, we’re all happy :wang:

  32. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #196870 will be quoted here]

    = I rant men daily


    = Tin army nailed



  33. StevieC

    [Comment ID #196906 will be quoted here]

    Anytime, darlin 😈

  34. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #196914 will be quoted here]

    Ahh, now I see. Good one! It’ll be an or not a car, right?
    😛 :wang:

  35. StevieC

    [Comment ID #196915 will be quoted here]

    Either or. They’re all good. 😈 :wang:

  36. Kkkkathryn

    while Junkman rules, managers roam…
    or sumfing

  37. pablo

    Your point is being missed even as we speak. Where is this multiple daily dose of love you’ve been promising?

  38. [Comment ID #197795 will be quoted here]
    Have you not been looking at the dates?
    Aug. 2:
    1) Note to Self
    2) Caption Time #189

    July 31
    1) Fun with Joggers
    2) Prepare to be frightened

    July 29:
    1) I helps you drink this
    2) Overheard


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