So you’ve noticed some changes

ZOMG!And no, I am not done. This is a work in progress. I still have several tweaks to make, features to add and suggestions to implement. Trish gave me a great suggestion last night that I will definitely be adding: making this featured article appear in its entirety on the homepage, rather than having to click through.

  • I also plan to add back in the quoting function (currently it’s not compatible with what I have, so I have some PHP to write).
  • I will be adding polls again
  • A whole new set of smilies to add to your comments
  • How about adding images to comments?
  • Avatars are now handled externally by Gravatars as the same icon can be used on hundreds of sites. If you still want to use a, R or X-rated icon here that other sites won’t allow, simply open another account using another email address.

Other suggestions are welcome.

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  1. Spud

    How about going back to the red layout?

    Or maybe installing a coffee machine, a coffee machine that not only delivers the world’s greatest mugachino, but freak photo’s to boot!

    It would be just like home for you Dave.

    You know, it occurs to me that I haven’t liked one single change of the layout through the years, this of course has not altered anything in the layouts, but I thought it may indicate something, perhaps I have the taste of a Tibetan yak with the flu or I am a closet genius that will one day be vindicated and showered with gold and undying adulation of the seething masses.

    Too close to call.

  2. But Spud. You’ve never liked anything on this site except the Zilla Girls’ icons. How can I compete with that (and don’t say use Mandy as the background image).

  3. How about a montage of zilla girls for the background? :wang:

    I’m willing to bet the girls are getting perky about your proposed tweaks. 😉

    I like the new changes. Once the dust has settled we’ll have to have an orgy … I mean party. Wait .. I DID mean orgy.

  4. Please, please, please consider making the font larger. I know from a man’s point of view it’s not the size of the font, but how you use it. Listen to the Zillagirls because in this case bigger is better and might just cause multiple orgasms.

  5. Bigwavdave

    Dave – I did kinda like the wiki-tiki-fishy background, although the whole Zilla-babe does have a certain appeal… :wang:

  6. julesOdeNile

    i strongly urge all Zilla-Babes to get new e-mail addresses as we don’t need this Gravatar phenomenon 👿 interfering with our continued ability to savor the fleshly contributions of you our beloved :wang: according to King DaveZ ( a bit of ass kissing here – you don’t have a smiley for that) y’all need to get new ones not to offend the sensible :puke: masses out there. 😉

  7. my hero. the master of CSS and php. Too bad it’s all going to get changed when you get tired of it in 6 months.

  8. Pervy1

    OK Dave, I am not going to suggest you use Mandy as the background image. That’s a pretty lame suggestion. Who would want her in the background? YOu need her front and center! You have to plaster pics of her all over the place, make little Mandy ass-atars, and change the name of the site to Mandzilla. Everyone will be happy.

    If those suggestions don’t fly then my other input is that I think there is a bit too much blue.

  9. it’s gonna take some getting used to, and yeah, there’s quite a bit of blue, but i’m looking forward to what you can come up with :boob: :wang: :boob:

  10. Yeah…. I miss my naughty avatar. I am on other sites and where as Snoopy fits in well there…. it just doesn’t have the thrust I am looking for on here. :wtf:

  11. if i can make a naughty gravatar thingie, so can you, nicolette. :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

  12. Spud

    change the name of the site to Mandzilla. Everyone will be happy.
    I don’t know about you, but saying that out aloud doesn’t really get me. Think about it. Okay, you can go. 😕 :gay:

  13. This site would be nothing without our naughty avatars and us Zillagirls. I want a spicier background than this boring blue. C’mon, Dave, change it or I’ll spank you!

  14. Lake Effect

    No face for me.

    The GravaNazis won’t let me register with upper case letters, and won’t let me use a space in my name. That looks funny, but I figured, aw what the hell, we’ll do it their way. But then they said that stupid version was already in use. I’ve been Lake Effect for a long time, and didn’t want to be lakeeffect, anyway. And I don’t want to be anybody else, either.

    So I guess I shall remain faceless. :dead: :limp:

    (btw, how did you guys with gravatars and upper cases and spaces do it? Do you fear being found out and having unspeakable things done to you in revenge?) :wtf:

  15. It has nothing to do with how you sign in here, Lake. It only checks which email address you use. Your gravatar screen name can be completely unrelated to your name here.

  16. Drusky

    Dave, will the new site accept those ‘moving’ icons I’ve seen? How far can we go with the ‘gravatars’?

    Nicolette blew my concentration when she said: Yeah…. I miss my naughty avatar. I am on other sites and where as Snoopy fits in well there…. it just doesn’t have the thrust I am looking for on here.

    She said it. She said ‘thrust’… WOW! 😉

  17. Lake Effect

    Thanks, Dave!

  18. Lake Effect

    Drusky scribbled- “Nicolette blew my concentration.”

    Wow, I would never reveal the name I call mine! :boxers: :wang: ❗

  19. janeeto

    Please…More thrust… :wang: thrust!! :wang:
    THRUST!!!! :wang:

    Thank you :kiss:

  20. Pervy1

    change the name of the site to Mandzilla. Everyone will be happy. I don’t know about you, but saying that out aloud doesn’t really get me. Think about it. Okay, you can go. 😕 :gay:

    Ehm… just call me Dorkzilla for missing that one.

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