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40 responses to “Shut happens”

  1. junkman Avatar

    no you shut happens! butch!

  2. Nicolette Avatar

    Reminds me of the sign I saw at the nail parlor in the local Wall to Wall Mart…

    “We so sorry, We no be open Tuesday. Prees come back later.”

    And immigrents don’t want us making fun of their grammar why?? πŸ˜†

  3. brad s. Avatar
    brad s.

    i’m proud to say i have the biggest assortment of cock sock’s in the west. i wear them every where.i really enjoy the leather one.

  4. judy Avatar

    Uh, I don’t think this is a problem with English. Just a play on words, Nicolette.

  5. Meagan Avatar

    ‘Scuse me, I gotta go take a shut. :wtf:

  6. StevieC Avatar

    No steaming hot cup of STFU for you!

  7. AnnieB Avatar

    Puss happens too!

  8. Astryd Avatar

    Shut Happens-unless it has to do with legs…

  9. Astryd Avatar

    [Comment ID #222383 will be quoted here]

    Mm-Hmm. It would if you shifted that tie a bit. Does anyone have a fan?

  10. StevieC Avatar

    [Comment ID #222385 will be quoted here]

    If not then, like Dave, we’re shut out of luck.

  11. Pablo Avatar

    You better believe Shut happens. Ask the ghost of the guy in a liesure suit in the picture!

    If it was here it would read “STFU happens”

  12. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #222385 will be quoted here]

    Maybe change it to a bowtie? πŸ˜›

  13. DaPopster Avatar

    Shut happens, then whut ? Still want to know where AnnieB gets her ties. :wtf:

  14. Astryd Avatar

    DOn’t you mean if she sells her used ties on e-bay since she stopped with the panties?

  15. Nicolette Avatar

    [Comment ID #222373 will be quoted here]

    It was a totally asian shop and the next day someone had fixed it to the correct spellings and syntax.


  16. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #222393 will be quoted here]

    Abercrombie & Bitch! πŸ˜›

  17. Drusky Avatar

    [Comment ID #222390 will be quoted here]How about a bolo tie? You can tie people up with it after you take it off…


  18. Drusky Avatar

    [Comment ID #222384 will be quoted here]
    Anything like “The word for today is legs. Do everything you can to help spread the word…”? πŸ˜›

  19. Tammy Avatar

    What’s with that video? Wait, nix that. What’s with my people?

  20. StevieC Avatar

    [Comment ID #222402 will be quoted here]

    Dust busters? :wtf:

  21. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    [Comment ID #222394 will be quoted here]

    Holy Shut! You mean AnnieB. used to sell her
    panties on e-bay and I missed it? Well, dam!
    Color me green and call me Kermit! :wang: :wang: πŸ˜• :thong: :undies: :kiss:

  22. DaPopster Avatar

    [Comment ID #222397 will be quoted here]
    Duh, shuddah seen thut one cumming :dead:

  23. Spud Avatar

    [Comment ID #222397 will be quoted here]

    Abercrombie & Butch! πŸ˜›

  24. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #222413 will be quoted here]

    Aw fick! But when you’re rught, you’re rught! πŸ˜†

  25. junkman Avatar

    mutt rimney?

  26. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #222417 will be quoted here]

    Hullary Clunton? (Hmmm, good thung there’s an l un there)
    Ridolph Guiluanu
    Muchael Hickabee (that’s rather apropos)

    Let’s druve Dave crazy wuth these intul he pits ip a new post!

    πŸ˜› :kiss: πŸ˜›

  27. AnnieB Avatar

    Dave, there have been 3 comments sunce Spid that are not showung ip on the Latest Comments. Also U typed my prevuous comment as a lust and ut just ran them all together un a paragraph.

    That sicks! πŸ˜›

  28. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    I’m still muffed at mussing my chance to bud on
    AnnieB.’s panties! Anyone know when they’ll next
    go on e-bay. I’d ask her but she is pissed at me. πŸ˜• πŸ˜• 😳 :kiss: :undies: :thong:

  29. Fleetwood Avatar

    Owhoma Binladle
    Kid Sock
    Olivia Nudeton John
    George Hush
    Pelvis Elfsley
    BuzzKiller Lightyear
    Brett Favor
    Donald Stump
    The Easter Runnie
    Abraham LicolnTowncar
    The Beverly Hillarys
    Mickey Louse
    Lucy Retardo

  30. Fleetwood Avatar

    Dave, The comments are running together again rather than listing each in order.

  31. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #222421 will be quoted here]

    1) U am NOT pussed at yoi! U was jist jerkung YOIR chaun. U adore yoi! :kiss:

    2) Sorry, no longer avaulable … U stopped wearung pantues. πŸ˜›

    3) (:wtf: maybe nimberung wull separate sentences)

    4) Hey duckheads, yoi can only swutch u’s and i’s! (ya know, luke the theme of thus post – shut happens, shit happens) πŸ˜›

  32. junkman Avatar

    i know…but i couldn’t resist “rimney!

  33. AnnieB Avatar

    Don’t yoi mean – u knowÒ€¦but u couldnÒ€ℒt resust Ò€œrumney! πŸ˜›

  34. junkman Avatar

    yip. sire dud. what a dunk! bit your tue us makung my cock sock do the rhimba. :wang:

  35. Fleetwood Avatar

    We need a new topic soon or we all risk a brain melt.

  36. AnnieB Avatar

    That’s the spurut! U luke ut, U luke ut! :boob: :boob: :wang:

  37. AnnieB Avatar

    Ooops, forgot to qiote yoi jinkman. πŸ˜›

    We need a new topuc soon or we all rusk a braun melt. Ut’s not hard. Well, jinkman’s us hard. πŸ˜›

  38. Meagan Avatar

    Holy shut! Thus us makung my braun melt. πŸ˜•

  39. Jos Avatar

    the new meaning of “comments are shut”