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Show 32 Comments


  1. Chris S

    Don’t fire until you see the red, white, and blue of their eyes!

    What happened to just hanging a flag outside your window? Creepy…

  2. pablo

    Hilary ain’t got nuthin’ on Obama’s Mama

  3. junkman

    -what? you thought john mccain in drag was gonna look different?
    -the olan mills photos are the best!

  4. Fleetwood

    Thanks for the nightmare material. I wonder if she can toot the Star Spangled Banner out of her butt.

  5. pablo

    Link of the Day: Great Olan Mills photos

    It’s a vagina, madam, not a clown car.

    I think I pissed myself

  6. patrick

    re: Olan Mills photos- them ain’t grapefruit, them are melons. RELEASE THE TWINS!
    “That’s a vagina, madame, not a clown car”. I shit myself, but just a little bit.

  7. [Comment ID #222274 will be quoted here]

    Honestly Patrick, I think you should have gone for the bowtie.

  8. Fleetwood

    Where are the ZillaGirls today?

  9. Don’t look into it’s eyes! The government is trying to brainwash our minds! :wtf:

  10. MRDOUG

    Thanks for sharing photos from the ‘zilla photo album, it really makes for a great Monday.

    Of all of the dirty low down campaign tricks brainwashing people into voting for you…well it does explain that whole Obama thing…

  11. Fleetwood

    [Comment ID #222279 will be quoted here]I am too busy looking at your breasts

    :wang: :wang:

  12. :wtf: Another futile attempt of Dubya’s to brainwash the masses with patriotic eye wear. You would think the Ladies Auxillary at the American Legion would have been too sauced at the club to fallfor it. :wtf:

    Olan Mills Photos: Dude, that weas way too funny! Clown Car…. sounds like my brother-in-law and his wife. They are 21 and 19 respectiviely and have 4 kids already! Quit now!!!!!! :wtf:

  13. What’s the big deal? My eyes have looked like that many a time the morning after all-night, drunken orgies. 😈

  14. Flash Gordon

    THe love child of The Dick and Golda Meir. :limp: :limp: 😕 :wtf:

  15. [Comment ID #222285 will be quoted here]

    Sorry AnnieB, but that pink tie has got to go. 😈 :wang:

  16. Flash Gordon

    She was coming down the mountain
    Making 90 miles per hour
    when the chain on her bicycle broke;

    They found her in the grass
    With the sprocket up her ass
    and her left tittie punctured
    by a spoke.

    Say, AnnieB., did y’all sing that in
    fourth grade? 😕 😕 🙄 :kiss:

  17. Those contacts make me hate America.

  18. [Comment ID #222281 will be quoted here]

    You are under my control. You shall do my bidding. Fetch me designer shoes… and chocolate too! 😈

  19. [Comment ID #222299 will be quoted here]

    I’ve got to hand it to you Flash, you lasted about 6 days longer than I thought you would on your New Year’s resolution. I hope you didn’t hurt yourself. 😛

    Keep it up and we’re going to be right back to that sending me flowers, you’re wife would not be amused scenario. Is this ringing a bell?

    Why, pray tell, are you so intent on pissing me off? I think you’re like that perv Drusky that likes to see me flare my nostrils. (Your time will come Drusky, just you wait)

    No Flash, we did not sing that song in fourth grade. Gee, why do I think that you just made that up? Truly excellent job of rhyming broke and spoke. And the lyrics just flow like uhmmm let’s see, shit into a septic tank?

    Are you happy now goofball? 😈

  20. TimM

    I’ve heard of people having stars in their eyes, but (the) Stars And Stripes?!

  21. DaPopster

    [Comment ID #222300 will be quoted here]
    Now, now, now, don’t go hating America, just hate the right wing whack jobs that are taking it places it never should go or have gone. Annie: Where DO you get your ties ?
    :wtf: :wang:

  22. Fleetwood

    We need a new topic.

  23. Fleetwood

    Any Ideas

  24. Did you know chocolate can cure headaches…also sex.

    I just ruined “Not tonight honey, I have a headache” for women everywhere and made men owe me big… 😈

  25. Flash Gordon

    [Comment ID #222307 will be quoted here]

    Sorry, babe, I can’t take credit for that little
    ditty [rhymes with titty]. I first heard it at
    school during recess. Sorry if I appear to be
    trying to piss you off. [sob] I wouldn’t dream of
    it. 🙄 😕 :kiss: :wtf: 😐

  26. [Comment ID #222333 will be quoted here]

    I am ready now for the sex. 😛 😈

  27. [Comment ID #222332 will be quoted here]

    We’ve owed you quite a bit since you’ve started posting your stories on here. Been missing you and your stories lately.

  28. Lake Effect

    [Comment ID #222336 will be quoted here]

    Shocked to hear chocolate can cure sex…wow, that expains it…

  29. Lake Effect

    OOOps..I goofed…meant to quote Astryd there…

  30. Spud

    [Comment ID #222332 will be quoted here]

    I knew there was a reason married women liked chocolate.

    It cures the sex…

  31. julesOdeNile

    [Comment ID #222270 will be quoted here]

    Obama’s mama? Obama’s Mama’s mama?….

  32. Yeah yeah, you guys are very funny! 🙄 not what I meant but…
    chocolate releases endorphines and stuff (insert detailed medical explanation here) so yes. After a night of not so great sex with the husband a disappointed woman can always count on chocolate for satisfaction or relief. 😈

    Good/Great Sex is awesome for headaches/pains-it’s the whole endorphine overload in your system thing. But if that don’t work powder your :wang: with asprin. 😉 😈
    She can take it orally or as a suppository. ❓

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