
OK, dear readers. I am putting together a list and want your help. The few thousand of you who loyally read this site should have enough collective experience to make this happen. I’ve been fascinated by how each car and truck that has a cult-ish following has a nickname made up for it that all the owners know. For example, you all know Corvettes are called Vettes and Mini Coopers are called Minis or Coops, but did you know Ferraris are called Pony Cars? Subarus are called Scubbys? GTOs are Goats?

So that’s what I’m making a list of and if you know of any, add it to the comments so I can have the definitive list which I will make freely available to everyone once it’s done.

  1. Chevy Cobalt: Balt or C-Balt
  2. Pontiac GTO: Goat
  3. Porsche: P-Car
  4. Ferrari: Pony Car
  5. Subaru: Scubby
  6. Mini Cooper: Mini or Coop
  7. Please add any you know in the comments. Thanks!


67 responses to “Scubby?”

  1. Daveo Avatar

    Hmmm….never heard of most of those…esp. Ferrari being called a pony car. They call the logo the “prancing horse”. Pony cars are the midsized American coupes started with the Mustang and followed by the Camaro, Barracuda, Challenger, Javelin…etc. Is the Cobalt worthy of any attention, much less a knick?

    The GTO and MINI are right though…

    Mustang = ‘Stang
    Subaru = Subie
    Beetle = Bug
    Saab 92X = Saabaru
    BMW = Beemer or Bimmer
    Lamborghini = Lambo
    Mercury = Merc
    ____ Convertible = ____ ‘vert

  2. Don Avatar

    Volkswagon Bettle = Bug
    BMW = Beamer

  3. Yankeerose32 Avatar

    Chevy Chevette = chevy shove it
    Dodge Super bee = Bee
    Ford Mustang = ‘Stang

  4. StevieC Avatar

    Actually, Subarus are Subbies or Scoobies. I’ve never heard of the term ‘pony car’ being used in reference to Ferrari. They are, however, known as the prancing horse. Fans of the cars are called tifosi
    Mustang – Stang. Actually, a lot are abbreviations – Chev, Chevy, Lambo, Mitsu, Merc, Stude, Vette, Jag, Merced …
    Harleys, while not a car, are Hogs (Harley Owners Group)
    BMW – Bimmer
    Dodge, Plymouth, Chrysler – Mopar
    Beetles are bugs, Westfalias are Westies
    … and the list goes on …

  5. tony Avatar

    Mustang: Pony car
    Buick 225: Duce and a quarter (old school)
    Jaguar: Jag
    Dodge Truck: Ram

  6. tony Avatar

    Cadillac: Caddy

  7. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect

    Dodge: CheezzusKayristjuststartyagoddamhunkashiite!

  8. StevieC Avatar

    Plymouth Reliant, Dodge Aries, Chrysler LeBaron – K-Cars

  9. StevieC Avatar

    btw, Bimmer is the correct nickname for BMWs. To call them beemers is akin to not using the ‘ah’ sound when referring to a Porsche in front of a Porshah owner.

    Model T – Tin Lizzie

  10. John Avatar

    Scion = “HUSPC” stands for Hideously Ugly Square Piece of Crap

  11. Drusky Avatar

    Isn’t this just right up StevieC’s Alley?

    Suburbans (Excursions and those Ford club wagons(vans) also…) – Urban Assault Vehicles and BMW’s (Big Mormon Wagons) and MAV’s (Mormon Assault Vehicles)…

    Most foreign motorcycles – Rice Rockets or Crotch Rockets

    Most American Motors models are called ‘The kids college fund’ by mechanics…

    A little trivia: Maytag made a car around the turn of the century called ‘The Hillclimber’ since it was one of the first to go up a steep hill with 4-5 grown men riding on it (in reverse, of course)…

  12. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    The Franklin Cooler–Franklin Air-Cooled Motorcar. (Way before my time, AnnieB)

    Ultra-Man my butt! More like Ultra-Pussy. 😈 :wtf: ❓ :geek:

  13. Meagan Avatar

    I don’t have a car so I don’t know any nicknames for them. I do call my mom’s Mazda a “zoom zoom” though. 😛

  14. Doug B Avatar
    Doug B

    Cuda – Barracuda

    RollsCanardly – Rolls down one hill and canardly make it up the next.

  15. StevieC Avatar

    I forgot about the Z cars – the Nissan 260Z, 280Z, 300Z, etc.
    The Vette models – the C1, C2, C3 .. C7, the Stingray and the Sting Ray (yes they were different), ZR1, Z06

    I mentioned the K cars, but not the Chevy J cars, the H cars, and a few others.

    El Caminos were known as Elkies, Thunderbirds as TBirds, the Ford Victoria was a Vicky, the Honda S2000 is an S2K, the original name for the Toyota Land Cruiser was the BJ, there were highboys, lowboys, tudors, fordors, deuces, land yachts, lead sleds, roadsters, sleepers, t-buckets, and our favourite – the Woody! :wang:

  16. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect

    [quote comment=”418066″]I forgot about the Z cars – the Nissan 260Z, 280Z, 300Z, etc.
    The Vette models – the C1, C2, C3 .. C7, the Stingray and the Sting Ray (yes they were different), ZR1, Z06

    I mentioned the K cars, but not the Chevy J cars, the H cars, and a few others.

    El Caminos were known as Elkies, Thunderbirds as TBirds, the Ford Victoria was a Vicky, the Honda S2000 is an S2K, the original name for the Toyota Land Cruiser was the BJ, there were highboys, lowboys, tudors, fordors, deuces, land yachts, lead sleds, roadsters, sleepers, t-buckets, and our favourite – the Woody!


    He said Woody. 👿 :wang:

  17. Kevin Rooney Avatar
    Kevin Rooney

    Here’s what I’ve got:

    GMC – Jimmy
    Porsche 356 – Bathtub
    Road Runner – Bird
    Thunderbird – T-Bird
    Old Ford Station Wagon – Woody

  18. TheQueen Avatar

    Hmm – old boyfriend had something called a something 225 – Buick 225? It was called a deuce and a quarter. My old CRX was called a Coffin Rocket, I believe, by drag racers.

  19. Jessie Avatar

    Being from Utah we always refer to Suburbans as MAVs or Mormon Assault Vehicles

  20. Bigwavdave Avatar

    Let’s not forget the Little Duce Coupe & the Bucket-T…

  21. chainstay Avatar

    The GTX has been known as a gitex. pronounced, Git Tex.
    Ford..Found On Road Dead, Fucked Over Rebuilt Dodge, or First On Race Day. There is an acronym for Pontiac but I am not gonna put it down. VW Bug..Pregnant rollerskate. AMC Pacer…Eggmobile. JMC..Jimmy. Peterbilt(sp)..Pete.

  22. Bear Avatar

    my first car..bucket of bolts, piece of shit, etc etc…now I have a “Bug” and a “Bimmer”

  23. Memphisbandman Avatar

    Ford Escape (pod for Hummer)

  24. Drusky Avatar

    Let’s not forget the VW Bug nickname ‘SlugBug’. Also a great game to play for slugging family members while on a car trip…

    Also, those catering (canteen) trucks that visit the construction sites: Roach Coaches, Taco Wagons.

  25. Renee Somebody Avatar

    Apparently, Subarus in the Pacific Northwest are called “Lesbarus” – at least, according to a lesbian friend of mine 🙂

  26. StevieC Avatar

    [quote comment=”418067″]

    He said Woody.

    👿 :wang:[/quote]

    I also said BJ but I guess you missed that.

  27. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect

    [quote comment=”418077″][quote comment=”418067″]

    He said Woody.

    👿 :wang:[/quote]

    I also said BJ but I guess you missed that.[/quote]

    Thanks. That helps. :wang: ❗

  28. jACK Avatar

    chevys are known as bowties, mustangs are ponies.

  29. king nothing Avatar
    king nothing

    Peterbilt-Pete, Petercar
    Kenworth- KW, Kay-Whopper
    Freightliner- Freight-Shaker
    International- Corn Binder
    Old school big trucks-Large Car
    ’32 Ford Tudor- Deuce coupe

  30. blueboneville Avatar

    Triumph motorcycles, known as “Trumpets”. Seriously chopped, channeled and lowered street hot rods, known as “Lead Sleds”.

  31. Davezilla Avatar

    [quote comment=”417986″]Dodge Truck: Ram[/quote]
    Doesn’t count. That’s the real name of their series.
    [quote comment=”418068″
    GMC – Jimmy[/quote]
    Doesn’t count. That’s the real name of one of their models.

  32. Phoenix1313 Avatar


  33. julesOdeNile Avatar

    [quote comment=”417997″]Dodge: CheezzusKayristjuststartyagoddamhunkashiite![/quote]
    took me a minute but LMAO! 😀

  34. julesOdeNile Avatar

    [quote comment=”418048″]Scion = “HUSPC” stands for Hideously Ugly Square Piece of Crap[/quote]
    am with you!

  35. julesOdeNile Avatar

    at the fire house the name “rig” seems to cover any moving EMS vehicle from the fire engines to the Ambulances. but “Gut Bucket” pretty much covers the ambulances.

  36. Buck Avatar

    Ford Escort- Scort
    Chevette – Shit vette
    Mustang- Muscle Stang
    Riveria- The Riv
    My friend had an old beat up Rabbit when we were stationed in Germany, and we called it “Das Hoopty!”

  37. Nicolette Avatar

    My father started this and I have continued it….but I always called the japanese imports “Japanese Beer Cans”. We’ve also called the new “Smart” cars Wii cars, you know, like the Wii commercial they were in? Plus, they are really small! And I always heard, and have seen license plates saying it, that Mustangs are “Pony Cars”, from the mustang on it’s emblem.

  38. Nicolette Avatar

    OH and the Ford P.O.S.!! 😀

  39. busterumps Avatar

    Let us not forget the Ford Pinto or as Ralph Nader called it “flaming death”

  40. Bigwavdave Avatar

    Beast licence plate on an old bug…EEK EEK

  41. Bigwavdave Avatar

    Ah…I meant BEST

  42. AnnieB Avatar

    [quote comment=”418296″]Ah…I meant BEST[/quote]

    Kinda works either way babe. 😛 :kiss:

    [quote comment=”418063″]The Franklin Cooler–Franklin Air-Cooled Motorcar. (Way before my time, AnnieB)

    Ultra-Man my butt!

    More like Ultra-Pussy. 😈 :wtf: ❓ :geek:[/quote]

    Early 1900’s was before your time Flash? I’m shocked. And what’s going on with this Ultra-Man and your butt? 😛

  43. J Avatar

    my car=puddle jumper,pickle cart

  44. blueboneville Avatar

    [quote comment=”418087″]at the fire house the name “rig” seems to cover any moving EMS vehicle from the fire engines to the Ambulances. but “Gut Bucket” pretty much covers the ambulances.[/quote]
    Have heard the less flattering term of “Meat Wagon” used. :puke:

  45. Mandy Fish Avatar

    I was reading a car fan site for Chevy Equinox and all the people on that site referred to it as a Nox.

    I’ve also heard the Ford Explorer referred to as a Ford “Exploder” but that was by a bunch of DCX engineers. Then again, I’ve heard the PT Cruiser called a “PT Loser.”

    Oh, and I had a Renault Alliance in high school that my friends called “The Appliance.”

  46. StevieC Avatar

    [quote comment=”418433″]Oh, and I had a Renault Alliance in high school that my friends called “The Appliance.”[/quote]

    My sincere condolences …..

  47. dwaun Avatar

    There’s some good acronyms on this site:

    Volvo = Box Car

  48. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    [quote comment=”418336″][quote comment=”418296″]Ah…I meant BEST[/quote]

    Kinda works either way babe. 😛 :kiss:

    [quote comment=”418063″]The Franklin Cooler–Franklin Air-Cooled Motorcar. (Way before my time, AnnieB)

    Ultra-Man my butt!

    More like Ultra-Pussy. 😈 :wtf: ❓ :geek:[/quote]

    Early 1900’s was before your time Flash? I’m shocked. And what’s going on with this Ultra-Man and your butt? :P[/quote]
    Not a thing hon, don’t read too much into my discourse.
    Down here we called Ford “Fix Or Repair Daily. 🙂 :kiss:

  49. CBATDUX Avatar

    Pacer – “Guaranteed Celibacy”

  50. Roger Avatar

    Honda Element – Honda Box

    Jeep Liberty – Libby

    My friends always called my old El Camino “The Cruck” since it looks like some unholy car/truck mutant.

  51. Night Queen Zoharath Avatar
    Night Queen Zoharath

    FORD: Fix Or Repair Daily, Jaguar: Air Car (more time up than in), Saab : Snobs or Sobs, Scion: Polish Limo (actually saw this printed across on the back window of one!). 😆

  52. Drusky Avatar

    [quote comment=”418647″][quote comment=”418336″][quote comment=”418296″]Ah…I meant BEST[/quote]

    Kinda works either way babe. 😛 :kiss:

    [quote comment=”418063″]The Franklin Cooler–Franklin Air-Cooled Motorcar. (Way before my time, AnnieB)

    Ultra-Man my butt!

    More like Ultra-Pussy. 😈 :wtf: ❓ :geek:[/quote]

    Early 1900’s was before your time Flash? I’m shocked. And what’s going on with this Ultra-Man and your butt? :P[/quote]
    Not a thing hon, don’t read too much into my discourse.
    Down here we called Ford “Fix Or Repair Daily. 🙂 :kiss:[/quote]

    My 2001 Chevy 3/4 ton service rig with the Duramax TurboDiesel call them ‘lunch’… 👿

  53. Drusky Avatar

    Sorry, ‘call’ s/b ‘calls’…

    That’s another thing I’ve noticed: Delivery Rigs, Service Rigs, etc. seem to refer to a vehicle like a pickup cab and chassis with a add on service (truck boxes) or flatbed body and then customized to the needs of the driver i.e. lift gates, vice, ladder racks etc… They all fall under the general name of ‘rigs’…

  54. Meagan Avatar

    [quote comment=”418294″]Beast licence plate on an old bug…EEK EEK[/quote]

    I once saw a license plate that said, “Weeeeee.” I had a good chuckle over that one. 😛

  55. StevieC Avatar

    [quote comment=”418760″][quote comment=”418294″]Beast licence plate on an old bug…EEK EEK[/quote]

    I once saw a license plate that said, “Weeeeee.” I had a good chuckle over that one. :P[/quote]

    The plate on my antique is CARGASM

  56. Sherri Avatar

    Where I come from Ford stands for Fucking Out Right Dangerous! 😆

  57. johnnn Avatar

    Expensive sports cars=Penis extenders

  58. julesOdeNile Avatar

    [quote comment=”418785″][quote comment=”418760″][quote comment=”418294″]Beast licence plate on an old bug…EEK EEK[/quote]

    I once saw a license plate that said, “Weeeeee.” I had a good chuckle over that one. :P[/quote]

    The plate on my antique is CARGASM[/quote]
    this rings so familiar… did you have it as an avatar? or where might i have seen it (you don’t live in the MD PA VA NJ, area do you? aaghhh! now this will haunt me like the song you can’t get out of your head! …. !!!!! (fist emoticon) – remeber when cartoons had that as the ultimate violence? shaking a fist at you? lol! good times

  59. 101DoFollowBlogs Avatar

    I’ve heard some good things about this blog. Remember to balance the pics with the text tho. cheers!

  60. StevieC Avatar

    [quote comment=”418992″]
    this rings so familiar… did you have it as an avatar? or where might i have seen it (you don’t live in the MD PA VA NJ, area do you? aaghhh! now this will haunt me like the song you can’t get out of your head! …. !!!!! (fist emoticon) – remeber when cartoons had that as the ultimate violence? shaking a fist at you? lol! good times[/quote]

    Yeah, it was an avatar for awhile – back when we were taking frequent road trips.

  61. Amy Avatar

    Subarus = Eco-wagons (but that might be us)

    Dynasty = D.Y. Nasty

    Suburban = Exxon Valdez

  62. Laura Avatar

    [quote comment=”418760″][quote comment=”418294″]Beast licence plate on an old bug…EEK EEK[/quote]

    I once saw a license plate that said, “Weeeeee.” I had a good chuckle over that one. :P[/quote]
    Holy shit , I saw the same vanity plate here in Michigan. It wasn’t even on a cool car. Maybe they deal really cool drugs?
    Ford- First On Race Day :puke:

  63. Daniel Avatar

    Dave, lots of the Toyota trucks go by Toys, or Toyos in the Toyota truck forums I’ve even seen them referred to as Yotas. The car owners don’t seem to abbreviate or modify them as much though.

    The Monte Carlo guys almost always shorten it to XX (99) Monte.

  64. Mandy Fish Avatar

    [quote comment=”418580″][quote comment=”418433″]Oh, and I had a Renault Alliance in high school that my friends called “The Appliance.”[/quote]

    My sincere condolences …..[/quote]

    Hey! It was 1983’s Car of the Year!

    *Looks away*

  65. StevieC Avatar

    [quote comment=”421056″][quote comment=”418580″][quote comment=”418433″]Oh, and I had a Renault Alliance in high school that my friends called “The Appliance.”[/quote]

    My sincere condolences …..[/quote]

    Hey! It was 1983’s Car of the Year!

    *Looks away*[/quote]

    Like, that was so 1983.

  66. Timm Avatar

    Any japanese car = Tojo Hot Rod

    Grannywagon = Oldsmobile

    I had a friend in the midwest that said they called Plymouths “Plyboards” (and that “plyboard” meant plywood)

    My Grandfather called all small cars “Shitpots” He didn’t say if it applied to my Dodge Dart. I think my Dart was Car Of The Year in 1974(haha)

    I can’t remember the common nickname for Pinto’s that I heard as a kid.

  67. Phaetonchix Avatar

    VW Touaregs are called : “Eggs”, Toe-Tags (what reliability?) and several non-PC names. The Touareg’s sister vehicle, the Porsche Cayenne are called “Peppers” for the obvious reason.