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65 responses to “S!”

  1. Duker Avatar

    Slow day, Dave? Are U & A next?
    S is for Saddam Sucks Shit Seared Slowly & Saute’d Succulently 😛

  2. Fran Avatar

    Kept frozen for somebody else’s usage! Some friends, eh? 😕

  3. Becky Avatar


  4. Davezilla Avatar

    The sculpture used for the ads is sitting in our agency lobby and gives me the creeps. I felt compelled to share the terror. :wtf:

  5. mitch Avatar

    This is George W. Bush’s alter-ego: Superidiot!!!!! When a country needs invading or innocent people need killing. Anytime there is a big corporation in need of a special (wink, wink) favorite….the mild mannered and slightly retarded George W. Bush becomes SUPERIDIOT!!!!! Take over the world, one lie at a time.

  6. MandyLocke Avatar

    Dave, you’ve captured everything stupid about America in one shot. You can retire now. :kiss:

  7. Anna Avatar

    This guy would fit in perfectly with the Dutch – at the Olympics – who are watching speedskating ….. orange Pipi Longstocking wigs, plastic cow-udders on their bellies, orange wooden shoes – size XXXXXXL (except they’re plastic too).
    One guy was walking around with a sign saying:
    “As a finishing touch
    God created the Dutch”.
    (And he guy was wearing a cow-suit!!)
    Please watch us tomorrow, we are a joy to behold.

  8. Tara Alton Avatar

    This actually scared me. Now I’m going to have nightmares.

  9. Spud Avatar



  10. Nikki Avatar

    Super Freak

  11. Duker Avatar

    Super,Dave!! :wtf:

  12. Beth Avatar

    Is that?…..It is! It’s Richard Simmons! I can tell by the Afro and the cleanly shaven pits. That S definatley stands for Simmons. Go Richard, it’s your birthday.

  13. Alex Avatar

    I’m not even sure this deserves the dignity of a response.

  14. justjim Avatar

    “S” stands for sad:limp:… not funny whatsoever

  15. frisko Avatar

    His arm pits are waxed.

  16. frisko Avatar

    Does he have teeth?

  17. Paul Avatar

    A statue tribute to Richard simmons. 🙄

  18. Tami Jo Avatar

    “I am DIVINE!”

  19. Nikki Avatar

    Also, this is dangerously close to a clown pic. ❓

  20. Bjorn Freeh Avatar
    Bjorn Freeh


    Sorry, I’m still stuck at Disney. I get set free on Saturday. 😀 Then a 1200 mile drive to normalcy! And snow. :wtf:

  21. Other April Avatar

    red, white, and sexy

  22. bhamm Avatar

    The next day, Superman regrets taking fashion advice from a drunken Captain America.

  23. prtyprincess7104 Avatar

    Number 17, I was thinking the same thing… When Richard Simmons Ruled The World… :wtf:

  24. Ron Avatar

    Talk about making an “S” out of yourself :wtf:

  25. Craig Avatar

    S stands for silly, as in silly me thinking we could get thru one day without mitch bashing the republicans. :troll:

  26. Detroit Dave Avatar
    Detroit Dave

    Another relative of that creepy Burger King has just been discovered.

  27. Damon Avatar

    State college fan 😮

  28. mitch smith Avatar
    mitch smith

    [Comment ID #23944 will be quoted here]

    Sorry Craig…that day won’t be here for awhile. Peace and love.

  29. Lace Valentine Avatar
    Lace Valentine

    He wants so bad to be one of the Sultans of Swing.

  30. Esther Avatar

    That is one scary son of a bitch. :wtf:

  31. Craig Avatar

    Hey Mitch, What have the Democrats done for you lately? It’s easy to bash Bush and the Republicans,but you all can’t come up with any constructive criticism.

  32. call.me Avatar

    Stands for “stupid democraps” does anyone know the difference between a democrap and a bucket of shit?????

    the bucket :troll:

  33. Steph Avatar

    Hey, leave Mitch alone! He’s correct, after all. 😉
    Yea, you can tell that guy definately dropped out of high school and made some poor decisions after that.

  34. Calcul8r Avatar


    It’s Mary Katherine Gallagher’s older brother.

  35. MrDoug Avatar

    In yet another shameless effort to boost her campaign Billary Clinton finally has Bill stuffed and coated in wax.
    Unfortunately the next day some fun loving New Yorkers steal Bill and use him as a piece of performance art in the east village.
    This results in the first Clinton to actually become part a part of New York. :dead:

  36. littlejohnny Avatar

    the bucket of shit has more balls also :wang:

  37. Dawn Avatar

    supercalafragilisticexpyaladoshis :wtf:

  38. Paige Avatar

    Stand Still!!!!!!


  39. logan Avatar


  40. Bip Avatar

    Screw you…………..
    I want a date with Pico the Mexican. 😆

  41. Spud Avatar

    No-one was Supposed to See that logan…

    and at least the S was the right way round.


  42. LaughingMouse Avatar

    Ronald Mcdonald on his last acid trip. . . . Big Mac will never be the same again . . .

  43. Da Popster Avatar
    Da Popster

    S what ? Stupid, silly, shit and on and on :wtf:

  44. mitch smith Avatar
    mitch smith

    Why can’t we all just get along…..Peace and Love….

  45. Lace Valentine Avatar
    Lace Valentine

    I can’t believe no one said S is for Sugar donut.

    What’s with all the sugar donut haters?

  46. Steppenwolf Avatar

    You must be wealthy Craig. Everyone else realizes Dubya is a total f**k up.
    Hope you never have to experience what it feels like when someone you care about is maimed/killed in Iraq for no logical reason.


  47. crazycanuck Avatar

    In honour of the olympics, S is obviously for the US Skeleton team, which happens to SUCK!

  48. poisonwisky Avatar

    yet further proof that timothy leary may have been sadly mistaken 🙄

  49. poisonwisky Avatar

    or ……………………..4 out of 5 super heroes think the 5th one is an idiot 😕

  50. laceylegacey Avatar

    I agree with Alex and Esther :wtf:

  51. cbatdux Avatar

    Nice fillings Spud….

    Somehow I pictured you with straight hair – y’know – bangs – the bowl cut….

  52. cbatdux Avatar

    Dave –

    Got a photo for you. Gimme an e-mail….

  53. liza Avatar

    lol, im totally gonna bid 4 a date w/ pico the mexican 😀 😛

  54. Tracyface Avatar

    It’s too close to a clown and ever since Steven King’s IT they terrify me – All I have to say is “we all float down here!” 👿

  55. Duker Avatar

    Benny Hill on Speed!! 😀

  56. phil Avatar

    somebody should set the “S” guy on fire. as negative as that sounds, they really f**king should. :dead:

  57. phil Avatar

    dig those nipples. :boob:

  58. Jane Avatar

    Evil americans
    all greasy becuase of one to many cheeseburgers. Rot in hell!
    😈 👿 :limp:

  59. Jane Avatar

    Clowns! Run for your lives!!!!

  60. MandyLocke Avatar

    He just scored on his date with Pico the Mexican! :puke:

  61. Master Solace Avatar
    Master Solace

    Oh My Fucking God,
    THAT DOES LOOK LIKE RICHARD SIMMONS…it’s either him or Superman after an episode of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.

  62. Kinyou Avatar

    That’s a man right? Then this will work well.



  63. Kinyou Avatar

    That’s a man right? If so.. than his S means –


    Looks like he finally found a wonderful treasure called the clitoris 😮
    (If one was posted before, kinda like this, ignore it, I like this one better. haha)

  64. Goth Princess Avatar
    Goth Princess

    Oh my fucking god, that scared the hell outta me. I’ll be having nitemares for a long time!!!

  65. Kinyou Avatar

    Hm, So sorry. 😕