Useful movie quotes

Oftentimes one finds oneself without the proper quip or epigram for a given situation. In such times, I prefer to look to the arts — particularly trashy movies — for inspiration. Below are my new favorites. Feel free to use them on coworkers and bosses in response to… well anything, really. "You get out of here! And take your hand with you!" El Mariachi "Didn't I kill you already?" Hellboy "Pai Mei taught you the five point palm exploding-heart technique?" Kill Bill, Vol II "Yes. We can rebuild. Enlarge the containment field. Make it bigger and stronger than ever! But…

Reader Poll

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A woman’s touch

One thing that has always bothered me and that's when a woman tells a man, "This place really needs a woman's touch. It bothers me because a woman's touch generally means seizure-inducing floral prints and a concrete duck on the front porch that wears a seasonal apron. Here's what I mean: What you ownWhat she'll replace it with Beer bottle collectionHummel figurine collection* Neon Bud Light wall decorationFabric art that resembles misshapen rug samples glued together "Art" magazinesActual art magazines Engine on the kitchen tableHoliday-themed candle centerpieces Beach towels on the sofaChenille throws on the sofa "Yeah, it's got a…

Overheard: War of the Worlds edition

Warning: Movie spoiler ahead Well, not really, but if you're a stickler for not knowing anything about a movie in advance, don't say I didn't warn you. So I went to see WotW by myself Sunday and as always, sat directly in front of the stupid couple that have to explain every single scene to each other. Some examples of the inanity: Scene: Tom Cruise is playing catch with his son. His son hates him, and not just because he is a scene-stealing, cradle-robbing Scientologist. So Tom throws him a fast ball, and he steps aside to make sure it…

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Note to Self, No. 5,618

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PML 1.0 Specification

WARNING: Extreme geek humor ahead PML (Porno Markup Language), a pornographic computer language specification proposed by DL Byron is nearly ready for release by the W3C. The specifications are as follows: Latest version: Previous version: Editor: DL Byron Contributors: Davezilla W3C Jerking Draft 30 June 2005 PML is a general-porno markup language designed for representing the sex industry for a wide range of perversions across the World Wide Web. To this end it does not attempt to be all things to all people, supplying every possible kinky jerkoff idiom, but to supply a generally useful set of naughty…

Top ten ways to annoy your coworkers

Send company layoff emails from their desk while they are away at lunch. Eat other coworkers' lunch. Frame your coworker by leaving a trail of crumbs to their desk and put the leftovers in their wastepaper basket. Piranhas in the water cooler. Apply for a job with the competition under your coworker's name and have all correspondence sent to the front desk. Change their password while they are on vacation. Make no attempt to memorize the new one. Use up all the ink in their pens and put back in the drawer or pencil holder exactly where they were. Add…

Stop it. Just stop.

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The truth behind FUPA

FUPA Acronym for "Fat Upper Pubic Area"; common misinterpretations include "Fat Upper Pussy Area," "Fat Upper Penile Area" and "Farting Under Pelicans Asses." Also, often confused with FUBU, an overpriced brand of clothes that suburban caucasian adolescent males wear to impress suburban caucasian females who associate the clothing with large genitalia. From the Urban Dictionary OK, we've all seen FUPA before. It's not a new phenomenon. What is new to me is seeing skinny women with FUPA. How is that possible? I suspect, and follow me on this, that FUPA may not be a ring of fat, after all. I…

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