Overheard: Iraqi doctor edition

Two men at Starbucks are discussing the Iraq war behind me. One is blaming Iraqi doctors for all of the suicide bombings. My ears prick up as this is an angle I had not heard on the news.

Man 2: “Where did you get that information? I’ve never heard anything about doctors being involved!”
Man 1: “I hear about it every time there’s a bombing. Where have you been?”
Man 2: “Doctors. Iraqi ones?”
Man 1: “Yup.”
Man 2: “What… are the supplying the suicide bombers?”
Man 1: “No, they are the bombers. They’re all doctors.”

[ Now at this point, I am hanging on every word. ]

Man 1: “All of these bombings are being carried out by in-surgeons.”

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Show 12 Comments


  1. Spud

    This Starbucks was in the Tennesee foothills perhaps??


  2. what a bunch of fucktards, can’t even understand news anchors in their own language…

  3. HOLY SHIT, Martha! We aint sending Zeke to VETERANS school to learn about birthin’ pigs. Not with all them evil searchin’s in EYE-RACK!

  4. Kirk

    Proctologist, apparently!

  5. Anna

    Didn’t know G.W. Bush ever went to Starbucks 😕

    You know what is really :limp: …. us euro trash think alot of you guys are like that (not me ofcourse, I think you are all soooo :cool:)

  6. Spud

    Give that man a Guinness – Brilliant!

  7. Decked out in Sombreros…
    Chevy Chase: “What is an in-surgeon?”
    Martin Short: “That is someone VERY important. He is no longer a mere surgeon. He is an in-surgeon. He is the top surgeon.”
    Chevy Chase: “Wow. I can’t wait to do a show with him! We will blow the place away!”


  8. 🙂
    That’s my kind of pun. Only I think this guy was serious.

  9. DK

    Dave, Dave, Dave….
    Um, uh, er. That’s all.

  10. Liz

    That rivals some of the conversations I’ve overheard in my car lately… only they’re between children. Leaving the link to that part of my site in case you want to compare and laugh (there are several pages – the humor is in the bar area for example). Anyway, great eavesdropping there…

    Great blog, glad I stumbled into it.

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