Origin of the word dickhead

Image via David Dunlap
Image via David Dunlap

Please try to update your avatars. I did something on the backend that I hope will help.


42 responses to “Origin of the word dickhead”

  1. hoatzin Avatar

    Yay for updating avatars!

    Boo for dick head trolls!

  2. Spud Avatar

    What a great shot, weird, amusing and freaky all at the same time.

  3. junkman Avatar

    one very good reason not to jump from a balcony into the pool. 😐

  4. Kennyh2o Avatar

    Where do you find these people Dave , you must live in a pretty wild place to encounter this kind of thing so often.. ..Idid like the t-shirt tho..

  5. frufh Avatar

    what happens when the erection goes away?

  6. pablo Avatar

    Now this explains the circumscision causes brain damage theory.

  7. StevieC Avatar

    Long and thin goes further in, but short and fat is where it’s at.

  8. StevieC Avatar

    *Davezilla defecated* “I did something on the backend that I hope will help.”

    I’m beginning to sense a theme here ….

  9. Russ Avatar


    Patrick is not that dark. You have get all the details correct for people to believe it.

    Oh by the way 😉 lmao

  10. Mandy Fish Avatar

    This may explain my compulsion to stroke bald men’s heads.

  11. StevieC Avatar

    [quote comment=”405934″]This may explain my compulsion to stroke bald men’s heads.[/quote]

    Almost makes me want to shave my head.

  12. Nicolette Avatar

    That’s a dude?? :wtf:

    I thought someone overdosed on some “Colon-Blow” brand laxative and took a big dump in the water! :puke: :puke: :puke:

    Or that maybe good ole Tom had decided to go for a swim…… 👿

  13. rust Avatar

    I wanna see what that fits into… 😯

  14. patrick Avatar

    WTF!! That ain’t me. I’ve still got a full head of hair. Hell, I’ve got more on my back than he’s got on top of his head. Why you hatin’ on me Russ?

  15. Bigwavdave Avatar

    RE: Video…Are those frogs specially bred in Thailand?

  16. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect

    Reminds me of the famous love scene from a classic old film:

  17. Russ Avatar

    I didn’t starfish could type too. Man… Patrick you sure are talented.

    I would never intentionally hate on you unless… you pissed me off.

  18. Russ Avatar

    Soooo that’s what a black man looks like when doing a naked hand stand in a pool?

    I thought it was all a bunch of hype.

  19. Russ Avatar

    Wait a second….

    I figured out why Tom is such an http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXRBELZpKak. 💡

    I think he was a frog in a past life http://mojoflix.com/Video/Chimp-face-fucks-frog.html

    ZillaGirls do not kiss him (not a prince, besides he’s had :wang: in his mouth); the chimps of the world need more Toms to “play” with.

  20. Drusky Avatar

    Must be really cold pool water… :limp: ❗

  21. Meagan Avatar

    Looks more like a floating turd… :puke:

  22. Bigwavdave Avatar

    Warning: imagejpeg() [function.imagejpeg]: Unable to open ‘/home/linabury/public_html/wp-content/avatars/135.jpg’ for writing: Permission denied in /home/linabury/public_html/wp-content/plugins/cmdavatar.php on line 92

    Dave!!! This is what I’m getting

  23. Bigwavdave Avatar

    O Shit! – Now my avatar is back. It’s FM: (F***in’ Magic)!!!

  24. Bigwavdave Avatar

    AYPWIP? I think so, but where will we find a 24-hour leather underwear shop in this neighborhood? Dave?

  25. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect

    Mine came back too…seems there’s been some more back-door tweaking going on at Zilla Central Command.

  26. Master Solace Avatar

    [quote comment=”405847″]what happens when the erection goes away?[/quote]

    We see dickhead drown

  27. Master Solace Avatar

    [quote comment=”406227″]Mine came back too…seems there’s been some more back-door tweaking going on at Zilla Central Command.[/quote]

    There has always been some back-door tweaking on this site… see Meagan, Astryd, Mandy, …etc… all Zilla-gurls fit that description…

  28. julesOdeNile Avatar

    this reminds me of a joke i read:

    The instructor was demonstrating the wonders of static electricity to his class at MIT. While holding a plastic rod in one hand and a wool cloth in the other, he told the class, “You can see that I get a large charge from rubbing my rod…” That was pretty much the end of learning for that day.

  29. julesOdeNile Avatar

    StevieC or is it Drusky, something told me you might enjoy this as i’ve seen one of you do Limericks:

    There was a young sailor from Brighton
    Who said to his girl, “You’re a tight ‘un.”
    She replied, “‘Pon my soul,
    You’re in the wrong hole.
    There’s plenty of room in the right ‘un.”
    😉 😆

  30. Astryd Avatar

    Acknowledge that your little girl has talent…

    Nurture that talent and let her develop her own style…

    Be so proud that her talent has allowed her security, independence and self-worth…

    Accept that she has become the wet dream of all your friends, neighbors andher creepy uncles…

    I just made Jesus Cry…

  31. Astryd Avatar

    And for those of you who haven’t yet joined me…

    Love y’all!!

  32. Chris S Avatar
    Chris S

    I didn’t know there was a black Michelin man. I would have thought he would float more than that…

  33. junkman Avatar

    [quote comment=”406218″]Warning: imagejpeg() [function.imagejpeg]: Unable to open ‘/home/linabury/public_html/wp-content/avatars/135.jpg’ for writing: Permission denied in /home/linabury/public_html/wp-content/plugins/cmdavatar.php on line 92

    Dave!!! This is what I’m getting[/quote]
    i got that too. i miss my monkey mug.

  34. StevieC Avatar

    [quote comment=”406237″]StevieC or is it Drusky, something told me you might enjoy this as i’ve seen one of you do Limericks:

    There was a young sailor from Brighton
    Who said to his girl, “You’re a tight ‘un.”
    She replied, “‘Pon my soul,
    You’re in the wrong hole.
    There’s plenty of room in the right ‘un.”
    😉 :lol:[/quote]

    There’s a wrong hole? 😯

  35. StevieC Avatar

    [quote comment=”406223″]AYPWIP? I think so, but where will we find a 24-hour leather underwear shop in this neighborhood? Dave?[/quote]

    Ummm, in this neighbourhood, they’re pretty much on every corner – right across the street from the Sixbucks coffee shop.

  36. lindajo Avatar

    I heard they were huge. :wtf:

  37. Meagan Avatar

    [quote comment=”406229″][quote comment=”406227″]Mine came back too…seems there’s been some more back-door tweaking going on at Zilla Central Command.[/quote]

    There has always been some back-door tweaking on this site… see Meagan, Astryd, Mandy, …etc… all Zilla-gurls fit that description…[/quote]

    Back-door tweaking, spanking, stedging, etc… We’ve done it all! 😛 :wang:

  38. Drusky Avatar

    Dave, I still can’t get my avatar. I get : Warning: imagejpeg() [function.imagejpeg]: Unable to open ‘/home/linabury/public_html/wp-content/avatars/254.jpg’ for writing: Permission denied in /home/linabury/public_html/wp-content/plugins/cmdavatar.php on line 92
    File upload failed.

    Am I doing this wrong or is this your way of showing me the door? 😥 😡

  39. Cobe Avatar

    Looks like something out of Leggo Land.

  40. Davezilla Avatar

    Drusky please try again. Here’s a link to a fresh copy of your avatar: http://www.davezilla.com/254.jpg

    Let me know if you have any troubles after this.

    Junkman, I think you are reposting BigWaveDave’s error because that error points to his mouse avatar, not a chimp. Can you tell me what the jpg name is? Ex. Drusky’s was 254.jpg

  41. Timm Avatar

    The picture: That ain’t Michael Phelps!

    But hey, I found out that Michael Phelps and I have something in common. It’s called Attention Deficit Disorder. 😀

  42. OC Beavis Avatar
    OC Beavis

    [quote comment=”406241″]And for those of you who haven’t yet joined me…

    Love y’all!![/quote]

    Quite possibly the most erotic (non-porn) 4 minutes committed to film. Ever. However, I am considerably biased towards Ms. Hayek’s charms.