Captiontime #247

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  1. tom sparks pouts in his panties as his brother burns his house down. πŸ‘Ώ

  2. Kennyh2o

    I think it’s a fashion fail .Blue hat,red shoes and a non matching thong. that is just tacky!

  3. Avalon

    Due to budget cuts the Amsterdam fire brigade has had to scale down a bit.

  4. [quote comment=”405746″]Anyone else have deja vu? Lung? :P[/quote]

    I’m trying to have alzheimer’s deja vu and forget that this looks familiar.

  5. [quote comment=”405746″]Anyone else have deja vu? Lung? :P[/quote]
    Did I run this before? I have another one if so. 😯

  6. [quote comment=”405770″][quote comment=”405746″]Anyone else have deja vu? Lung? :P[/quote]
    Did I run this before? I have another one if so. 8O[/quote]

    April 11, 2007 Not what I will be wearing

  7. these shoes, they are protecting me from fire! What, I should wear the pants in fire?, they are teh good pants only. Helmet is fashion accessory, to making me look good for when reporters come. How you not know this?

  8. frufh

    Is that a baseball bat uphis wazoo? Those are the ugliest baseball spikes I have ever seen

  9. junkman

    where there’s tom there’s fire? 😈

  10. [quote comment=”405778″]April 11, 2007 Not what I will be wearing[/quote]
    They say the mind is the first thing to go. πŸ˜•

    A new post is on its way!

  11. Spud

    Not before I say something incredibly witty funny and terribly amusing that will turn the whole place upside down with uproarious laughter. I let you know when it arrives.

  12. tomsparks

    my brother has munchausen syndrome ,for those of you that are so quick to criticize. if u even know what that is.

  13. [quote comment=”405831″]my brother has munchausen syndrome ,for those of you that are so quick to criticize. if u even know what that is.[/quote]
    So now you’re concerned with your brother. Funny. Only yesterday you said:
    [quote comment=”404706″]I don’t think anyone really wants to hear about ur medical problems do they? If they say they do they’re lying. I’ve got a brother that lays that crap on me every time we see each other. Thank the lord I haven’t seen him lately.[/quote]

  14. [quote comment=”405831″]my brother has munchausen syndrome ,for those of you that are so quick to criticize. if u even know what that is.[/quote]

    You also barfed out “I’ve got a brother that lays that crap on me every time we see each other. Thank the lord I haven’t seen him lately.”

    Why should we give a fuck when you obviously don’t? We can give you all the sympathy that you want, but sincerity will cost you extra.

  15. tomsparks

    Can’t believe u suckers fell for it. I got u more interested in me than the subject at hand. Please, keep with what’s going on, not with me. I don’t care what u think don’t u know that by now? I could lead u around by ur noses all day long and u wouldn’t even be aware of it. If u must keep on showing ur ignorance,keep right on replying. Ha ha ha ha.

  16. [quote comment=”405831″]my brother has munchausen syndrome ,for those of you that are so quick to criticize. if u even know what that is.[/quote]

    Indefensible as his post, yesterday, was, and knowing that to expect actual remorse was way too much to anticipate, charmingly avoiding anything akin to an apology,He delivers one last “group-directed” slur. Am I correct in assuming that someone with Aspargers may not be the best judge of “munchausen” and his brother’s actual diagnosis.

    Perhaps his brother’s brother needs a keeper?

  17. tomsparks

    Hey Pablo, fuck u and ur bull. U did it again. Ha ha ha ha, moron.

  18. Lake Effect

    Thanks Dave. It took me a year and 4 months to forget this pic.

    (btw – Wow…that tourette’s is ugly, eh? )

  19. [quote comment=”405955″]Hey Pablo, fuck u and ur bull. U did it again. Ha ha ha ha, moron.[/quote]

    Let me quote from the Bible “Go forth and fuck thyself” Ok I paraphrased, but just take your unwanted flaming asshole back to San Francisco and put someones dick where your mouth is.

    PS. If you can’t spell, don’t type.

  20. chainstay

    WOW! is this exciting or what!?

  21. Drusky

    Tom’s mom couldn’t force him to wear clothes today on his way to the short bus,.. but at least he wore his helmet… πŸ˜†

  22. dave, ordinarily i couldn’t give a rat’s ass, but it looks like we’ve got ourselves an infestation of that new, horrid breed the ‘lulztroll’, typically identified by statements indicating massive delusions of grandeur and a completley spurious belief in some form of manifest destiny. near as i figure it, we can have the site fumigated and rendered safe with relative ease (personally, i endorse the use of napalm and thermite bombs to erase the residue, and then salting the earth and possibly tracking down whatever hive spawned it and destroying that as well).

  23. [quote comment=”406147″]dave, ordinarily i couldn’t give a rat’s ass, but it looks like we’ve got ourselves an infestation of that new, horrid breed the ‘lulztroll’, typically identified by statements indicating massive delusions of grandeur and a completley spurious belief in some form of manifest destiny. near as i figure it, we can have the site fumigated and rendered safe with relative ease (personally, i endorse the use of napalm and thermite bombs to erase the residue, and then salting the earth and possibly tracking down whatever hive spawned it and destroying that as well).[/quote]

    As I mentioned previously, if you ignore it, it will leave.

  24. If that’s all he’s got left from the fire, he should just throw his own ass into it(I know it’s a repost, but I was gone for awhile)….

    Speaking of gone for awhile, I completely understand what you are going through with the colon cancer, Dave…from a personal point of view(I never thought of a can of tomato soup…but you’re right)…not fun at all……good luck, and I hope it is a long while before they find any polyps……


  25. julesOdeNile

    [quote comment=”405782″][quote comment=”405778″]April 11, 2007 Not what I will be wearing[/quote]
    They say the mind is the first thing to go. πŸ˜•

    A new post is on its way![/quote]
    Dear Dave,
    Dude, don’t put yourself out in the open like this. It’s all i can do to keep from asking exactly what that procedure involved. the mind? really? πŸ˜€

  26. julesOdeNile

    what the “talented Mr. tomspasrks” misses by galaxy is, at ZillaVille we are all about deviating from the topic at hand. the topic at hand merely gives us an joyous excuse to review Mandy’s and the Z-girls latest offerings.

    That said, i submit this, Mr tamponsparks, i know you figure yourself a funny guy when you wake up in the morning, that’s all well and good, now just give your self a hug and walk away. groping for attention like this is just pathetic. and if your brother is in need of people like us who care when a citizen of ZillaVille is deserving, he’s welcome. you may now leave.

    yours faithfully,
    Self-appointed voice of reason
    with special knowledge in the culture and language of the Dick-in-Ass people: a hard to ignore race of humans that leave a butt stink everywhere they visit.

    Ps. We could take pleasure in making this ALL ABOUT YOU AND TARE YOU A NEW ONE, FUCKER! πŸ‘Ώ

  27. Detritus

    Wow! You guys are great lmfao. Just added this to my Yahoo page and clicked this link.. For me it’s not funny unless someone is getting hurt physically, mentally or emotionally. πŸ‘Ώ It’s always nice and so much easier when there’s a volunteer. Keep up the good work tomsparks, be the best damn target you can be! πŸ˜‰

  28. julesOdeNile

    [quote comment=”406275″]Wow! You guys are great lmfao. Just added this to my Yahoo page and clicked this link.. For me it’s not funny unless someone is getting hurt physically, mentally or emotionally. πŸ‘Ώ It’s always nice and so much easier when there’s a volunteer. Keep up the good work tomsparks, be the best damn target you can be! ;-)[/quote]
    Did i mention , self appointed? so welcome, Detritus, the ZilaaGirls will be with you shortly. And there pleanty of pain ahead. you’ll love it so much you’ll wanna Cum back often :wang: πŸ˜‰ :boob: :knickers: :thong: :wang: πŸ˜†

  29. julesOdeNile

    πŸ‘Ώ πŸ‘Ώ *ZillaGirls** πŸ‘Ώ πŸ‘Ώ morning finger turret’s syndrome! πŸ‘Ώ damn it!

  30. julesOdeNile

    [quote comment=”406256″]julesOdeNile, you are my hero[/quote]
    Well, Thanks Bro! have a beer on me, or what-ever purges thy thirst most effectively! πŸ˜‰

  31. [quote comment=”406300″][quote comment=”406256″]julesOdeNile, you are my hero[/quote]
    Well, Thanks Bro! have a beer on me, or what-ever purges thy thirst most effectively! ;-)[/quote]
    May I please have a beer on you?… 😳

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