I recently had my full physical examination from the doctor. All is well, although one comment from the nurse threw me a little. “We need a urine sample. Take this cup to the bathroom and hold it under the urine stream.” Had she used ‘your’ in place of ‘the’, I might not had noticed.
As a result, while I peed, I imagined being under the urine stream as a happy place, a fairytale land with dew-lit butterflies and gamboling elves. Perhaps even a poem. Under the Urine Stream, by Walt Whitman. Rime of the Ancient Uriner, by Coleridge.
And why must it be a stream? What if you had a raging urine river? Here’s some other titles I thought up as I held my cup under the urine stream.
- The Babbling Urine Brook
- Noah’s Ark and the Urine Flood
- A Tribute to the Urine Tributary
- The Quiet Urine Creek
- The Urine Well
- Sailing the Urine Seas
- The Fountain of Urine
- Ten Days Alone: Yellow-Water Rafting in Colorado
- And I cannot resist, On Golden Pond
- What titles can you come up with?
46 responses to “On Golden Shower Pond”
Occurrence At Owl Urine Bridge
Urine writing in the snow
urine targeting
“four score and seven yellow streams ago”
Golden clothes by the yellow stream
Under The Urine Sun.
Big Trouble In Little Urine.
Urine Trouble, Charlie Brown.
p. p. cummings – of happy faces pissed in snow
paul bowles – let it come down
harry crews – where does one go when there’s no place left to go?
sylvia plath – crossing the water
margaret atwood – the penelo’pee’ad
patti smith – pissing in a river
andres serrano – piss christ
c.s. lewis – the chronicles of urinia
henry miller – the waters reglitterized
lou peed – pew sensations
A Urine Stream Runs Through It
THE STAND (and urinate); THE SHINING urine; SALEM’S LOT of urine; IT urinated; FIRE STARTER (it burns, it burns when I pee!); MISERY (I can’t pee); GERALD’S GAME (piss on the toilet seat); INSOMNIA (I gotta go again); SECRET WINDOWS (to piss out of); THINNER (man, I really had to piss!); DESPERATION (I really gotta go piss); STORM OF THE CENTURY (aaah, much better); and BLAZE (dammit, it still burns when I piss!).
No man is an island but when you pee, urination.
This has the makings of a really bad theme park. Could you immagine the log ride?
Thank National Lampoon for this one:
Whether you are pissed off or pissed on, urine the Punk generation.
Alien Urination
If you follow sports, how about ‘The Raider Urination”
If Dave had used his camera phone while peeing, would he have shot ‘streaming video’?
If he was listening to Dolly Parton, would it have been ‘Islands In The Stream’?
The Urinator
Urine Big Trouble In Little Chinatown
You’re A Peein’ Vacation
Urine The Movies
Urine Man
Honey, I Urinated On The Kids
The Man With Two Streams
For you horror fans – Stream and Stream 2
a lighter shade of pale…yellow
the whizzard of oz
the yellow submarine
old yeller
il nage dans la pisscine
wee wee herman
tinkle tinkle little star
hey someone took a leak in my dribble cup
dr. leaky i presume?
peepee le pew
my heart pumps toilet water
urine no position to be relieving yourself from duty
pees in a pod
flomax by upjohn
you’re #1 in my books ❗
And in the book section:
Unsafe To Pee At Any Speed
Uri Nader
To Pee Or Not To Pee
William Shakespeter
ordinary peeple
jerusalem the golden by margaret dribble
broke back fountain
the trickle down theory
honey, i wet my pants 2
bedwets and broomsticks
cobladderal damage
Old Man and the Pee
Pee Ess: Your readers are a rather literary bunch. I’ve really got to get off of MySpace…
Yellow river by Ip freely
Trails in the sand by peter dragon
Hope they dont tell you your pregnut
When urine Rome, dew like the Romans dew.
Urine My Heart (“Rod” Stewart)
Urine Love: Charlie Brown
Urine The Navy Now (old flick)
National Lampoon’s Yer A’Peein’ Vacation
And the ever-popular protector of undergarment consumers everywhere: Ralph Uri Nader!
Mr Zilla, sir, if you indeed reside in Royal Toke, then you are not too far from Port Urine, over there where the BW bridge heads to S’narnia.
Wow, I got to use my one locational p joke, how about that.
Finding yourself in a piss poor mood? Well, Urine luck! Take a trip. First, fly to L.A. for a Dodger’s game. After making this stadium stop, fly to the Europeean inContinence. Then on to Italy to see the Leaning Tower of Peesa. After you get to Germany, be sure to take a dip in the Urhine. From there, go visit St. Peetersburg and see the latest Sex Pisstols concert. After that, hop a plane to Hawaii and watch the tide ebb and flow at Wa-pee-pee beach. End your trip in the US by visiting Peeattle, WA. Worried about this jaunt draining your stream of income? It’ll be ok if you book this trip on Expeedia.com. so you won’t piss away your money. The benefits to you will trickle in.
Sometimes my favorite ride at Walt Disney World is Pass Water Falls!
Dancing in line,
waiting too long.
Oh screw it,
I’ll pee on the lawn. 😛
Rusty Bed Springs by I.P. Nightly. (somebody had to say it)
The Gargling
The Gargling 11
Revenge of The Garglors
Miss Pisspots health guide for young women
If you’re American in the kitchen, what are you in the bathroom?
Yer-a-pein! (European)
Dave, urine good hands with all these ideas.
[quote comment=”450003″]THE STAND (and urinate); THE SHINING urine; SALEM’S LOT of urine; IT urinated; FIRE STARTER (it burns, it burns when I pee!); MISERY (I can’t pee); GERALD’S GAME (piss on the toilet seat); INSOMNIA (I gotta go again); SECRET WINDOWS (to piss out of); THINNER (man, I really had to piss!); DESPERATION (I really gotta go piss); STORM OF THE CENTURY (aaah, much better); and BLAZE (dammit, it still burns when I piss!).[/quote]
Patrick, you son-of-a-gun! i almost peed my pants! 😀
[quote comment=”450005″]No man is an island but when you pee, urination.[/quote]
(mine’s not an original but… 🙄 )
As you arrive at the city limits a big sign proclaims “Welcome, Urine Sample. the city of Sample is a Historic one boasting many notable events and geological facts…
Urinedewayame, a tale of one man’s journey to find a safe place to piss
PISS!, an off-broadway play starring Blue Man Group
Yer in deep shit ……. 😛
Clearly not. :dead:
[quote comment=”451773″]WHAT A STUPID TOPIC….[/quote]
oh like yourine the know about smart topics? what’s the NC stand for? Non Comprendez? :gay:
[quote comment=”451773″]WHAT A STUPID TOPIC….[/quote]
Well piss on you!
Apparently not too stupid if NC (no charge, non-com, Norf Caroliner, nut case) keeps reading and responding. Such a piss-tol. :limp: He’s all wet.
Excuse my gender specifism; NC might be a female or even a herm. If this is the case, I sincerly apologize for causing any splatter of bladder matter.
For my money, it was a brilliant topic, the responses were excellent.
It was funny, witty and it was our fearless benefactors twisted sick mind that thought it up in the first place.
How much better does it get.
“I’d give it a two thumbs up Jim” 😉 😉
:gay: 😛
[quote comment=”452447″]For my money, it was a brilliant topic, the responses were excellent.
It was funny, witty and it was our fearless benefactors twisted sick mind that thought it up in the first place.
How much better does it get.
“I’d give it a two thumbs up Jim”
😉 😉
:gay: :P[/quote]
yeah, so, Piss off NC. unless pissing on people (or being pissed on) get’s you off 👿 you came to Z-land for education, you no-funny-bone, piss ant? this ain’t school, this ain’t church, and this ain’t yo mamas house, you live-in-ma-mama’s-basement-and-just-got-a-camputie-machine-down-here-far-lookin-at-nekid-womins-pictures-mutha-fucka! yeah!
You getting the idea by now, NC? 😕 🙄
Well actually, since I have to monitor my urine to find out if medication is causing liver damage I don’t mind the comedic aspect of this topic. I was going to say “To pee, or not to pee” but StevieC beat me to it (haha). Too bad I keep losing my stream of thought.
Bridge Over The Urine Qwai